the dark truth

after few weeks passed by colby finally woke up, he seemed very happy to be here with us. with me. sebastian was still quiet about the incident as if he kept this whole thing as a secret. he was starting to get closer to colby. anne had to scold them two few times for making ruckus when they fought a little. it seems everything had calmed down after the incident. but it was soon to end.

"hey vala. i have something important to tell you..." anne whispered to me. i could tell it was very serious from how she said. my mind began to create a train of all the possibilities of what it could be making me go pale as a white piece of paper. " whats the matter anne?" i asked. "its about your situation. firstly about the thing inside you. i found out who your parents were. and it turns out that... that they are not human.... in fact. i dont know what they are. but you seem to be a human. meaning that the person who gave birth to you was a human. you have all the features of a human but your inside organ layout is different. meaning that the way you were created is similar to ivf. thats not all." anne pausedand took a deep breath. "it all seems to date back to when there was a dangerous experiment that took place. that experiment were doctors experimented on pregnant women included them being hases with something that makes them go insane. some of those patents went insane and killed their own babies by ripping them out of their stomaches and ripping the babies apart. it seems as if you were one those. but in your case it seems that your mother was placed in a room filled with demonic symbols and she had sacrificed you to satan. and if my theory is correct. you are somehow still connected with your human soul but with satan himself. meaning you are both human and satan aswell. which technically means you are able to connect with the king of hell.

"shes wrong about one thing missy" a voice suddenly spoke. i jumped and quickly looked around and saw noone except me and anne. "this voice are you speaking from inside of me." i asked with a little bit of fear inside. "did it speak to you?" anne asked quite suspiciously. "im not the king of hell. in fact im a prince. theres only a princess whos in charge now. because i was summonef and havent returned so many demons and the princess all now have decided ive been killed off. but thats allright because they hated me anyway. and to give you a little tip font trust that damn nurse she is from the church and is slowly killing me. no us with that injection of hers. the reason your skin starts changing is because other demons are trying to possess you. but i fight them next time dont start runiing to this maniac just leave it to me. havent you relised that only you and the church maniacs can see your skin going black. " the voice said calmly yet still pissed off. "thanks for the tip satan. i will help you escape this body of mine so you can go back to ruling your liitle minions." i replied to make sure anne doesnt relise that ive lied to her for the first time.

" are you sure shes from the church?" talking through my mind seemed a little easier to avoid anne causing more suspicious questions. " are you really questioning me. i dont lie. and im not satan. satan was my father. was before he got dragged to hevean and killed off there for allowing a demon attack a church. my name is actualy sebastian. ok what im about to tell you now will suprise you but promise me you wont panic or show any signs of fear to anne because she will understand who i am. promise." he said with a slight fear in his voice. "ok i promise" i replied. " ok. im going to walk through that door and grab your arm and walk outside but you better act like everythings ok. dont blow my cover ok." he said with a serious tone in his voice. "ok." i said. i shut my eyes and let out a sigh. the door opened i couldnt open my eyes because i know for a fact my reaction would be seen. i felt someone grab my hand it was warm. it seemed whoever it was very gentle trying to not hurt me. i heard a door open and i got pulled outside. the door shut and we carried on walking. i could hear him breathing loudly as if he was tired and scared. suddenly we stopped and entered a small room. the door shut behind us. "you can open your eyes now. we are safe here to let that reaction or shock of yours out. " he said with a slight sadness in his voice. but this voice seems familiar. almost as if it was"sebastian you are the prince?" i opened my eyes to see sebastian with a concerned look in his face. "well ye. it seems my cover will be blown soon." he said with a smile on his face. but i could see that smile was covering fear. "seb whats wrong. " i asked as i got closer to him. "n-nothing. i'm just-" not even being able to finish his sentence he covered his head and ducked down. this was very weird. a prince should be brave. but the son of satan should be scared of nothing unless the scool itself. this school used to be a church. this whole time he was being brave around everyone else. but really he was acting. "seb please get up we are leaving this place now. " i grabbed his hand which was covering his eyes. i saw tears that made me scared. i opened the door slowly looked around to see if anyone was there. the coast was clear. but the bell rang. classes were over. i quickly yanked sebastian out of the little room and shut the door to make it look like we were in the hallway the whole time. i looked at seb who was staring at me the whole time. "could you stop staring at me its a little unconfortable. i cant concenrate on my plan to get you out of here." i said quite embarrased. i could feel my cheeks burning up. "im sorry for the pain i caused you. you were going through hell as a newborn. im really sorry. i was scared myself. but i grew up and didnt face my fear like you did. its as if you arent scared of anything anymore. im the son of a satan yet im still crying. shaking in fear. but you are able to stand strong. how is that possible." he said with regret. "seb please dont say this now. i wont be able to hold any of my emotions in." i said holding my tears inside. i was able to hold my emotions in for a long time but i guess i have reached my limit. "seb can you please take me back home. im-" i was unable to finish my sentence when everything went black.