Xia Xiulan's Story(Part-2)

After a few years, Mo Qiwn realized that he had made a grave mistake by leaving Xia Xiulan as none of his other mistresses could bring him the same happiness which Xia Xiulan brought in his life. He realized that he loved Xia Xiulan very much and he couldn't live without her anymore. Therefore, he decided to bring her back into his life.

However, Xia Xiulan had learned her lesson, she wouldn't be back with Mo Qiwn. Otherwise, would she not be considered as a foolish person in this universe?

Back with Mo Qiwn?

No chance!

Mo Qiwn tried many times and didn't get any success and even Xia Xiulan slapped him for playing with her life.

She wasn't a toy with whom he could play with as he wished and throw away when he got bored.

Still, a slap couldn't stop his love for her and slowly a crack formed on Xia Xiulan's steel wall, which she had built around her heart.

As the saying went, one couldn't have everything in their life.