A change is gonna come Part II

As I stood in the office, my mind when blank when I saw him. Why is Diego here? He's been in Odessa for more than his entire life, why down here?

"Are you gonna speak up Sean?"

Said Mr Moon, he had a confused face when he seen me look uncomfortable,

"Uh ye-, yes sir,"

I say in a uneasy tone, I went ahead and spoke,

"So you and Sandy wanted to come down to say hi?"

He responds,

"Oh no, we are staying down here with Máma(My Dads sister Lisa) my mom got a new job down here so I'm going here for the meantime,"

Such an odd way for me not to respond, hell Diego never done anything to me, it's just the others, but in any case I won't let the drama stuff happen again,

"Ok Diego, this gives us time to you know, catch up again,"

I say with a unwavering answer,

"So why instrument are you playing Diego?"

I ask,

"Oh I'm playing Trumpet at the moment, since there are no guitar sections,"

He responds, I that point I wondered, so he did play guitar, but did he want to?

"Do you really want to play that?"

I ask,

"Well yes and no, Popo(My Tio Hector) wants me to, but he still forces me to learn so why not, but I played Trumpet in 8th grade so I know how to play a bit,"

I answer,

"Ohhh ok-"

"Hey Sean!"

Joe calls me from the others side of the band hall,

"Tell the new guy to come him here, I'll show him around the hall."

I respond,

"Ok! Hey I think they want to talk to you-"

"Oh hey Diego!"

A girl walks in and goes up to him, Mr Moon still in the back getting papers, as she walks in she grabs his hands and pulls him out, on his way out he stops real quick and puts his hand on my shoulder, me looking away from him, he says in my ear,

"Oh and we got our own band too."

And he walks out the door. As I stood there I thought about what he said, did Hector start a new band? And Diego is in it? I mean great if it's going good, but I was still stunned to see him show up out of no where,

"Ok Sean let's head back and finish, I only got two more trombones left so after that we'll go back in and learn the music,"

Mr Moon says, I respond,

"Yes sir."

And we walked back in the brass room.


Right after the tests, we went back in and learned the piece, it was a fun one knowing I would have a fun part, but shortly after everything, everyone went back into the band hall, and we had a lecture on when to come, and where to go, shortly after that Joe comes up to me,

"Hey Sean that Diego dude is wayyyy cooler than you,"

I respond,

"Wait, your talking about my cousin Diego?"

Joe looks at me confused,

"He's your cousin!?"

I answer,

"Yes dip shit, what did he say?"

Joe responds,

"Well as soon as he walked in and we showed him the place, we had time to talk while everyone else tested, man Sean he told us he was in a band, and that he plays guitar, and he pulls girls, even the one in our section likes him, so he is really really cool!"

I had an uneasy look on my face, I ask,

"What did he say the name of the band was?"

He answers,

"Oh yeah he said it's called La Odea , or something like that idk Sean, why?"

I respond with a smirk,

"Hm. It's Idea, but alright thank you,"

Joe asks,

"Why? Are you in it too, do you play in it?"

I answer,

"Well Joe here's the thi-"

"Hey Joe!"

I looked around to see who said that, and it was Diego,

"Oh hey Diego we are just talking what's up?"

Joe says, Diego answers,

"Na I'm just seeing what your up too today, wanna hang out?"

I looked at Joe with a death stare, is Diego really trying to take my friends away from me? Already??

"Uh yeah sure, Sean gotta go hang with his hoes anyways,"

Joe says, I reply,

"Joe really? Nevermind you guys have a good day."

As I say that while I'm leaving, Diego Says,

"Want to go to Sean?"

I answer,

"Thanks but no thanks, maybe next time."

That was rude of me, I mean he is my cousin that I haven't seen in a while, and I declined his invite, but nevertheless I wanted to tell my parents. so I left the building and went into the car with my mom and took off home, she seen my face with a unwavering look, she doesn't ask until we head home.


As I leave the car and enter the house, my mom follows behind me and asks,

"Hey Sean what's the problem?"

I answer,

"Uh I seen someone today, and you would've love to hear."

My mom looks at me surprised and says okay and goes into the house. As I enter my room to charge my phone on my charger, my dad enters and asks,

"Aye, you momma said you had something to say."

I reply,

"Yes I know, go into the living room and I'll talk."

When they enter the living room, they feel a little worried, I say aloud,

"Now don't get to fed up right now, it ain't nothing bad for y'all two."

They look confused, and my dad says,

"So the hell you see today?"


Both of there eyes widened, my mom asks,

"So where the hell is Sandy staying at?-

"They are staying at Tia Lisa's house for now , from what he told me,"

"Got damn did Sandy lose the trailer?"

My dad says, I reply,

"Well I don't know, Sandy wanted to come here bc of a job she got.-

"What is the job she got?"

My mom asks,

"I don't know mom I just live here,"

"Boy I'll beat your ass for being smart!-

"I'm not even being a smart butt, I'm just telling you I don't know why she is at the moment!"

The room becomes a stand still, and my mom speaks,

"Ok so what did he say? Did he ask you to go hang out?"

I answer,

"Well yes mom, but I don't really want to hang out especially just barely seeing each other again, I mean he took my friends already and he hasn't been here a day, so I don't know."

As we continued to talk about what happened today, my sister comes in after her workout, she says aloud,

"Mom someone's outside!"

My mom looks as she is scared, she gets up and goes to the living room window, and peeks open the curtain, and says,

"Oh hell"

My dad says,

"Who is it?"

As my dad said that, the person inside of the vehicle gases it, almost like a same sound I heard before, I say aloud,

"Mom, Dad, I think Tio Hector is here..."
