
"So how did they contact with you?" Dheer asked.

"I felt that someone has been following me lately and just now I received a text asking me if I want to make more money by helping the people in need of organ transplants? While this doesn't prove anything but they won't outright contact me either, asking 'Hey Dr. Rudra, we are organ traffickers, care to join us?' Well, any idiot will know that's not how you help the patients in need if there's money involved. There has to be something shady. So I guess they'll sense me out first and investigate me to see if they can trust me. " Rudra said putting his one arm at the armrest.

"But the problem is they won't trust you this easily. For such a thing to be happening in almost all the hospitals, especially, in New Life hospital that too without anyone noticing for so long, you can guess how strict they could be while choosing their men. Dr. Veer could be used because he needed money. But I don't think it's the same in your case. So they'll go for someone else, whom they could make their puppet. And if we act impatient or too eager to deal with them they might even suspect us. And if we don't be careful they might found out about the investigation." Dheer said thoughtfully.

"So the key right now is to make them trust Rudra so that we can get some inside news" Anaya thoughtfully said, biting her nails, a habit which she does when too anxious or n deep thought.

"Ewwww, stop doing that ducky. You are a doctor for God's sake. Don't bite your nails or else how are you gonna ask your patients to do so" Rudra said yanking her hand out of her mouth which in turn honored him with a glare.

"Oh, not now piggy. You are a pediatrician, not me. Unlike your patients, Pregnant ladies and girls don't come biting their nails that I have to educate them. And as for the teenagers, these days the girls are so conscious of their nails that their parents ask me to educate them to trim their nails. So don't you worry about my patients and let me think" Anaya snapped.

Rudra sighed and shook his head. He and Sandy finally got rid of her habit of nail-biting but still, it would occasionally resurface whenever she was tensed. And every time they tried to correct her they would be lectured in the same way as now. And it was way too dangerous to provoke an angry Anaya. Today's incident at the mall was just a trailer of what she could do when angered.

Dheer tried to ignore their conversation and focus on the problem at hand 'What can we do to make them trust Rudra?? Should I trim his nails? Ahhh what am I thinking?? Why would I trim his nails...Damn it!!! I can't focus... Why is he still trying to yank her hands... She looks cute when she does that. Arghhh I can't focus at all?' he silently pulled his hairs to keep him on the correct train of thoughts.

"I've got a plan!" Anaya said abruptly. Dheer and Rudra looked at her in askance to which she told them her plan.

"That's a good plan. They will surely fall for this and at the same time, we can have more of our people to keep an eye on them" Dheer approved her plan.

"No way... This won't do. Do you know how risky this is?? This is too dangerous. You won't get involved in this" Rudra exclaimed, banging his fist on the table in front.

"But this is the only option left for us and besides, I won't do anything to put myself in danger. Trust me I can" Anaya tried to convince him.

"No, you won't. This is way too dangerous and you are a girl. I can't allow you to do this" Rudra was adamant.

"I know this is dangerous for her but I also trust her that she can handle them. And if anything dangerous happens I'll be there to protect her. So what if she's a girl..." Dheer was unhappy at Rudra's reaction. He would never stop Anaya from doing anything that she wants. If a problem arises then he will be there to solve it for her.

Rudra frowned on Dheer's comment and retorted "It is not only because she is a girl. It's because she is our Anaya. You don't even know why I'm reacting like this. Back then..."

Before Rudra could say anymore, Anaya cut him off "I know what you are worried about Rudy but trust me I can pull it off. Have faith in me... I'm not that weak girl anymore." She almost whispered the last sentence.

Dheer was unhappy with how Anaya didn't let Rudra finish his sentence and how she whispered her last sentence to him. He wanted to know what was it that was bothering her. What happened in her life? Why did Rudra refuse to join Anaya in the plan? He wanted to know everything so that he could share her problems with her. But with his current position in Anaya's life, the only option was to work hard to prove his love and win her heart.