But... I Love You

"Her name is Xie Yujia." Said Su Han.

Alex could only close his eyes from hearing her name. To think that the once who changed in this series wasn't Hao Ren, but Yujia.

Looks like the grandma was worried about her, so she decided to teach Xie Yujia about cultivation. This is all because of him, but it even made Alex happy that some changes happened because of him.

"I see." Said Alex. He is currently thinking how to deal with this.

"If you let her reach Zhen Level, I will increase the mission reward from 750,000 SP to a 1,000,000 SP." The demon king said.

"I never thought I would say this, but I love you." Alex was basically hypnotized by the amount of SP he would get for letting Xie Yujia live a little longer.

"The reason why her reward is so high, is because she is protected by a soul formation cultivator. If you let her live longer and let her get stronger I will raise the current amount.

"I'll do it!" Alex for hyped that the original 750,000 SP reward has been raised to 1,000,000

"I have other orders, don't help Yujia at all unless I say so, you are not allowed to do anything to her." Said Alex.

Su Han could only nod as his response. She didn't even think about messing with Xie Yujia because a soul formation cultivator is helping her.

"And one more thing, tell me where Hao Ren's dorm is?" Asked Alex.

Su Han raised her eyebrow at his weird request, but she still complied.

"Room 123." She said. (I don't know if Hao Ren's dormí number was mentioned in the light novel, so I'm just gonna make some shit up.)

"Thank you my slave, but I'll be going now." Alex was about to take his leave, but Su Han stopped him.

"Wait!" She said.

"What?" Alex stopped in his tracks.

"What if I wanted to reach the heavenly dragon realm? Am I allowed to do that?" She crossed her arms between her chest, making her chest look bigger.

"Hm… as long as that from now on you give me the attitude and respect that I deserve from my slave, then don't even think about cultivating again in your whole life." Alex walked out the office, not even giving her a chance to say anything.

Su Han could only grit her teeth in anger. She expected Alex to deny it, but to think that the only way to achieve the heavenly dragon realm is to *behave*

"I hate you!" She yelled angrily. She wanted to skin him alive, but now that he's at the soul formation realm, she can't do anything to him.

She picked up her inspector medal, to contact the dragon god shrine about his progress.

Alex walked out of the office and started roaming the halls of the school. He wasn't much of a hurry. He walked at a normal pace towards the cafeteria area.

Using his superior senses, he found Xie Yujia eating and chatting happily with her friend, Ma Lina.

Alex attracted the attention of the crowd for two reasons, his unique charisma and looks, and that he is the second one to ever be inside Su Han's office(the first one is Hao Ren)

They were quick to point out to Alex and talk about him.

Alex could hear them easily, and he sighed a little.

'Sigh… when a beauty gives you a glance in this world, you become the enemy of the world. That is one thing that I never understood about these types of light novels.' Alex thought.

He ignored the gazes of the people in the cafeteria, and began walking to Hao Ren's dorm room.

"Why do want to know where Hao Ren's room is?" The devil asked.

"I don't know about you, but I must get Hao Ren stronger faster, without making him take pills or things like that. I want to explore the other worlds that I always wanted to see."

"I still don't see how this will help." He asked.

"You'll see. I am gonna do something that will make Hao Ren train like never before." Alex said with a creepy smile.

"I don't know what you're planning, but I think I'll like it."

After asking for many directions from the students on a campus, he actually found Hao Ren's dorm room.

He sensed three people inside, they're mortals, so they must be Hao Ren's friends that the light novel always mentions.

He never liked those guys, as they only talk about 'girls money and fame' that's all they do.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* Alex knocked at the door three times.

"Who is it?" One of the guys answered.

"Is Hao Ren here, there is something I must show him." Alex said truthfully.

"Oh… he is not here right now, but do you want me to send him a text message?" The same guy answered. He opened the door and was dumbstruck that the one who is at his door is Alex, the same one who Su Han called to her office.

"That'll be great. It's really urgent the *thing* I need to show him." Alex said with a smile, he looked nothing like a demon.

