hell awaits

"so vala. i was wondering maybe after school you could give me a tour around this town?" he said smiling nervously. "well. it would be great to know my new neighbours name. cant go on a tour without knowing people name" i replied. he began to go red in the face from embarrassment. " oh god im sorry. im sebastian. sebastian smith. i got so nervous that i forgot to tell my name." he said laughing nervously. "well seb. its alright you already told me your name. come on heres our school. let me take you to the principle. and then from there i will take you to class." i said with a chuckle. he looked at me slightly angry but started to laugh at it himself.

walking towards the principles class. i barely managed to put my stuff in the locker before a group of girls approached. "hey! what the hell are you doing in my way." a tall girl with blond hair yelled. " you must be blind to not see the huge space around me blondie" i said giving a death stare. " hey you hottie i wouldnt hang out with this loser. why dont you hang out with us you'll be more popular with the girls and guys!" she confidently said giving me a nasty look. "sorry i dont hang out with losers. vala here is not a loser like you guys. in fact she is a lot prettier than you all together." sebastian said with serious look on his face . it sent chills down my spine. " you asshole. you'll be sorry for saying that" she yelled angrilly. "when someone like you says that. they are the ones that usually end up getting killed" sebastian says in a calm voice, but his face seems like a devil has gotten into his body. i couldnt stop staring at him. i just wanted to kiss him. i felt so drawn to him.

i managed to snap out of it. "seb. lets go to the principles office. his probably waiting for you already" i grabbed him by his wrist and began to walk. but all of a sudden he pulls me towards him and faces me towards the girls and in a very clear. calm yet serious voice says "if you or any other person lays a hand on her i will not hesitate to kill you, am i clear". silence deafened the hallway. the girls were shaken up by those eyes glaring at them. " u-understood sir...." blondie stuttered.

"great lets go the principle right away. lets see what my old friend has for me here" he cheerfully said. seems like his back to his usual self. his cute self. "thanks. seb. i dont really know how to pay you back" i said slightly unconfortably. "a tour around this town is enough v." he said reasuring.