
****Dheer's apartment****

"What did you want to talk about?" Dheer asked, scared that he will have to go through another turmoil of his emotions. And this time even Sam was not present to stop him from launching an attack on this annoying man in front of him. Anaya and Rudra were seated on a couch while Dheer was on another one facing them.

"Rudy just told me that someone contacted him intending to do some shady collaborations with him inside the hospital and by the looks of it, I think it's that organ trafficking gang." Anaya said taking a deep breath at the end.

"What??" The news came abruptly to him as he was prepared for another inciting attack from Rudra.

"Rudy just told..." Anaya began again to which Dheer cut her sentence midway and asserted a little loudly "I heard what you said it's just I'm a bit confused and shocked as well. How did that happen? And why would they contact him? He's new to the hospital!" Dheer exclaimed.

"That's what confused me but looks like this piggy was already taking action when we were at the camp" Anaya glared at Rudra as she said this to which he gave sheepish smile. Anaya sighed.

"What action? And how does he know about this? I thought part from the investigating officers we are the only ones involved in this?" Dheer asked having mixed feelings. On one hand, he was getting agitated that she shared the news with this eyesore while on the other, he was pleased with how Anaya addressed Rudra. 'A pig, huh! Suits him... He's the ugliest and the most irritating pig I've ever seen. She shouldn't share anything with a pig' he scowled inwardly.

This time it was Anaya's turn to give a sheepish smile "I know that I promised you not to leak any information about the case and I promise I didn't tell them everything but I did mention bout the ongoing racket and how I was going to be a part of the investigation. So they got worried about me which is also the reason that Rudra came here."

"They??" Dheer was more annoyed hearing plural form. He did not doubt that the other person in this would be Sandy. His other eyesore. 'Great, I was worried to get incited by this pig but turned out even my Anaya wants to get me incited' he cursed.

And unsurprisingly Anaya said " Sandy. It was actually him I talked to and he was the one who told Rudy. But I promise that it will remain between these two only and they won't tell any third soul about it. Trust me. They'll even help us in the investigation. They are really capable." She continued to rattle.

Unknown to her that the more she praised them the more Dheer hated them. But he couldn't do anything as they were her 'best friends'. Dheer cursed his stars for sending these two in their lives. As if he wasn't already facing problems to win her heart.

But sentiments aside, the case was very important and he could use one trustworthy doctor working for him along with Anaya. He hated to admit it but if Anaya trusted him, he will too. And besides, he does seem like a trustworthy man, and this way it'll be less risky for Anaya to take part in the investigation.

They never knew who was a friend who was for inside the hospital right now. Anyone could be acting with those traffickers and once they found out that Anaya was investing with the police it would be dangerous for her. Although Arav had arranged tight security around her but it was always better to be doubly ensured. At least he won't have to worry about her inside the hospital now.

"Okay, I trust you. Welcome to the investigation team, Dr. Rudra." Dheer said shaking his hands. "Now can you tell me how you did this? I mean how did you manage to make them contact you?"

"Well, I just made a few statements in front of the staff about how selling the organs of the unclaimed bodies will benefit others and how I don't mind having a contact in the black market as they can come in handy. I might also have drop subtle hints of me being a money-loving person. Any person related to the culprit will easily understand that I was talking to them and asking to work with them. So I guess this time they just contacted me to sense me out if I'm reliable or not and how much do I know about them."