who is he?

"is that my nickname? v." i asked confused. seb looked at me a little suprised and said "have you never been given a nickname? otherthan all those horrible names?". i shook my head. " isn't that something close relationships? like boyfriend/ girlfriend?" i asked timidly. from the look seb was giving me, i was starting to get flustered and looked away. "or friends. ive never had any friends so i dont know these nicknames..." i said with tears building up in my eyes. he put his on my head. i could feel him breating on the back of my neck. "vala. nicknames are both good and bad depending on who you say it to. you called me seb quite a few times. so i thought i could call you v. thats nothing bad. everyone calls others by nicknames. not just in relationships or friends. even families call eachother by nicknames." he told me in a calm voice. "i do-" i got interupted by the bell . "the pronciples office is just arou-" "ahh sebastian. nice to see you again here" an old males voice interrupted me. "oh hello vala. i see that sebastians found a friend. or a lover" it was the principle. i could feel my face burning up from the last comment. " hello sir. i dont want to have a chit chat i just want to get to the same class as v. im her bodyguard. well since you dont do your job properly." serious tone of voice from seb again. i could feel the atmosphere getting a bit tense here i could barely breathe. " and we are not lovers. but were a dating so if you could escort us to her class that would be great." he said confidently. the principle seemed a little shook. was it because seb was doing the face again. or something else.

"or do you want me to expose you old man?" seb seemed to enjoy teasing the principle. "r-right this way!" the principle seemed to really be hiding something bad. probably something very humiliating. "wait what?" i murmured to myself. i completly ignored the fact seb stated we were dating. was he for real or was that to toy with the principle. it cant be real. why would he say something like that. it cant be real simply because im a nobody. a nobody thats worthless. im a total loser. he said the same thing to the blondie. that im prettier than all of them combined. what his deal anyway. his wrapped his arms around me and is hugging me from behind. he seems to really enjoy himself. i met him only an hour ago. is he like the other guys at school that will make a girl fall for them and then leave them hanging on their own thoughts of does he not love me. did he even love me. "come on v. lets go..." he looked at me with a smile on his face only then to have a concerned look in his eyes " are you ok v?" he quietly asked me.

crap i forgot to take my medicine! "oh me. ye im fine. i need to go to the nurses office. i need a check up. " i hesitantly unhooked myself from seb and quickly ran to nurse anne.