A huge reward

Fuck it! As if I'm gonna let some bug stop me from writing.


"So this is what a big king's cultivators soul looks like." Said Alex as he inspected the white round soul, it looked more purer and denser than that of any other soul he has seen.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." The devil responded.

"What do you mean?" Asked Alex.

"We… are going to get married." A soft whisper came behind his ear.

He was once again startled by that voice, and it was in fact Evangeline in the flesh.

"How are you still alive?!" Alex said in shock. He just took her soul and pierced her body with his chastiefol.

"Boohoo. You are mean, my future husband tried to kill me." Another Evangeline appeared beside Evangeline.

It was getting repetitive, the number of Evangelines popping out of nowhere exceeded the number 100.

"Clones?" Asked Alex. He could not believe that there are so many Evangelines in one place, and all with the power of a big demon king.

They all started touch him, hug him, kiss him. It was like a reverse-gangbang. They were gonna make Alex enjoy their bodies, until he is filled with nothing but lust towards her.

(I honestly do not know what this would do, but then again she is crazy… so yeah.)

"No. There is something else to this. SYSTEM! Buy me {Magic cancel}" Said Alex in his mind.

{Magic cancel costs 50.000 SP. Host currently has 46,000.}

"Sell all my souls inside my storage."

{Sold 300 souls. 15,000 SP has been transferred directly to host.}

{Would you still like to buy magic cancel?}

"Yes buy it!" Alex said.

{Bought Magic cancel. 50,000 SP has been deducted.} Current SP 11,000 SP.

Alex bought this because this skill can be used to cancel anything that is magical, it can even work on an individual who has been infected by a strong magic attack.

"{Magic Cancel}" Alex activated his new skill, and then found out that all the other Evangelines were gone. There was only one Evangeline, but she looked at him angrily, shocked, and confused.

"You broke my illusion spell. I guess the power of love can overpower anything else." She said with a creepy smile.

'No. It was the power of bluescreen.' Alex thought. He was right about buying that {absolute cancel} she must have hit him with an illusion technique when she touched his chest, or when she started choking him.

According to his foreign knowledge about her, he doesn't know much about her besides that she is obsessed with him, and that she is as powerful as a demon king. He still doesn't know anything about her techniques, which is bad.

"Why do you resist? We could be so happy together."

"I told you already, I do not like you, and I have somebody I already love." Said Alex. He summoned his spirit spear beside him, waiting to attack her.

"STOP LYING!!! You do not like anybody else! You are in love with me and that is it!" She truly believes that what she says is the truth, which is why the commandment isn't working on her.

'What the hell do I do in this situation?' Alex is trying to find a way out, but can't.


Back with the Lu Sisters.

"Hey Sis, you ever wonder if Saviour likes us?" Lu Lili said as both of them practiced their demonic powers.

"Of course he likes us, why else do you think he would care for us so much?" Lu Linlin said from the side.

"I mean… do you think he likes us as much as we like him?" Lu Lili blushed when she said this.

"Hm… I dunno. If you want, you can ask him about it?"

"NO! That would be super embarrassing!" Yelled Lu Lili.

"Hehe! Then I guess I'll tell him about it. Bye!" Lu Linlin expanded her demonic wings that she has been practicing with, and flew towards her saviour's location.

"Sis!" Lu Lili created an invisible energy underneath her feet and flew to catch up to her sister.

Zhen Congming is just lying around. He lay beside the midget pegasus, who is still sleeping. He did not want to be a part of the {Ten Commandments} like the Lu sisters, as he wanted to stay in this world and that's it.


Back with our MC.

"This is gonna be tricky, Qingfeng never told us about you having immortality." She said as she kept hovering in mid-air.

"Go back home, Evangeline. I do not want to see your face or hear about you." Said Alex. There is a huge chance that Evangeline knows soul attacks, which is very bad to him if he were to be attacked by one of those.

"I'll just bring you home with me, with limbs or without limbs." Evangeline waved her sword at Alex to cut off his limbs.

Alex used the knives underneath his wrists to redirect her attack using {Perfect Counter}

"Perfect Counter!" Alex redirected her attack back at her three times more powerful.

