Xia Xiulan's Story (Part-1)

Xia Xiulan wanted to become an actress but her parents were opposed to her decision so when Xia Xiulan left her hometown, she also left her parents, her relationship with the family, and their love.

However, she had a hope that one day, she would come back and her parents would be proud of her, unfortunately, in Xia Xiulan's life, that day never came.

Xia Xiulan came to City B with determination and full of dreams. Her starting was also very good. She joined Sky Imperial and her manager was Yue Wanwan who supported her in the right way. 

Soon, with Xia Xiulan and Yue Wanwan's determination and hard work, Xia Xiulan was successful in her career earlier than many actresses who started with her and that's why many people were jealous of her.

However, she could care less about them and continued to fulfill her dreams.

Unfortunately, Xia Xiulan's earlier success made her blind and arrogant and that was why Mo Qiwn got the chance to hurt her.