"Uh sure…" he took out his cell phone to send Hao Ren a text message to come here.

Hao Ren texted 'okay' a few seconds later.

"So… what is it that you want to show Hao Ren?" The guy wanted to know.

"I just want to show him the bloody corpses of his three friends, scattered all over the room." Alex said truthfully.

"Wait what?" As if he didn't hear he said, he was confused.

Alex didn't say anything else, he took out his hidden knives from his wrists and cut the head of the person in front of him.

The other two were startled by this, but had no time to react as their hearts were pierced deep by the two hidden knives. All three of them died instantly.

Blood splattered every, as if this was a movie of 'Kill Bill' it was a bloody massacre. But just to make it more *dramatic* he cut the limbs of his friends to make it seem that they died a miserable death.

Using his demonic powers, the blood that was splattered on his clothes were cleaned up.

*Ding* the phone that one the guys dropped made a sound.

{I'm on my way right now.- Hao Ren}

Alex smiled at the thought of Hao Ren witnessing this gruesome scene.

He sat on one of the chairs as he cleaned his hidden knives that were covered in blood.

"Ah. Now I see. If Hao Ren trains to avenge his fallen friends, then he will without a doubt aim to kill you and become stronger. Not only that, but the suffering he's gonna go through will without a doubt make his soul extra tasty to me." He slurped his tongue as if he could already taste that soul.

"Yes. I also never liked these guys anyway, so I don't even feel a bit remorseful for killing them." Alex stuffed the souls of these people into his system storage.

"Hahah! I am so glad I picked you for this mission." The devil smiled that the gamble he risked actually paid off.

At this moment, Hao Ren entered the room to see his buddies alive and well, but on the contrary, their mutilated bodies looked like they just came out of a butcher shop.

"Wha-what is going on?!" He couldn't believe this sight. He didn't even notice Alex sitting at the center of the room because this gruesome scene was too much for him.

"Oh Hao Ren. If it makes you feel any better, they died a quick death, they didn't even suffer one bit." Alex said as he stood up. He faced him face to face.

An incredible amount of rage welled up in Hao Ren. He didn't want to hurt anyone using his new powers, but he is just too angry to contain his power.

"Die!" He yelled out at the top of his lungs as tears fell from his eyes.

He used his entire strength on a single fist, but since he isn't even Kan level, he has no chance of beating Alex who is a soul formation realm.

"Perfect counter!" Alex reflected his measly attack with his new weapons. There was no reason for Alex to reflect his attack, because it literally couldn't even make him flinch.

But, he wanted to make Hao Ren know the difference between them. He also reflected his weak attack, because Alex was afraid that he might accidentally kill Hao Ren even if he used 1/100 of his strength.

Hao Ren's attack was countered, and there was a huge hole in his chest area, only his shirt broke. Hao Ren only got bruises and a lot of pain in chest area, but it wasn't lethal for him.

Hao Ren held his chest area which hurt like hell. He was kneeling on the ground.

Alex lowered his head to look at Hao Ren.

"You are still too weak to even touch me. I will give you a warning: if you don't get stronger, I will kill everyone you care for. Who do you want next to die? Your grandma, mother, father, or maybe that dragon loli?"

He pulled on his hair to face him directly. He could actually feel the fear and anger through his eyes.

"Be afraid, be very afraid. Use the rage inside you to get stronger. If you don't use it, I will kill your grandma next, and I know just how much you love her." Alex said slowly and deep.

He exposed his fairy wings to him, and took off by flying out the window. He only left Hao Ren there crying and confused. He only left because he sensed several other people headed this way, most of them cultivators.

"What happened…" The vice principal of the school, Lu Qing made it here first as soon as he sensed a disturbance in the school.

He was shocked to find East Ocean's Fuma, Hao Ren, lying on the ground crying, and crouching down in pain.

When he saw the situation inside the dorm room, he was stumped by the bloody mess.

"He… He killed my friends. He threatened to kill my grandma, parents, everyone!" Hao Ren could not even think properly. The power he felt inside Alex was too much for a beginner like Hao Ren, he is gonna need some time to recover from this.

