Particle Accelerator Explodes

Barry finally came back to his lab in ccpd after attending dr. Harrison wells speech about how the particle accelerator is going to change the world as we know it, barry was geeking when he suddenly thought of his recent visit to the starling city, which also reminded him of the unpleasant event 3 years ago. Barry has been trying his best in his own (forensics) way to help catch the bad guys and bring them to justice.

Barry "it has been three years since then, your death has not been in vain, the girl you saved is well and good, may you rest in peace my friend"

For barry, chris was an important friend although their friendship was short lived. Chris became a good friend of barry in a short while maybe because he was a good guy or rather barry found the first person in his life who believed that the impossible exists in chris, either way chris became a good friend of barry.

While reminiscing barry saw through his labs window that rain was falling suddenly and he quickly went to close his rooftops window when he caught the the ropes to close the window then out of nowhere a lightning bolt came from the sky and through his labs window and hit him making him fall backwards, before losing consciousness he saw a guy with golden color helmet in the sky.

When chris saw through the window he immediately understood that the particle accelerator has exploded and it's waves are hitting almost the whole city and being closer to the star labs the more powerful are the dark matter waves. Chris had always thought why the whole city was not affected and only a portion of the city are affected while ironically thinking that fate works in mysterious ways.

Being closer to the star labs is his own agency, after a little thought I raised my hand and the helmet lying down in the hall flew towards chris and by itself it latched onto his head and he transformed instantly into superhero persona,

After transforming chris immediately flew through his window and the dark matter was unable to penetrate into his body as there seems to be a invisible layer shielding him,

I tried to save as many people as possible through teleporting people outside the range of the dark matter but my powers are not working properly maybe because my over physical exertion to travel in time back then and I realized I have not recovered properly yet and felt that there are many restrictions to using these powers when you are human, maybe for nabu physical exertion doen't matter well I guess being an alien has it's own perks I guess, but even then I tried doing my best but the damage was already done, afterwards I quickly flew towards ccpd and was just In time when barry was hit by a lightning bolt and fell backwards,

While looking at the unconscious barry I flew in the lab I took him up and teleported to a hospital and left him there and saying slowly under the helmet "rest my friend for you will become the impossible which you have been searching for your whole life"

After flying for a while I saw the damage the particle accelerator explosion did to the city , not everybody can get powers through dark matter , many people died as well, I was feeling very angry towards eobard thawne for his sociopath attitude but decided not to act now and to wait till barry wakes up.

After helping people in my own way in the aftermath of the explosion, well I didn't shy away from the people and there were people clicking my pictures as well, as I know that after a few months there will be people who will gain superpowers and not all of them are good guys.

Sigh, after helping till midnight, i flew into the sky and returned to my agency and after taking down the helmet, I sighed to myself and thought that in a few months all shit will break loose upon central city.

Early morning I got up from the bed and washed myself up and I decided to visit barry in the hospital.

The helmet I sent it to the space in the amulet and yes, the amulet of Anubis has a separate space inside it so I can put and take out things without any problem of being stolen.

I reached the hospital where it was too lively because of yesterdays events as I reached the room and watched from outside, where barry was lying on the bed in a coma, and a pretty black girl was crying by barry's side and I instantly recognized her as iris west, the future wife of barry allen, and our good old joe was also standing beside in extreme anguish.

I slowly walked in the room and stood besides iris and said "don't worry he will be absolutely fine and he will come back to us"

Iris was surprised at seeing me, well this being the first time iris and I met.

Just then joe looked towards me hearing my words and he jumped up in extreme shock and after a little while coming back from his shock he asked "are you chris rogers"

I looked at joe and knew why he was so shocked at seeing me, well if a dead man walks up to me even I would be shocked beyond belief as well also, after hearing my name from joe, iris was also shaken up quite a bit,

Chris "det. Joe we meet again, how have you been"