
"is anyone there!" a women yelled. "get me away from this monster please"she screamed throwing stones at me. "this monster doesnt deserve to live. throw it out. burn it. drown it. the world doesnt deserve it. let me leave please. this monster is not my child." she screamed. she grabbed a knife and crawled towards me and took the knife and stabbed me.

i suddenly sat up in cold sweat. i didnt relise that i was face to face with seb. we both stared into eachother eyes. after i relised what just happened i pushed seb of my bed and hid my red face. "im sorry i pushed you off the bed. and im sorry for passing out in school." i quickly apologised whilst covering up my face. i cant get the image of his close face out of my head. my imagination then going wild.

"i deserved that. i shouldnt have sat there." seb groaned in pain as he said that. "i see your imaginations going wild. sorry. i am able to understand that it was a weird situation. anyway how are you feeling now. youve been out cold for a while now. 4 hours of me being completley concerned" he said with pain in his voice from both physical and emotional. "its alright. my wrists are the only things in pain for now. but everything else is alright. and no need to be concerned for me. although im still suspicious about you." i said looking at him dead in the eyes. "suspicious about what exactly. i told you everything about who i am and why im here." he exclaimed quickly. "were you in my room for 4 hours straight." i asked him. "yes." he replied confused. "you didnt do anything a guy would do?" i asked raising an eyebrow. seb then relised what i was talking about and relised why i was suspicious of him. he tried to cover his red face but i was able to see his embarassment. "im sorry for making you suspicious of me but that sort of thing didnt happen i really didnt do that stuff to you or even think about it." he said with embarassement. "oh so you dont like me that way to even think about it " i said with a a smirk on my face. " i didnt mean that i uh. " he was unable to think. his face turned redder and redder. "im just teasing you. i understand if you dont like me that way, im used to things like that. so its ok." i said looking out the window hiding my tears that are escaped. "v. um thats not what i meant. im not good at these things. i was really concerned that you werent waking up in those 4 hours. and i mean you looked like you were in pain i didnt know what to do. i really care for you v." he said this as he got closer to me and held my hand. " sorry. sorry for making you worried. ive never had anyone take care of me before. so all this is nice but also very scary for me. i havent got any siblings or friends or even a family that cares for me. but you who is part of me apparently actually cares for me. but how are you part of me if you are physically in front of me. thats is what im really suspicious about. are you really the son of satan who was summoned inside of me or are you a person who has the power to speak through minds as if theres someone in the body. a mind reader. " i asked him looking him straight in the eyes. "i am the son of satan who was summoned inside you. quarter of my soul is inside you. but the other part of me was used to create this body. meaning that im a human here. if i wanted to go back i would have to kill you myself to get my soul but i cant. because i have fallen for you. i cant go back because im trapped here. if i was to go back i would be imprisoned for breaking the law. falling for a human. but these 17 years i spent with you but not able to see you until a month ago. i felt your pain. hatred. and anger. and fear that you hid." he tried to reasure me. but when he said all these things. he had experienced all those emotions i felt. i couldnt stop these tears. i seemed to be breaking now. these emotions i felt was causing him pain too. i was breaking myself but also him aswell. "why? why have you fallen for me and not hate me for the pain i brought you. why is it that you care for me and not leave me alone. why are you concerned for me. why?" i looked at seb dead in the eyes with tears falling down my cheeks which seemed like they wouldnt stop for a while. "because when you love someone you dont care about the pain caused to you as long as they are happy and cared for that is the only pain killer for you" he said as he leaned towards me grabbed me and placed his head on my chest. i felt his hands tremble. his whole body was trembling. i could tell he was in pain. "seb stand up please. you can lie next to me in bed. i can see you are in pain. your whole body is trembling." i said whilst stroking his messy hair. he did as i told him. i let him hug me. i felt his body calm down his tears had stopped flowing and so did mine. i felt calm. "thank you seb for caring" i said holding him tighter. "v i really do care for you. son of satan or not i dont care but ive fallen for you on my own accord. this is what you would call fate." he said with a smile on his face.we spent the rest of the evening together. he wouldnt leave my side. that day changed my life forever. i finally had someone who cared for me.

