it's gideon

I was surprised by looking at the AI infront of me called Gideon, well atleast I know I'm in central city but what about the year then.

Chris in mysterious voice asked " who are you or rather what are you"

even if I know Gideon from show, I am still trying to act surprised, well I definetly can try for Oscars for my performance ha ha I smiled like a fool in my head.

"my name is Gideon an artificial intelligence system created by barry allen in future"

Duh! I certainly know what are you but what I want to know is how you know me

Chris "do you know who I am gideon"

"yes, dr. fate a mysterious entity, with powers incomprehensible the real identity unknown and also one of the founders of...…."

Chris "ok that's enough Gideon" I cutted her off just like barry in the show, because the timeline is not the same with my appearance in the arrowverse.

Sigh, I don't know what changes will happen because of my presence but let's take the things one step at a time because this time around I'm here to stay I smiled under the helmet and write my own legacy.

Chris "ah! Gideon what year is this " , I almost forgot to enquire about the year, the world is already changing because of my presence and I certainly don't want more chaos to follow.

"dr. fate, the year is 2013, do you need anything more"

What the hell I'm in 2013 , not good I need to go back,

"no Gideon and why are you being so cooperative wth me"

"mr barry programmed to trust you"

The hell that fellow is unbelievable, but I need to leave this place quickly before something bad happens, before leaving I turned and asked Gideon " Gideon can you keep our meeting a secret"

"no problem dr. fate"

I tried to use my time travelling ability once again but a overwhelming dizziness came over

"it seems that I have overused my powers, I guess my present body can't handle another time travel"

Sigh, but anyways I have to leave here first , I don't want eobard thawne to know me right now, and after using my last available strength I teleported.

Just after chris left, in the white walls a door opened and a man in a wheel chair came in, after the door closed he stood from the wheelchair and went to small podium and

"Gideon is everything working according to the plan"

"yes, dr wells " Gideon replied

Chris appeared in a familiar small room ,after inspecting it he understood it to be his detective agency , feeling relieved and he took off his helmet and his dr fate costume reverted back into normal clothes,

"yes, i finally came back " , after checking that insides are all spotlessly clean I was surprised

"who could be cleaning this small P.I shop regularly for three years I must definitely thank them"

Chris felt extremely weak and he quickly layed on a sofa, just when he thought of sleeping a big explosion was heard outside, chris jumped at once and saw from his window that a white waves like clouds covered the entire central city.