
Anaya's eyes darkened. A chill ran down her spine hearing about that person. "I know... I'm always on guard ever since." she took a long deep breath to calm herself down to shrug off that bitter memory. " Sandy you already know that he can't do anything to me as long as I'm in country A and I really have no plans to leave my country any time soon given my busy schedule. Also I don't want to to be affected by thinking about that person anymore. So don't be a worrywart and focus on your own life stupid."

"I get it. But I can't give up on tracking him. I'll never take risk with your life again Naaya. I would be talking to your pic in wall with flowers now, if we hadn't save you on time that night and it still haunts me." Sandy replied with a deep voice.

"So ask me for anything except this. Discussion over "he said with a heavy tone leaving no room for discussions.

" Ok. As you wish. But don't increse your stress and BP by thinking about him all the time ok. You two have been through too much to be finally able to be together so don't ruin your love life because of it or else your baby will haunt me for ages for ruining your health." she said jokingly, not wanting to continue with their previous conversation. She knew that he wouldn't listen to her anyway.

Sandy saw through her intention and played along with her. He knew that discussion will only ruin her mood. " Hey!!!! don't talk bad about my baby ok. My baby's equally worried about you and won't ever say anything to you. You are equally important for both of us"

" Important or not, but I'm not talking to your baby. Atleast you message me from time to time but that brat has completely forgotten about me infront of you" She said seeming a little angry.

" I'll forward your message. It's between you guys and I've no intention to be a third wheel in this cold war. " he chuckled. He has already gotten used to their fighting like this. He knew that at the end of the day they were still best friends. So he would just enjoy their bickering from the side like he always do.

" Oh by the way how's Dheer? I mean how's your married life going? Does he take care of you properly? If not tell me, I'll teach him a lesson for this. I so regret to miss your wedding. How can you get married so without us? We didn't even get a chance to meet him and know about him." he asked suddenly.

Anaya was flabbergasted by this sudden question. At the time of her wedding, these two bestfriends of hers were going through a very rough time and couldn't attend their wedding. And she couldn't put it off any further as Dheer's parents had already waited so long for her so Anaya's parents didn't want to make them wait any longer. So they couldn't attend her wedding and get to know about Dheer. After that she didn't want to bother them at that time because of her situation so hadn't told them anything.

Now that everything was fine on their end, she didn't want to ruin their hardly gained happiness with her problems again. Of course she'll let them know, but not now. She wanted them to enjoy their happiness a little more before letting them know everything. So after a pause of a second she replied

" Don't worry. Dheer's a great man and takes care of me really well. I'm very happy with him. So enjoy your life a little more and come back soon. Then you can see for yourself."

Before he could ask anymore she brushed him off " You stupid man, you have already wasted half of my precious break time. Now let me have a meal or else I won't have any energy left to attend my patients."

" Ok. ok. I'm hanging up now. Take care of yourself and your patients. Love you Byee" Sandy's voice sounded.

"Byee " Anaya hung up on him and took a deep breath. Damn it's the first time she's lying to them. It's really hard than she thought.