Onto the next world.

On a tall building, there was a loving couple just being lazy while watching tv together.

They are indeed Zhao Guang and Zhao Hongyu. These two are unaware of the things that are happening to the dragon clans.

Ironically, Zhao Guang that this day couldn't have gone any better. With the ascension of Su Han reaching the heavenly dragon realm, it'll be a matter of time before they become the strongest clan in the country, or even in the continent.

Although Zhao Kuo failed his heavenly tribulation, he is still alive and well, which was all that mattered to them.

They enjoyed this day together, because it is one of those rare days when Zi is hanging out with Hao Ren and others.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Zhao Guang's cell phone interrupted this nice day they were having. He would have ignored that caller, until he saw that it was one of the elders of his clan.

"Hello." He answered.

"Dragon king! It's terrible! The east ocean palace had been invaded!" A young man's hysterical voice could be heard from the other side of the phone,

"What? What do you mean?" Zhao Guang stood up from the seat, which accidentally hit Zhao Hongyu's head with his knee. He didn't mean to do it, but the sudden news surprised him.

"I don't know if I managed to escape or if she let me go on purpose, but the east ocean clan is destroyed. There is nothing left there. I am the only survivor here."

His wording got quicker by the second, that it was almost impossible to understand him.

"Slow down! Who attacked us? Was It West ocean or a foreign enemy?" Zhao Guang asked. Beside him, Zhao Hongyu was equally surprised when she heard him. Because of her cultivation level, her hearing is very acute.

"One of the immortal maids that we locked up here did this to us. She escaped from the ice prison some time ago, but we weren't able to find traces of her. But she appeared today before us, and her cultivation level was at the level of a soul formation realm." The elder finished explaining the dragon king what he knew.

"Soul formation realm!" Zhao Guang asked surprised. He vaguely remembered those maids, and their cultivation level should be at Kun level, but they already reached the soul formation realm in such a short time.

Only Su Han would be able to deal with them, but he is wrong, the Lu sisters are stronger than an ordinary soul formation realm because of the commandments they possess.

"Found ya bitches!" A voice said from behind.

Zhao Guang and Zhao Hongyu turned to see a young kid with white hair and blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Zhao Guang asked with his guard up. He felt an incredible power surging from this kid, even more powerful than Su Han.

Alex didn't bother explaining them anything. He summoned his spear and pierced their bodies, killing them both instantly.

They didn't have a chance to react, they died too fast to even think of anything.

"These guys I hate so much. Hao Ren has done so much for these people, and yet, they repay him by bringing him enemies, taking away his spoils of war. They literally don't help Hao Ren at all."

You can tell that Alex likes this novel, but this is one part he hated the most.

Alex collected their souls just to sell them, he only got 8000 SP for both their souls, which was an okay number for these two.

He would have taken Zhao Kuo's soul too, but he is not here.

"Gotta go." Alex left that place as he appeared. He cannot wait until Hao Ren comes here to witness this gruesome scene of his father and mother-in-law.

He only came to this place because he has always wanted to do this. And also because he was bored after destroying the north and south ocean palace easily.

It was fun using [Sunshine] on both the dragon palaces.

Lu Linlin and Lu Lili easily took over the East and West ocean palaces.

They all met back at Ethereal summit 2 with their spoils of war. Lu Linlin and Lu Lili collected over thousands of souls, most of them beneath Xun level, and rarely a few of them were Kun or Qian level.

The cost of the souls were only 21,900 SP. Accumulated with the rewards of the missions, his SP is easily 234,900 SP.

He is only 40,100 SP away from getting battle axe rhitta.

"How did we do, Saviour?" Lu Lili spoke out with a small and smile.

"You two did very good." Alex patted their heads out of happiness that they did such a good job. He was worried that they may hesitate killing those cultivators, but after this, it proved that they are indeed willing to listen to him. He will go on a huge killing spree on other universes, so the Lu sisters need to kill without hesitating.

The twins smiled and blushed when he patted their heads, it felt good to them.

"What now, Saviour?" Lu Linlin asked after a while.