Evangeline was caught off guard, because she has never seen or even heard of such a move before. The attack gave her a lot of cuts around her limbs, but it still wasn't enough to seriously ill her.

"A technique that can return the attack of an opponent by three times the original power." She didn't even care of the wounds that Alex gave her. At one glance, she could tell how his technique worked, her eye discerning ability is very high leveled.

"Increase!" Alex took this chance to bring his chastiefol behind her while he used perfect counter.

There were hundreds of small kunais floating behind Evangeline, all pointing straight at her.

"Interesting." She smiled at this petty technique. Once the knives made their move, they were all cut neatly in half with her sword.

"Hahahaha! My love for you is making me powerful." She kept laughing maniacally.

"God this is getting annoying." Alex hated her laugh. Then his spirit spear chastiefol floated beside him, as if nothing had happened to him. His spear has the ability to regenerate itself after being destroyed.

Evangeline stopped laughing when she saw his spear was fully intact. There is a lot of things that she doesn't know.

"I see. It looks like I need to do so much more in order for you to understand that you love me." Evangeline's face turned darker, because she thought that Alex liked that spear more than her, she's not wrong.

"Saviour!" Lu Linlin yelled out from the side. She sensed her saviour's presence here, so she wanted to look because she was worried for him.

At first she wanted to tell him something, but sensed a huge disturbance, which is why she looked so worried.

"Shit! Linlin get out of here!" Alex was not afraid of him dying, but Lu Linlin dying is not something he will ever forgive about himself.

Evangeline turned to see a very pretty girl flying towards them. She had the same dark powers as Alex, and she immediately understood that this girl, is the one who Alex likes, at least that is what she thinks.

Evangeline's face turned grim and angry. Right now, she wanted to kill Lu Linlin at all costs.

"DIE BITCH!!!" Evangeline drew out her sword and began to slash at Linlin. She is more powerful than a soul cultivator, while Lu Linlin is a peak Qian level, there is a huge difference between the two of them.

Alex tried to use his full speed to block Evangeline's attack, but stopped in his tracks. As soon as Evangeline got close to Lu Linlin, she dropped to the ground.

"What?" Alex didn't understand what just happened. Evangeline was at full rage mode, and tried to kill Linlin just now, so why is she down?

"I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU AND ALEX WILL BE MINE!!!" Even as she is on the ground, she kept ranting out loud but is unable to move.

"Ohhhhh. I see. Linlin's commandment is already taking affect." Alex remembered that he gave her and Lili a commandment, which he is glad he gave them this power, because it saved her life.

"Saviour, are you okay?" Ignoring the angry girl on the floor, Lu Linlin went up to check on Alex's condition. She is more concerned about his welfare, rather than the angry bitch.

"I'm okay, you saved me." Alex hugged Lu Linlin tightly, he thought he would lose her just now, he was very glad that she came here at this moment. He didn't call them earlier because he was scared about losing them, but realized that it was actually a mistake on his part.

Lu Linlin blushed hard from his tight embrace, even if they had spent two weeks together training hard, he has never hugged any of them. Even her breasts were pressing tightly against his chest, which made her blush harder.

Alex only hugged her out of worry, but he felt embarrassed when he noticed that this is the first time he has ever hugged a girl, and a pretty one at that.

"KILL!!! I WILL TORTURE YOU SLOWLY UNTIL NOT EVEN YOUR MOTHER WILL RECOGNIZE YOUR UGLY FACE!!" When she saw them both hugging intimately something inside her snapped, and she became a crazed, jealous killer.

"HE'S MINE! GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF MY HUSB-" Something happened to her, because she stopped her yelling at mid-sentence. Her eyes became empty without a trace of life anymore, and her head plopped to the ground.

"What happened to her?" Lu Linlin asked. She didn't even sense anybody using their abilities to hurt her, so it was confusing.

"Saviour!" Lu Lili showed up just in time, and hugged her saviour. Since she can't use her demonic wings like her sister, her speed cannot be compared to hers, not yet at least.

She did not feel anything when she saw them hugging, she was just happy to see them alive.

