times ticking

"V wait for me!!" seb shouted from the distance. i could feel the pressure getting more and more painful in my stomache. if i dont get the medicine. no. i dont want to think about that. i need to get the anne right away. i dont want to hurt anyone anymore. i quickly run into the nurses office and annes there already handing me the medicine. i try lock the door immediently but seb managed to catch up. when he saw me he looked so concerned. i couldnt face him. i knew that it had spread to my face. anne quickly jabbed a needle in my neck to stop it from spreading any further. it obviously knocked me unconcious. from here on i let anne do the rest. im half-human half-demon. so this is to be expected. no wonder everyone leaves me. they all looked concerned for me when i ran to anne. until they saw who i really am. im not going to be suprised if seb leaves.

lost in my own thoughts. the dream appears again. everything around me is consumed by darkness again. but now i can move. i get up and swing my arms around blindly until i feel something. it feels a lot like a bed. all of a suden a bright light shines. like a sun. i look around the area and its my room. but its different? i hear footsteps coming from the direction of the light. i turn towards the light and run towards it. i can see a figure in the light. i slow the pace. till im face to face with the figure. its clear that this is a male. he has horns this time. he steps closer to me slowly. he seems to be injured i quickly run towards him before he falls over. i catch him and lay him on my lap. i look at his face and it is a normal boy. with long blonde wavy hair with reddish coloured ends. he body feels so warm and musculary. "i-im colby. sorry that we had to meet like this." colby whispered. "im vala. its ok. how did you get injured?" i asked politely. "i was attacked in my world. my world is far from yours. our worlds are separated by a portal. and i took the portal to escape. and here i am laying on your lap. once you wake up i will transport to where you are." he explained. his eyes showed sadness. tears filled his ocean blue eyes. i know that look really well. its the lòok of betrayal. "someone special to you betrayed you, isnt that right?" i asked quietly. he nodded.