"I'll give us less than two weeks to leave this place. If Hao Ren doesn't get stronger by then, then I will kill him anyway. It's not like he is the only MC of a story." Said Alex.

The other worlds he had in mind are far more adventurous and way more fun than this boring world, it is almost starting to remind him of his real world, boring and plain, but with a tinge of cultivators, dragons and demons…

The twins both nodded and smiled at the fact that they would adventure to various worlds with their saviour.

"Oh, one more thing." Lu Linlin got close to her Saviour without him noticing, and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"..." Lu Lili felt embarrassed yet jealous that her sister did that. And yet, she didn't say anything.

"What was that?" Alex touched the cheek where Lu Linlin kissed him. He didn't feel embarrassed as he expected this to happen sometime soon, he knew their characters too well.

"For everything you have done for us." She didn't blush, but only showed her bright smile to him, and her cute crescent moon eyes that reflected the sun light, making her look cute and beautiful.

Lu Lili wanted to do the same thing as her sister, but her shy personality didn't let her do something so bold like that.

"Okay then… let's go celebrate." Alex said this and took them to eat down in first heaven, to a nice place that they will all enjoy.

He didn't bother killing more people or cultivators right now, maybe later. He is gonna rape the entire Dragon god shrine sometime later.


Time skip 2 weeks. (I genuinely just got bored and tired of this arc, so let's move on with the seven deadly sins world. It might be too fast, but I just want to move on already. And besides, there is literally no other reason for Alex to stay here, aside waiting for Hao Ren to get stronger.)

"It's already been two weeks. He should be here by now." Alex said to himself.

Right at this time, Alex sensed a very familiar presence headed this way at a very slow pace. It was Hao Ren, headed here right now.

At his speed, he should be here in a few minutes, or more.

Alex got up from the soft ground. He walked towards the girls that were still asleep. He made sure that they were healthy and in good condition, so they don't die on him.

"Okay. Now onto my ultimate plan." Alex shot his [Invasion] ability at the three girls.

The girls stood up like a bunch of half-dead zombies.

They are still under his command, but are in a sleep like state.

"There's your boy. Have fun with him." Alex walked leisurely behind them, out of sight.

The Lu sisters were just playing dress up somewhere a bit far from here. They were getting ready for their leave with Saviour to another new world.

*Whoosh* a young boy on top of a huge white lion showed up on Ethereal summit 2. It is obviously Hao Ren.

He reached peak-Gen level, just like Alex wanted it. Su Han didn't appear with him, as they were still having trouble with the destruction of the four dragon oceans clans and the dragon god shrine.

Alex got 30,000 SP from destroying the dragon god shrine. His SP is now 264,900. Only a little more than 10,000 SP from getting that battle axe. But after this, his SP should skyrocket.

The heavenly mother didn't even bother coming down for Alex, which was very strange indeed. Neither has Qingfeng Hermit appeared before Alex.

He should count this as a blessing that he hasn't been met with such a disaster.

"ZI! YUJIA! GRANDMA! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Hao Ren yelled out at the top of his lungs to locate Zi and the others.

"Chirp! Chirp!" Using his strong sense of smell, Little white found traces of the girls lingering smell. He barked to tell Hao Ren that he found something.

Seemingly able to understand Little white, Hao Ren said.

"Lead the way." Hao Ren commanded. He doesn't want to confront Alex, but something inside him told him to do it, despite Su Han's warning about how strong this foe was.

As they were about to find the girls, Hao Ren saw three terrifying figures approaching him at a walking pace.

The three figures looked like red demons, fat, ugly, and reeked of death. The three figures indeed resembled a lot like those red demons in the 'seven deadly sins world.'

Hao Ren was disgusted at this sight, because those were the most ugly things he had ever seen.

"Little white, shoot fireballs at them." He felt that he should kill them, which is why he commanded Little White to attack them with a far range attack.

*Whimper* Little White didn't obey him, but stood back with his ears down. For some strange reason, he doesn't want to kill the figures in front of him.

"Little White? I see, you're scared little buddy. After I kill these demon looking things, I will rescue Zi, Yujia and Grandma."

