I also like you, but you never consider my feeling even once.

"Xingjuan…how are you? How was your week?" Lee Xuiye asked. Even though she had asked that in a calm voice, her face still showed that she was angry after looking at Mo Lingtan and the girl beside him.

Well, how could one expect a 12 year old girl to hide her feelings and not let her feelings show on her face that she was jealous?

"What happened, Xuiye? Why are you looking so angry?" Mo Xingjuan asked, when she saw Lee Xuiye's face turn red out of anger.

"Xingjuan, who is that girl and what is she doing with Brother Lingtan?" Lee Xuiye asked as her glance was still on Mo Lingtan and that girl who were still talking to each other as if there was no one in this world apart from them.