I believe you

While Anaya was talking to Sandy, the room inside was turning colder by the second.

The entire time Anaya was talking to Sandy, the crowd inside was fully focused on her. Not missing a single expression on her face.

"Just who's she talking to, this happily. I've never seen her smiling this much the entire time we've been together as much she has smiled in the last five minutes." Dheer was pissed off.

" Maybe her friend or bestfriend. Aisa has the similar expressions when she's talking to Elisa or Eva." Arav commented.

Dheer tuned to Sam and Rehan for their opinion and they both nodded supporting Arav.

Only then Dheer felt a little relaxed.

As Anaya entered the room she saw everyone looking at her. " Ah! so sorry for this. I had to take this call. So Dheer, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? "

' Yes I'm uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. Just who were you talking to'

As if reading Dheers mind, Sam nudged him and reminded him to speak carefully.

" I'm feeling great. Never felt so fresh" Dheer said forcing a smile.

"It's great then. Nothing wrong is found with your body during the checkup, and all your reports are normal. You are as healthy as a horse physically now. Just don't take over stress again ok. Health comes first Mr. Dheer. Business matters are not as important as your health. Just take proper rest for a few days and you are free to go home now." Anaya said.

Dheer felt a little unhappy hearing this. He wanted to stay here a little more so that he could be near her and spend some time with her if there's a chance...

Dheer was discharged from the hospital after the discharge procedures were completed and he was taken straight to Sam's home. As none of them wanted to face Anshika now.

******Sam's home*****

"Now what?" Rehan asked after they settled down on the couches placed on the living room.

"We have to think of something to make Anshika leave Dheer's apartment. At the same time Dheer has to grab any chance to win Anaya's heart." Sam said.

"But before that, there's one more important thing to do"

Everyone looked at Elisa asking her to continue.

"So, Mr. Idiot, are you sure that you love Anaya and won't change your mind if you see any other dream which suddenly imply otherwise??" Elisa asked Dheer.

"What do you mean?? I already explained everything to you guys. Is this a reasonable question now! Of course I love Anaya." Dheer answered, irritated by her question.

"It's very reasonable ok. I don't want to waste my precious time and effort to matchmake you only to find out later that you don't love her. And don't forget that we will be ruining Anaya's life if this ever happen. So I won't help you until you prove it to me that you love her. Even if I'm your friend." Elisa said righteously.

"Although she's a bit sharp with her words but it's true. Think it over Dheer. If this happen one day, then we will be ruining Anaya's life. So just be sure of your feelings first, before courting Anaya" Sam said.

Elisa gave a 'I told you so' look to Dheer.

"You don't understand guys. What I felt in my dream was real. It couldn't be fake. The pain I felt when I saw her getting married to another man was enough to kill me. Even now when I think about it, I feel my heart ache. I really love her. You know they say that you only value someone once they leave you. It was what happened to me. I can't loose her in real life. I really can't. It'll kill me" Dheer said burrowing his face in his palms, looking pained.

" Are you sure?" it was Elisa again.

"One hundred percent. Never been so sure in my life" he answered determined.

" I believe you" Sam said suddenly.

Everyone looked at Sam.

"He's not lying. Believe me. His expressions, body language and his eyes all are indicating that he's telling the truth and really has fallen in love with Anaya. I will quit my practice and surrender my degree the day I'm proven wrong" his lips slightly turned upwards, a hint of confidence evident on his face.