He drew out a short from a dharma treasure he got from the east ocean clan.

And he should mention that ever since the death of Zhao Guang, the dragon king of the east ocean, that was when the old dragon king, Zhao Haoran, came back quickly to take over, but he will die sooner or later since his time is almost up.

Zhao Kuo is nowhere to be seen, so him commanding east ocean is out of the picture. The only one left is the Fuma, Hao Ren. Since he is friends with the heavenly dragon, Su Han, there were almost no objections for Hao Ren to lead the east ocean clan in the near future.

(It is mentioned that Zhao Guang has another brother, but he has yet to show himself.)

Little White tried to grab Hao Ren's with his teeth to stop him, but it was too late as he already charged straight at the demons, while slashing his sword at them.

"DIE!!!" Hao Ren decapitated harshly at the three red demons as if they were butter. The red demons fell to the hard ground only to never wake up again.

"That was easier than I thought." Said Hao Ren.

"Oh wow! You actually killed them." Alex appeared behind Hao Ren without him even noticing.

Hao Ren jumped back with his sword still in his hand. He looked at Alex with hatred and fear in his eyes, he knew that he had no chance against him, but he came here anyways, which was a stupid decisions in his part.

"Where is Yujia?!" Hao Ren demanded harshly, you can tell that he doesn't like this guy. Anyone who kills and kidnaps the people close to him doesn't deserve his mercy.

"You know that you cannot kill me, yet you appeared before me to save them. A very bad and stupid decision if you ask me." Alex smiled, but not because of his stupidity.

"Where are they?!" He is in no mood to talk to him.

"You already met them." Alex pointed behind Hao Ren.

Hao Ren turned slowly, and saw the most saddest thing in his life. His Grandma, Yujia and ZI all dead on the ground, with their heads decapitated, just like how the demons he killed when he got here.

Little White whimpered and stood beside Yujia. He was making sounds when a dog was sad. He didn't know what to do, because those three people he loved very much.

"Wh-What is happening? Why did you kill them?" Said Hao Ren loudly. Unable to beleive that what he is seeing is the truth.

"Do you remember two weeks ago, when I flicked your forehead. When I flicked it, I also used my power without you knowing, it is called {Invasion} the power to mess with your mind, and so much more.

When you got here, I activated the power that I left inside your mind. You saw three red demons. However, in the eyes of others, those demons were actually Zhao Yanzi, Yujia and your grandma. You killed them, you killed the people close to you." Alex got closer to Hao Ren, until their heads were close.

"NO! I didn't kill them! I DIDN'T!" Hao Ren still had a hard time believing it. He could not accept the fact that they're dead, and much less that he was the one who killed them.

"Yes you did! Why else do you think Little White tried to stop you from hurting them?"

Hao Ren's mind broke. He dropped his sword and got to his knees, with a river of tears flowing down from his eyes.

"I also made you think that you actually had a chance to beat me, which is why you are here right how. I made you think that Zi and the others looked like red demons. They were wide awake when they wtinessed you killing them." His voice echoed inside the mind of Hao Ren.

Alex made sure to grab their souls as soon as they died, for that extra SP. Yujia and Zi have souls equivalent to almost 200,000 SP not to mention the rewards for killing them.

"Their last thoughts were "I will still love you no matter what, my grandson." "I am so glad to be able to meet you again." "No uncle stop!"

Hao Ren's mind really broke this time. The only thing that kept him sane was his freinds, but he lost them all, and he killed them.

"Hahaha! I love you man. His soul will without a doubt be one of the best that I had ever devoured." The devil stood beside Alex, with a happy grin on his face.

"Man, this side of you is so pitiful." Alex accomplished his plan, so there is no reason to talk to Hao Ren.

By touching his back, his soul exited from his mouth. The quality of this soul was so much purer than any other soul he had ever seen. This even tempted Alex to eat this soul, but stopped because this soul is the only reason why Alex is here alive, and not rotting in hell.

Hao Ren's vessel plopped to the ground, lifeless and without a soul.

