Dr. FATE Debuts

Somewhere in an underground temple,

After I don't know for how long I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that my perception of things around me has completely changed, the temple appears much more detailed even with a dim light.

"what the hell happened to me, fu…k you nabu you tried to take over my body"

Wait a second where is that cosmic bastard , I tried calling him a few times but there was no reply and after checking few more times and double checking that it is me who is in control of my my body I heaved a sigh of relief.

Then I got up from the stone slab and there were a few things near me, to my surprise those are helmet and a cloak, well I got mixed feelings about these things. I left those things aside and tried to search for the exit to this damned place, even after searching for a long time I don't see any exit

"how the hell did I come in this temple back then"

After thinking for a long while I knew that in order for me to leave here, magic maybe my only way out, then I took the hemet and the cloak in my hands , then all of a sudden my chest started glowing in some weird ancient symbol or I think it can be called as an Ankh I think.

I suddenly started levitating in mid air, I was panicking madly thinking that it may be another takeover/possession, in mid air the ankh glowed more brightly and the helm and the cloak latched onto my body and after a few seconds which seemed like a very long time to me , I suddenly opened my eyes I saw intrinsic lines around the temple which were not visible before and I was still levitating and I quickly checked my body and I exclaimed,

"holy hell my body is wrap in a blue suit with some weird Egyptian belt and boots, and the hell is this long cloak that is on my shouders and is this ankh my symbol, I feel like bloody superman"

After checking the checking the changes in my clothes or rather my superhero costume, and this time I feel that the helmet is not trying to take over me and it is extremely docile towards me, and checking the helmet of fate which now rests on my head , the world looks extremely slow and extremely detailed as well also, and wait a second "why the hell my voice sounds deep and mysterious" , thinking it may be due to helmet, well every superhero modulates his voice along with costume to hide his true identity , well I guess I got the whole package.

"well not bad for my superhero costume I guess" then I suddenly remembered to get out of here , I don't know how but the ability to use powers came naturally to my mind, as I performed some weird hand moments and vanished into thin air.

The temple once again fell silent after it's first and maybe the last guest left.

Somewhere above a city a figure suddenly apperared out of nowewhere, clad in a blue clothes with a golden helmet, belt and boots and a long cloak, well it was none other than chris.

"the hell I am finally out of that damned place and now I am litrally a superhero I am so excited right now "

"I don't know how I performed that teleportation a second back then easily, but it felt very natural for me as if I have been using it for a long while, I still don't know what these artifacts are capable of but I need to find it slowly over time"

Then I suddenly saw a city beneath me and I flew down slowly, as soon as I landed on the tallest building I heard a scream from far away I was amazed at my massive increase in perception around me, I quickly locked on to the origin of the voice and quickly flew in that direction while flying I saw a beautiful girl around 18 or 19, with blonde hair, running from a group of thugs, I quickly flew down and settled those thugs quicly and the girl looked at me in a daze but quickly recovered and said "thank you mr"

I was surprised to look that the girl was not afraid of me being a dark alley and a person wearing a weird helmet the hell even I would be afraid , then I looked at the girl curiously , she feels somewhat familiar as if I have seen her somewhere,

I flew into the air before the girl and said in a heroic way "I am dr. fate" and then I flew away , the girl looked into the sky where chris disappeared into in an admiring way and then suddenly her phone rang

"laurel where the hell are you at this late hours, you know the city is dangerous at night, get home right now"

"I am coming dad" she finally looked finally towards the sky again and hurriedly went off , meanwhile chris who was listening to it from a tall building was dumbstruck.

"the hell she is laurel lance, but why is she so young," then I hurriedly saw a newspaper lying insanely far away from me, the year being 2006.

"the hell did I travel to the past starling city, not good I don't want to screw the timeline like barry I should think of a way to go back ", then I searched for a way back to 2010 , after searching for something that could take me back with the help of helmet, I performed another hand seals not sure wether it will work or not, the ankh glowed brightly and I vanished.


A figure fell in a white room

"the hell I should work on my landings" i felt extremely tired after getting up, but I still looked at somewhat familiar white room as i surveyed it, it looked oddly familiar to me and then suddenly a voice came from a small podium where my hand was checking right now,

"welcome dr fate, I'm gideon"