few weeks passed. i gave seb the courage to step inside the school and not panic anymore. we both visited colby and anne. colby seemed to get better and better each day. so that was alright. but with anne she seemed to get more suspicious to me. she had now started taking days off work. and that was very unusual of her to do. sen was also right about when a demon was trying to possess me. ordinary humans couldnt see it. noone else saw it but seb himself. he would always hold my hand when that happened. i felt truly happy to have him there. as days passed people in my school began talking to me. it was weird and awfully suspicious for them to start talking to me. seb was also weirded out by that. i found out that anne had been fired from the school because of her behaviour. later on she had been arrested for suspected murders. all of these incidents that had happened made it clear to me. she was injecting poison to people. she had been using gas to make people avoid someone. and it was done for many years. and since this happened many people had started talking to me. some guys tried asking me out but seb stepped in and clamining to me my fiance. well he said he would marry me one day, he would start telling people he is prince charming for me. everything was getting better and better.

on the last day of school. the day we all graduated. everyone had their parents to show their support. i started to feel some hatred towards others. but i also felt pain. seb took my hand and walked me inside the school hallway and grabbed my head and kissed me. this was the first time i was kissed by someone. i was trying to resist at first but he pulled me closer to him, until i stopped resisting. i knew that resiting him was difficult because he always finds a way to make me accept what he is doing. it seems he was trying to calm me down. he pinned me to wall and kissed me passionatly. i almost lost it. he then stopped and gently gave me hug. if he had carried on kissing me like that i would have gone crazy. he gave a cheeky smile. as he fixed my hair and clothes that he messed up. after that we went by our seats and prepared for recieving our diplomas and certificates. when it was my turn i walked towards the stage and shook hands with the principle took my diploma and certificate looked at the audience, i bowed and heard them cheering. i looked up and i froze. a woman stood there. the same woman from my dream. i felt fear taking over. she started walking towards me and then started running with a knife in her hand. she jumped on the stage and knocked me over. she had the knife near my heart but i was holding it back. i looked over to seb and saw that he was being pinned down by my classmates. i looked around and saw them all cheering. were they cheering for me to die. "who are you" i asked the women. "i gave birth to a monster. you are a monster. just die already. DIE YOU MONSTER!" she screamed in my face. hearing those words hurt me. "i'll ask again. who. are . you." i looked her dead in the eye. "i am your mother. you are that disgusting creature i gave birth to. look at how horrible you look. who would cheer for you. you are a nobody. nobody cares for you. you are the disgusting creature that doesnt deerve to live but deserves to die." she yelled at me. "mother. would you be happy if i told you im getting married. what kind of mother yells those kind of things that she gave birth to herself. what mother would fucking try to kill her own fucking child. you are that disgusting creature that deserves to die." i said as i took my hands off her. and i let her stab me right trough my chest. as painful it was this was for the better. "im sorry you suffered because of me. im really sorry seb. im sorry i had to let you go. but this is for the best. i am a nobody after all. im just an experiment. you are prince that deserves a better life. im sorry but ive reached my limit long time ago. ive been holding on because of you. i didnt want you to be hurt but now its unavoidable." i said. and i knew seb heard it from his reaction he had lost it. that was my only option to get this woman off me. my only option to get rid off these sadness. the women got off me started laughing like a maniac. until i relised i should have died by now. i sat up and looked at seb. "seb im not dead im still alive. i only did this so she would get off me. to make her feel happy that she was able to kill me. she killed me a long time ago. she had stabbed me when you were summoned within me. and this body of yours was created. thats the dream i get all the time. that is the memory. she has completly lost it now. shes happy im gone. i wont erease her memory of just now. but everyone elses i will. it seems thats what i did back then aswell. thats why im slowly remembering this now." i saw the look of fear and hatred slowly disappear. "she was experimented on she has gone insane. but i guess its better to leave her like this and not to experience this pain again. being stabbed in the chest again isnt as bad as being stabbed in the back by friends i guess."