{Mission complete! Kill Hao Ren when he had reached Gen level. 500,000 SP}

{Mission complete! Kill or enslave Xie Yujia 750,000 SP]

[Additional 250,000 SP has been sent for Yujia reaching Li realm.]

(Her reward was higher than Hao Ren's because she was protected by a soul cultivator, which was a strong opponent from the beginning of the story.

[Mission complete! Kill, torture or enslave Zhao Yanzi 100,000 SP.]

[Your total SP has reached 1,864,900]

"System, sell the souls of Ren and the others." Alex was smiling brightly that he earned so much in so little time, it still wasn't as much when he killed Evangeline.

[800,000 SP has been sent for selling these precious souls.] total SP is 2,664,900

"HAHAHAHA! FINALLY!!!" The devil didn't wait one second before stuffing Hao Ren's soul.

"Ohhhhh…. Yeah…."

"Did you just had an orgasm?" That sounded a lot like an orgasm.

"Yeah…" he responded.

"... gross."

Alex called the Lu sisters here, to get out of this world immediately.

"Okay. Now that I have completed your mission, I want to go to another word." Said Alex.

"You want to take Steven with you?"

"Yeah sure." Said Alex. Steven is a very interesting and powerful animal, and it might become a formidable ally if he were to keep him by his side.

"You also need to give him a commandment, just like the Lu sisters."

He still had that blissful expression on his face, the soul of Hao Ren was the best he had ever tasted.

"Hm…" Alex looked at Steven, who was still flying around the area.

"System, buy me the commandment of Pacifism."

[The Pasifism commandment has been bought. 100,000 SP has been spent.]

A black orb appeared on Alex's hand. The sudden appearance of this orb attracted the attention of Steven, he literally appeared beside Alex in a flash.

"You want this?" Alex asked the Pegasus from hell.

Steven nodded as if he understood what Alex just said.

"Here you go then." He threw the orb straight at Steven, which he ate. He also had the same blissful expression on his face, as if he just came.

"What is it with you two having an orgasm in the most strangest way?" He didn't know whether to find this gross or funny.

Steven had a powerful dark misma surging out of his body, the power of the commandment is already taking affect.

Steven turned darker and heater in colour. His body expanded dramatically, until his body was as big as a real life horse, he might be even bigger than an ordinary horse.

His wings expanded beautifully, his six legs made the ground tremble every time he took a step.

"Holy… man Steven, I wished I had done this weeks ago." Alex could not help but praise Steven's sudden transformation, he look dope as fuck.

Steven seemed to quite enjoy his transformation too. He felt powerful then before.

"Saviour… woah." The Lu sisters appeared before Alex, but we're surprised of the awesome Pegasus that was there. They recognised Steven, because there is literally no other animal that resembled it.

"What happened to Steven? He looks so cool." They couldn't help but stroke his fur, despite him looking sharp and terrifying, his fur felt even smoother than any silk out there.

"I'll explain on the way. But now, let's get moving to the next world." Said Alex.

The Lu sisters stopped stroking Steven, then nodded their pretty heads.

"Where would you want to go?" Asked the devil.

"The seven deadly sins world."

"Very well then." The devil opened a portal in front of them, it looked exactly the same as when he threw Alex in the earlier chapters.

Taking the hands of the sisters, Alex looked at the portal with a smile, this is the world of his favourite anime.

"Let's go." He led the beautiful twins and Steven straight into the portal.


I just want to say something before we start with this new arc.

Should the twins be the romantic partners of the MC, or should somebody else be his partner? Or I should just make this story just a fun story without any romantic interest.

Write in the comments what do you think should happen in this story.

A. Have the twins be the partners of the MC

B. Have someone else be his romantic partner. (Pick any girl out there, and explain the reason why this specific girl should be his partner.)

C. No partner for the MC, which will focus mostly on the plot of the story instead.

I don't know if having the twins becoming his partner counts as a harem, but I just can't pick between the two of them, it's like choosing which leg you like better, your right foot or your left foot.

I guess the twins count as a whole, since they are somehow connected to one another.

The one with the most votes wins. The final result should be announced when I update the next chapter.