Trouble Comes Knocking

Time slowly came into midnight but thinking again that little girl might be a danger to others and herself also, but that's something I have to check myself to confirm.

Then I saw Alena coming down from above and greeted her " good morning Alena what brings you down at this hour"

Alena "is everything ok Chris I heard you screaming sometime ago"

I thought for a while and got surprised that I screamed because of that dream, maybe I was doing it all along since a month, but since I lived alone nobody noticed it before. I guess I can't delay this anymore. I have got to act quickly before it is too late.

Chris " nothing to worry alena, it's just a bad nightmare, that's all"

I seriously don't want to worry her with this issue, she already has her plate full of problems.

Alena looked at me seriously and said " is it true Chris you know you always hide your problems so as not to be a burden to others"

wow this is the first time I got to know something about predessesor and boy we have something in common huh!

Chris " well I don't think you should be the one to say that"

Alena understood what I meant by that then looked at me seriously and turned around to go upstairs when suddenly we heard a calling bell ringing,

Alena walked towards the door to open when I suddenly stopped her and asked her " are you expecting anybody at this hour alena"

Alena " no I thought someone's for you "

Chris " it's 12 in the midnight and I sure as hell know that nobody would come for me or anyone at this hour alena"

I don't know why but something feels terribly off and Suddenly my senses started tingling(well I named it fate sense) and I immediately jumped at the fastest speed possible towards Alena and made her fall to the ground, the moment we hit the ground a three to four bullets passed through the same place in which Alena stood like a fraction of a second before and hit the walls of the house.

There was continuous shower of bullets one followed by another and another and so on.

Alena shivered in shock and became unconscious and i slided while carrying alena to the closet behind the stairs. I quickly put on the helmet transforming into Dr fate persona and teleported us out of my home.

I fell on the floor(still needs to work on my landing though) along with Alena who was in my embrace, I turned around and fell on my back so as not to hurt her.

After a while I stood up and looked around for a while, there are towering buildings and this city looks pretty dark and a ominous feeling that it may be decaying slowly, I don't know why but this city reeks of negative energy.

Wait a minute, I think I was here before but not able to rememember, as I was lost in my thoughts a very sharp arrow flew by me and hit the wall behind me.

I looked above me and thought to myself oh! boy now this is unexpected