Lu Qing quickly supported Hao Ren up with his hand, as he took him to his car to get some help from the dragon king. Since Hao Ren is now the fuma, he can use the resources that the dragon clan uses.

Su Han walked here slowly. She knew that the one who caused the disturbance is her master, which is why she didn't bother coming here using her full strength. But, the bloody scene and Hao Ren on the floor shocked her.

Su Han could only stare as Hao Ren was being taken by Lu Qing to the east ocean clan.

When Hao Ren looked at su Han, he said:

"The person from the classroom… he did this to Zhao Jiaya. Why?" Hao Ren kept spilling more tears at remembering that scene.

"What did he say to you?" Su Han asked Hao Ren. It's important to be calm in this situation, but of course Hao Ren doesn't know that.

"He-... he said that I need to get stronger, or he will kill everyone that is close to me."

Su Han raised her eyebrow slowly. Is this why she doesn't want her to get too close to Hao Ren? Because he might kill her if she becomes an important person in his life.

"Inspector Su, how did we not notice his cultivation level? And who is he?" Lu Qing was in charge that things like this never happen, but his cultivation level is too low for him to sense Alex's. He failed his job to protect his school, and the fuma.

"Lu Qing, from now on, close the school and inform this to the dragon king. I'll handle the rest." Unfortunately, she can't do anything against Alex because her life is in his hands.

She values friends a lot, but she wants to be alive too. It's hard to explain it in simple words.

"Hm." Lu Qing nodded then started to take Hao Ren to the dragon clan. They soon left Su Han's sights

"What the hell is he planning?!" That was what she wanted to know. But even so, she can't tell them to the dragon god shrine about Hao Ren, or anybody else.

Back with Alex. He was enjoying as the breeze of the warm air touches his face, it felt wonderful. No matter how many times he flies with his wings, it never gets tired or bored.

"Hehehe, I always wanted to see Hao Ren like that. Since he is the MC of the light novel, he never actually knows the meaning of loss." Said Alex.

"Indeed, I can even imagine just how tasty his soul will be after this." He drooled at the thought of eating his soul, only he knows just how long he has been craving for a soul like this.

But, just as he was about to head back to 'Ethereal summit 2' he sensed a powerful person coming his way.

This person is not a soul cultivator, it was equivalent to a big demon king, a level higher than a soul cultivator.

"Shit!" Alex guarded himself from this person, there is a good chance that he/she might know soul bases attacks, which is lethal to almost anybody who hasn't strengthened their soul, like Alex.

"Alex, come back to me." A sweet sound rang behind Alec. He was startled by it because he didn't even feel it when this person crept up behind him.

He turned back quickly, and saw a very familiar figure, Evangeline. This was one reason why he wanted to avoid her, because she is the strongest person he has ever met.

Evangeline looked at Alex with eyes full of love. For some reason she liked him very much.

"Evangeline. What are you doing here?" Asked Alex in a deep voice. At this time, he summoned his spirit spear chastiefol in case he needs it. It will take quite some time before it reaches here.

"I came to take you back with me. You and I can be together forever and ever and ever again." She said.

"NO! I already told you that I do not like you, and that's it!" Alex said. There is a reason why he doesn't like this girl, because he hates her kind.

"But why? I changed my hair colour to match yours. I even lived in 8th heaven to be with you, and I had to put up with that Ajax for so long." A hint of anger could be seen on her eyes.

"That is why. You girls are the type that are desperate for a man, even when he doesn't like you, you still love him. This is why I do not like you, your character is almost like Mirrai Nikki's." Alex said.

(Ouch! I actually felt that burn.)

Evangeline didn't say anything. Her figure disappeared instantly and reappeared in front of Alex.

Her face was too close to him, as her hands gently caressed his chest.

"I can change. And once I do, we will get married, have kids. Or we can create our own little kingdom, you will be the king while I'm the slave. That sounds like fun. And then we can have 30 children running around the castle." Her delusions were getting wilder, as her face turned even crazier.

