After 3 Months

It has been 3 months since I debuted as a superhero in central city and believe me I was pretty busy trying to stop ordinary crime, yeah you guyzz heard it right it was basically ordinary crime because till now no metas has appeared in central city, if I'm not wrong it should have been around the time when barry wakes up.

Keeping aside the other stuff I have mastered some of my powers like levitation, and I can sure as hell manipulate magnetic fields around me (well like magneto of x men), and I realized I have superhuman strength , and a bit time travelling ability and maybe dimensional hopping as well also although I'm not so sure.

It would rather be said that dr fate has become pretty popular with the people of central city.

Meanwhile chris is in star labs,

Chris "hey cisco how's barry doing"

Cisco "hey chris still no reaction"

And yes I have made myself pretty familiar within star labs and it's people.

Then I looked towards Caitlin snow who was too cold to approach, I mean even without her other persona. Well I can guess the pain she has been going though.

Chris " hey Caitlin how are you doing"

Caitlin looked at me and smiled a little and didn't say anything else , then cisco came besides me and said "don't take offence chris she's not how she's used to be since her fiancée died"

I looked at her again and sighed I guess there's more pain to come in her life later on.

Then I saw a man in a wheelchair coming towards me and believe me I have to be really vigilant towards this particular guy,

" mr chris how are you"

Chris "I am fine dr wells, just dropped in to check on barry"

Wells "well his situation is still stable and there's nothing to worry about"

Chris " well I believe it dr wells, well then I will take my leave"

Saying that I quickly came out of star labs, I don't know why I get creeps around this wells or rather eobard thawne, it's as if I can sense evil or rather negative energy in scientific terms, if I'm not wrong this is also a ability of fate.

After chris went away dr wells came to a secret room and after entering the room he suddenly stood up and waved his hand on a podium and suddenly a hologram appeared,

Gideon "good evening dr wells what can I do for you"

Wells "Gideon is there any changes in the timeline"

Gideon "no dr wells everythings fine and no signs of tempering with the timeline"

Wells " and gideon give me all the information you know about a man called dr fate"

Gideon started reciting the info "dr fate debuted at the time of particle accelerator explosion and was initially believed as a meta but later it was categorized as a mysterious being with powers derived from unknown source, dr fate is also known as one of the founders of..."

Wells stopped Gideon and asked " is there no way to unravel his identity"

Gideon " I'm afraid not dr wells"

Wells " is there change for flash Gideon "

Gideon then displayed a newspaper from 2024

Dr wells thought deeply for a while and left the room.

Chris came to his agency/home and from outside he observed that his door was wide open when it should have been locked, after seeing the door open I instantly became vigilant, as I slowly approached inside the agency and saw a woman sitting in one of the chairs while only her back was visible to me,

I immediately went and used my fingers as gun behind her back and said " you move even a little and off goes your head "

As I said again " now slowly turn around and don't try anything funny "

She slowly turned around and looked at me and said " well this certainly isn't the welcome I had in my mind chris"

I got surprised at seeing her " alena maybe if you had come like any other normal person you would have got your welcome"

Alena " normal entry what's the fun in that chris"

Chris " I guess you didn't change at all alena, maybe I should improve the locking system"

Alena and chris laughed for a while and thought about their childhood days and chilled till the night.

Chris " so what brings you to central city alena"

Alena "well will you believe me if I say I came to see my good not so dead friend "

Chris " well alive is good"

Alena " yup you certainly are alive and somewhat similar to oliver queen feat of coming back alive after 5 years"

Chris " believe there is nothing similar to oliver queen and me"

Chris " now enough of the small talk and get on with the truth now alena "

Alena " you know me so well chris, let's just say I got into a little shit and I need to lay low for a while here"

Chris looked at alena and asked " is it serious alena"

Alena " nothing too serious chris just lay low for a while and everything settles after that "

I didn't ask anything more from her because everybody has their own share of secrets and I gave her my room upstairs and I slowly sank into sleep in my sofa downstairs.

I entered a dream like state where I saw a house where many crows were circling around it and a small girl about 10 years was shouting in very high pitch or the highest pitch I have ever heard and I saw that the eyes of that girl were completely pitch black and she was slightly levitating.

And I suddenly got from my sofa and saw that I was in my house and there were no signs of the small girl, and I observed that I was sweating too much.

I got up from my sofa and drank water and began to think about the dream which was recurring from the last 1 month or so. I wouldn't have cared about it if not for the fact that this is the first time I have sensed this amount of negative energy from a person after becoming dr fate.

After taking a bath I decided to meet that girl in my dream and if my guess is correct she should be her.