
the police took my mother to a mental hospital to check on her mental health. seb didnt believe me when i said i was ok so he insisted to get my injuries checked. they were pretty deep but nothing life threatening. i knew this doctor who would regualry check on my body. he knew my body was different from other humans. my organs were indeed laid out differently. "well vala, your body is ok. the knife didnt touch your organ at all. for a normal human being you would be dead by now. the knife would have striked through your heart and you wouldve died. but since all those organs are litterally forced into one massive organ placed in your chest. you didnt even get a scratch on that precious organ. and one more thing sebastian can i check if you have a similar organ layout aswell. it would be better to see how differently it is laid out compared to a man and a female. all i know is for vala her organs function is similar to a normal human. because she is technically born a human. whereas you were born as demonic entity. satans son. meaning you are also similar to vala.also since both of you share similar connections like both feel the exact emotions and physical pain. i would like to see how the body and organs react. im not going to cut you open but i will scan your body using this laser scanner. its honestly painless." he said. " seb he really is our best option to understand our bodies better. it could be better to atleast understand how it would impact our lives." i said calmly. i did end up losing alot of blood. my body was pleading for some rest. but i had to stay up a bit to reasure seb that this doctor was indeed our friend. an ally.

"allright. just please be quick. im not really a fan of all this new technology." seb stood up and sighed as if he lost a bet. "ok just stand still for a second." the doctor said as he took the laser scanner and moved the scanner from sebs head to his feet. "ok thats it. it seems i was right both of you have the same organ structure. but the womb for you vala is the same for every human female. so that is great aswell. seb same thing for you-" before doc could say anymore seb silenced him. "ok doc i get the last part!" he said hiding his red face. "thank you chris for keeping this a secret. we cant thank you enough. " i said kneeling on the floor forcing seb as well to thank him. "please get up. it is really important to help others. being different or not my job is to help save lives. you both are indeed alive so my duty is to help you. and vala you should get some rest i can tell you are trying to stay awake. and you seb take care of her for now. i'll visit you two in a weeks time. take care now." feeling kind of embarrassed the doctor reasured us that we were still humans but different and that it was alright being different. "by the way doc what is your name? didnt really catch that." seb asked. "its christopher. but you can call me chris." he replied. "alright chris. thank you for caring for valas injuries i will take care of her now. if anything happens i will call you. ok take care."seb said with a smile on his face when he walked towards me. he picked me up and carried me like a princess. i felt slighly embarrassed but at this point i couldnt care less as long as it was seb carrying me i was willing to accept this embarrassment. when we arrived back to my house sebs parents were outside waiting. they were worried sick about us. seb reasured them that i just needed rest and that he would move in with me. his parents aggreed as long as we came over to eat. which we did all the time. sebs parents were his foster parents.they adopted him when he was five. they were the ones who taught this prince of mine how to treat a lady like a gentleman. when i was being carried to bed by seb, he asked "v are you feeling better now. " as he kissed my forehead. "ye. my wound doesnt hurt that much." i replied. "today was a long day we should call it a day. " he said as his laid me on the bed and he himself laid down next to me putting a blanket over us and pulled me closer to him. "hey seb. remember that kiss today in the hallway. how far were you planning to go?" i questioned him. "oh that. i did it to calm you down but then i kind of lost myself in the process. until you stopped resisting i snapped out of it. im sorry if i kind of scared you. " he said with slight embarrassment. "no it didnt scare me. i stopped resisting because i was going slightly crazy myself. you were kissing me very passionatly." i replied with a smile on my face."i think that you are enjoying all of those embarrasing things i do or say." seb looked at me as he pulled me closer to himself. he looked at my chest and place his hand on where my wound was "your wound has healed. very fast aswell. but we should get some rest for now. today was abit of a crazy day. but its over now. we can sleep now. " he said as he kissed me on the head. i was slowly dozing off. i could feel sebs warm body against mine. i could hear his heart beating in his chest. this is what ive been wanting to feel my entire life. i fell asleep in the arms of my precious lover. something i never thought could happen.

few days later chris came over to check on us. he was pleased i was taking everything easy. "seb could i ask you to avoid having sex for a while vala needs to heal her insides.her womb itself took abit of damage when her mother tackled her to the floor. but if you wish to do it. just dont be too rough. " he whispered to seb. i couldnt hear what it was but sebs face turned abit reddish as he looked at me. i was confused but it seemed slightly embarrassing for seb to tell me so i wasnt going to ask him. "vala i will be taking my leave. i am very pleased to see that you are taking everything easy. take care love birds" chris said with a warm smile on his face. that smile reasured us that everything was alright. chris had a family once but was killed in an accident sadly. he now thinks of me as his child. he really was a great father. he had a beautiful daughter and a wife but both were sadly taken from him. seb walked chris to his car and wished us farewell. when seb walked back inside the house he seemed a little flushed still. "seb are you feeling ok. do you have a fever?" i asked him and placed my hand on his forehead. it was warming up. "v its just a little fever. ive had them for awhile now. its nothing serious. " he tried to reasure me but i was getting concerned . "seb please lie down. a little fever or not it still needs to be taken care of. im not having you walk outside anymore. youve been caring for me now im caring for you. " i said softly to him. "v its alright. but if you insist on playing as my precious nurse i will gladly accept it. "he said with a cheeky smile on his face. "it seems as if that fever of yours is getting higher. come here i will take you to bed to rest i'll get the cold water and a towel. but you my highness should get some rest as soon as possible." i began to tease him back. but i was infact slightly worried. he has been going through a tough time because of me. i feel kind of bad now. he seems to really take the beating out my pain and worry. but i feel very proud to have him worry about me. "alright. i'll be back with cold water and a towel. you should get some rest for now. " i helped him take his shirt off also helped helped him lay down on my bed i pit a blanket over him and kisses him on the forehead. it was now boiling hot. his fever shot up in just few minutes. i quickly got up and ran downstairs to grab a bowl filled it with cold water and grabbed a towel. ran back upstairs and placed the wet cold towel on his forehead. he was breathing heavily. every hour i changed his towel, his fever went up and down. i checked his temperature "32°C wow. i'll go ask your mom to buy some medicine." i said to him as i placed a more cooler towel on his forehead. "v, please dont ask my parents anything. i dont want to see them getting worried. otherwise it would be a nightmare. my mom doesnt like to buy medicine. she would force me to drink all these horrible green herbs " he said breathlessly. "well mister its better than staying here watching you suffer. i have to do something or i will die of worrying for you." i exclaimed standing up. "v. could you lie next to me then."he asked. "fine" i sighed as i walked over. when i about to lie down he pulled me under the blankets and kissed me like he did in the school hallway. but this time he was pinning me down in the bed and carresing my body. him kissing me was making me go crazy. he bagan to kiss my neck, chest, stomach. all this was pleasurable but i couldnt resist it all that i accidently let out a moan. seb stopped kissing me and looked at me with a cheeky smile. he was teasing me, my face went bright red. i couldnt cover my face as he was holding them all i could do was shut my eyes and look away with embarrassment. he enjoyed it. "perv." i whispered. "but you enjoyed this perv doing that to you. " he smirked as he laid down on my chest releasing my hands. "seb are feeling better." i asked. "i am. thanks to you. the cold towels were really helpfull. although now i want a shower. a cold shower to be exact. my whole body feels hot. could you please help me with that?" he asked. "are you being serious or are you trying to tease me now?" i asked as i looked at him. " both. i am not able to stand still or i will lose my balance. i could fall and injure myself.