"Why...Brother Lingtan. Aren't I good for you?"

"What did you just say?" Mo Lingtan asked as if he heard something wrong.

Lee Xuiye liked him.

Since when?



"Why can't I like you? Why can't you make me your girlfriend? What is so good about Ziyao? Why do you have to make her your girlfriend?" Lee Xuiye asked all the questions which she wanted to ask from the last five days.

Exactly, how could Zhuo Ziyao become so much better than Lee Xuiye?...

"Enough. Who told you that she is my girlfriend?" Mo Lingtan frustratingly asked as if he couldn't understand a single word of hers.

"Xingjuan told me that Ziyao told her that she likes you and you spend all the time with her. If she isn't your girlfriend then what is she to you?"

"She is a friend like you. You Stupid!" Mo Lingtan annoyingly shouted.

He couldn't believe Lee Xuiye would be so stupid. Just because Ziyao told Xingjuan that she liked Mo Lingtan, did that mean she automatically became his girlfriend?