"How did you two know I was in trouble?" Asked Alex. He didn't contact them, and he is still far away from ethereal summit 2, so there was no way for them to sense that he was in trouble.

"Well, we were talking about whether you li-" Lu Linlin found herself unable to speak, because Lu Lili covered her mouth.

"Please don't say it!" Lu Lili said with a blushing face. She will feel very embarrassed if Alex were to know that they like him, of course, he already knew they like him, so it wouldn't be that much of a surprise.

"Where am I? Who am I?" Asked the angry bitch. She looked like she was lost, and confused.

"Evangeline, get out of here!" Alex could not stand the sight of her. He wanted her out of first heaven or any other heaven,

"Who are you?" Evangeline asked with no trace of life in her eyes.

"Isn't that?" Lu Lili turned to face her sister.

"That is… oh my god?" After taking a good look at her, she finally remembered that girl.

"You guys know her?!" Alex asked.

"She is the heavenly mother's daughter. We know this because we used to be the maids of the heavenly mother." Lu Linlin said, unable to believe that it was actually her.

"What?!" Alex said out loud in surprise. According to his foreign knowledge, the heavenly mother is the strongest one in 9th heaven, her power should be equivalent to an eternal demon king, or even higher.

"Saviour, you must not kill her! Once you do, there will be a manhunt for your head, and no one on 9th heaven will rest until they find us." Said Lu Lili.

"What is happening here?" Evangeline asked, not sure what was happening.

"It looks like her memories were erased. Lu Lili, your commandment did this to her." Alex figured it out after noticing her behaviour.

Evangeline wanted nothing more than to have Alex for herself, which also counts as being selfish, and when Lu Lili appeared before her, the commandment of {Selflessness} took affect and erased the memories of Evangeline, she can no longer live a normal human life anymore.

All her emotions, herself as a whole, has been lost forever.

"Oh no! I didn't mean to do that to her." She thought that her memories are gone, her saviour would be blamed and he would die because of her.

"It's okay, I'll handle it." Alex knew that there is no way to let Evangeline roam around like this, or 9th heaven will not rest until they find out the one responsible for this.

Alex patted Lu Lili's head gently to comfort her, then went to Evangeline and faced her directly.

"Who are you?" That was all she was saying, as you would expect from losing everything that there was about her.

"System, there is a huge chance that once I kill her, all of 9th heaven would be alarmed. Is there any way for me to change that?"

Alex has read a ton of light novels, and most of the time when a very important person dies, they somehow alarm their families or someone else, so there must be something like that on Evangeline's body.

{For 10,000 SP, I can make sure that once she dies no one will be able to sense her death right away. However, if someone were to discover this by accident or by doing a little detective work, I cannot do anything about it. This is only stalling for time}

"I accept!" Alex said. He will be broke, but it'll be worth it. If he were to get stronger in the time before somebody notices her death, then he won't have to worry about anything anymore.

You might think that its stupid to kill her right now, instead of just keeping her like this, but people would kill Alex if they found out that they did something terrible to Evangeline, like taking away her emotions and memories, that alone would be enough to provoke the heavens.

[Evangeline's life connection has been disconnected to ninth heaven, now nobody will be alarmed when she dies.] current SP 1,000

Alex touched Evangeline's forehead, and her soul came out of her mouth. Since she has lost her memories, she cannot protect her soul from Alex's assault.

"How much for this soul?" Asked Alex.

"Hmmm. 75,000 SP only." The devil responded after examining the soul.

"It's cheaper than I thought. How much will my realm increase once I eat this soul?"

According to the Lu sisters, after one completes the heavenly tribulation, they have to go through another heavenly tribulation to enter the next stage.

(The light novel doesn't mention the levels above the heavenly tribulation, so I'm gonna make some shit up.)

The levels above ninth heaven are exactly KAN LI ZHEN GEN DUI XUN KUN QIAN. It is exactly like the cultivation level before the level of a soul formation realm.

Right now, Alex is stuck on low Kan-soul formation realm, the weakest of the soul formation realm level. Once he reaches peak Qian-Soul formation realm, he can be equal to a big demon king.

