new ally

"are you ready to transport into a different world. im about wake up." i asked colby. he nodded again. well. i guess i will mentally prepare to be alone with anne. and colby. the light dimmed. "well get ready colby. your about to witness my reality." i said warning him. everything went dark.

i woke up with anne doing paper work. i looked around and saw seb wasnt there. my heart began to ache. i knew it. i look around to see if colby was around. " oh vala. you're awake. sebastian was worried so he went to get something to drink. his going to be back soon. and the guy you brought along is resting in my office. he was seriously injured. thank you for bringing him." she said with a soft smile on her face.

i got up and let out a sigh of relief. seb didnt leave me alone then. why am i so happy. its not that i dont want him to leave me. but theres something about him that just draws me towards him. the door opened and the tall handsome guy walks in. it was seb. he had a big dorkish smile on his face. when i looked at his eyes i saw that they were red as if his been crying.

"seb. were you crying?" i asked worried. sebs face went all red from embarassement. "n-no. i just had something in my eyes..." he said whilst hiding his face. i got up and ran towards him giving him a hug. "thank you." i said to him with tears streaming down my cheeks. " anne told me your situation. im sorry. it must've been hard taking this issue with noone to help you. i promise to stay. no matter what." he said wrapping his arms around and held me tighter. i could hear his heart beating. his warm body against mine. this is something i never felt before. something i had longed for.

i looked at him with tears streaming down my face. i was so broken that i never had anyone to trust. i never had a family. i ended up being left with anne. sadly she couldnt keep me with her so she bought a house for me. after that fight that nearly killed me. something that was sealed before was slowly getting out. special medication keeps that thing locked away inside me. that pure evilness doesnt deserve to hurt me. i will fight it no matter what.