These past few weeks had changed her a lot. She no longer can control herself, she would lose her control whenever she thinks about Alex, she even played with her body in his room and so much more.

Alex waved off her hands. This is the reason why he doesn't like her, he hates people who can't let others go no matter what.

"Mom told me about your [commandment] once I get rid of the demonic power inside you, we will get married in 9th heaven and began our wonderful life together."

'How does she know about my commandment?! Maybe it was that old hag that snitched on me.' Alex thought that Qingfeng Hermit went to 9th heaven and exposed his strengths to them.

"Get this through your thick skull. I DO! NOT! LIKE YOU!l" Alex said loudly and clearly, but no words are ever gonna get through her.

"I know you're lying. You love me very much, I just need to get rid off that power like last time, and we can be together again." Her face started becoming crazier by the second. She started to get more physical with him, but Alex won't allow it.

Her delusions are so strong, that she actually believes that he loves her, when he doesn't, that is why she hasn't even turned to stone by Alex's commandment.

"Last time? What do you mean by that?" Alex asked.

"I told Ajax that if he were to steal your cultivation, then I will make him a very important figure in ninth heaven, he agreed happily." She didn't even bother hiding the truth about that.

'Ah. That makes WAY too much sense, I was starting to think how nobody on 9th or 8th heaven ever noticed that Ajax stole my cultivation.' He thought and felt angry at her. To think she was the one responsible for all of his past misfortunes.

"Why did you do it?" He wanted to know.

"Because if you had gained power, then other girls would start to look at you, and I don't want others to eye what is mine. If you remained weak, then you wouldn't stand out much" She said truthfully.

Alex clenched his teeth in anger, his cultivation was stolen by her because of a stupid reason.

"I see. But I cannot marry you, because I already have someone I like." Alex said.

Hearing this, it felt like time stopped for Evangeline. Her expression turned to an evil expression, her eyes showed no signs of anything. She just kept staring at him expressionless.

"Who is it?" She said strongly.

"I am afraid that I cannot tell you. When I saw her, it was like love at first sight. I will never forget her as long as a live." Each word he said felt like a knife piercing her heart.

"WHO IS THAT BITCH?!?!?!" She launched herself at Alex, and began choking him hard.

Alex couldn't breath or even talk with her hands on his throat.

She got angry very quick, but threw him down to the ground. He landed on the ground miles away from civilization.

"Hahahah! It doesn't matter. Once I kill you, I can reincarnate your soul and you will forget everything about that bitch. And after that, you and I can be together, only next time I won't ever let you leave."

Her figure ascended lower. Her expression was crazy, she didn't even know what to think anymore.

Alex stood up with his clothes all messed up.

"But you can't do it! If you really love me, then stab me through my heart. DO IT! I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HER MORE THAN I EVER WILL LOVE YOU!! I DARE YOU!!!" Alex kept taunting her.

In the next moment, there was a huge sword that pierced his chest, and it exited from his back.

"I killed you, now when you reincarnate again, we will be together like lovers." She kept hallucinating even at this moment. She is very crazy indeed.

However, a pair of arms held her waist tightly.

"Hey." Alex said with a smile.

"Wh-wh-wh what?! How are you still alive?" This was very surprising for her, because Alex should be dead by now. But he can't die, he's an immortal now.

"I have two words for you. [Physical Hunt]" he started draining her strength quickly. As she became weaker, Alex became stronger.

Evangeline tried to break free from his grasp, but found herself unable to. His entire body was covered in lightning as well as a dark demonic energy.

"I really hate woman like you." That was the last thing Alex said to her.

As she lost her power, she felt unable to even move an inch. Then a giant spear pierced her body and exited from her chest. His chastiefol made it here right on time to kill the crazy girl.

"But… I love you…" that was her final words before her eyelids closed only to never open them again,

"Bitch. How dare you call the woman I love a 'bitch' you are the biggest bitch I have ever seen." Alex then took her soul and stuffed it in his storage.

(To be continued)