He found out that he cannot eat the souls of qian levels anymore, as they can't even elevate his realm anymore, meaning that he needs stronger souls to get him stronger.

"This soul is at Peak Qian-Big demon king realm, almost as strong as an eternal demon king. It could elevate you to Peak Qian-soul formation realm of you eat it." He said.

"I'll do it. If it weren't for my low cultivation realm, I would never suffer such humiliation." Alex said as he stuffed the soul inside his mouth. And just all the other times, this soul tasted terrible.

"And one more thing, what the hell are you doing?!" The devil yelled at Alex out of nowhere.

"What?" Answers Alex confused.

"I specifically told you 'NO HAREM!' And now even the Lu sisters are in love with you, and yet you love someone else in a completely different world."

"I cannot have a harem?" Alex said.

"Yes! I just said that."

"Who decided that?" Alex responded in a tone filled with nothing but pride. You can probably guess where this is going.

"Oh dear god." He could not believe that this bastard stole Escanor's most famous line in the series.

"The only one who gets to make such decisions… is me."

"Do you want to go back to hell?" The devil responded.

"Fine! I'll stop." Alex said.

"Just don't get a harem, jeez. I know it's the dream of you people, but it's a literal pain in the ass."

"Do you have something against a harem?" Alex said, he has been wondering about that for some time.

"I am as old as the Earth itself, so I have read a TON of lightnovels and fanfics, and 90% of them have a harem. I'm sick of seeing a goddamn harem on almost every story, and I just want this to be an original." The devil responded with an angry expression, he hates just by thinking of the word 'harem'

"Okay fine. But I cannot stop the Lu sisters from liking me, you can only blame yourself for making me look so OP." Alex said.

"Just don't do a harem, that is all I'm asking, and to give me souls." The devil disappeared from his sight.

*BOOM* just as he left, Alex felt a powerful explosion just occurred in his body. He had reached from low Kan-Spirit formation real to Peak Qian-Spirit formation realm.

"Man, this is so much of a cheat. I should call my system the 'HAX system' it has a pretty good ring to it." Alex smiled at his current progress.

Also, he felt like his soul got stronger. After eating a few souls these past few weeks, he had even began sensing the power of his own soul, and it was pretty weak sense he has no idea how to strengthen his soul, but now, his soul is 10x stronger than before.

[since host has eaten the soul of a master of the big demon realm, you had also absorbed the soul's strength and cultivation.]

"Sweet!" Alex was happy to hear this news, he got more than he thought he would.

[Mission complete: kill a soul formation realm, heavenly dragon, or demon king. You killed an opponent with the power higher than any of these three, your reward is multiplied by 2x.]

[Reward 3.5M SP] use it well.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!?!" Alex mouth was wide open at seeing this huge reward. The minimum reward was only 750,000 SP. But the reward is slightly over 4X. That is a huge number indeed.

Since he killed a strong opponent, he got more than he would by killing a heavenly dragon, soul formation, or a small demon king.

"Saviour, what did you do?" Lu Linlin said from the side. She actually couldn't believe that he ate the soul of the heavenly Mother's daughter, which will without a doubt reach the ears of everyone in 9th heaven.

"Let's get out of here, I'll help you two reach the soul formation realm." Alex said as he held both their hands, but could still sense that they had fear embedded in their eyes.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I killed Evangeline because I am confident that the heavenly mother nor anyone else will notice her dead corpse." Alex said with a smile to comfort the twins.

"But it will be a matter of time before they notice." Lu Lili said very worried for the three of them.

"Then we must get stronger by then. Let's go." Using his chastiefol, he flew straight towards the Ethereal summit 2, but not before stuffing the body of Evangeline inside his storage.

He has now two things to do, help the Lu sisters reach the soul formation realm, and reach the big demon king realm.

"Do I even need to wait for Hao Ren to reach Gen level? Just by doing missions like this I don't need to even bother waiting till he gets stronger." Alex said to himself.

He really wants to go to the world where the seven deadly sins reside, for many reasons, like meeting Escanor in person.

And also, because there is a girl in that world that he likes, and he has been in love with her since then. Hehehe.

"But now, what should I spend on the amount of SP that I earned?"