The original Commandments

I guess option B) won. I did find it surprising that most of you wanted Eggy as the partner of the MC.

Don't worry, I will make sure that the Lu sisters are not disregarded like trash. I will make sure that they are all treated fairly.

And in case you are wondering, the other Commandments will not be just girls, there will be guys joining his team, and the ones I have in mind are very powerful and very famous.



Appearing on a plot of greenland, were four individuals that came out of a weird portal. They are indeed Alex and the others.

"So here it is. The seven deadly sins world." said Alex to himself, unable to actually believe that he is here.

[You have one random system draw]

[Would you like to use it?]

[Yes] [No]

This is like the time when Alex entered another world, so he was quite familiar with this.

The devil mentioned to him that every time he kills the MC of a world, he has two choices to make after that.

1 Pick any world you want, but get a random system draw.

2 Pick any system out there, but get teleported to a random world.

Those are his two choices, but Alex thought it would be more advantageous if he were to pick the world for himself. And who knows, he might get a good system draw out of this.

"Yes." Said Alex.

[Drawing… 1.0% 33.3% 66.6% 99.9% 100.0%]

[Complete. You have drawn out [Bleach] from the system.]

[You now have two shops you are able to access.]

[Seven deadly sins shop]

[Bleach shop]

'Nice! This is one of the most well known anime/manga out there.' thought Alex happily.

"But first, system, buy me battle axe Rhitta."

[Bought successfully battle axe Rhitta for 275,000 SP] Sp left 2,364,900.

A magnificent battle axe appeared in front of Alex, it even made a louder sound when it stopped to the ground, than when he summoned the war hammer Gideon.

The Lu sisters knew that this was the work of Alex, so they didn't pay attention to the sudden appearance of the axe.

"Merge the axe to my spear."

The same process happened like the other weapons, and soon the battle axe disappeared and merged slowly into the spirit spear.

"I'll test its power later. In what timeline am I in?" Asked Alex.

"You are in the time when The Ten Commandments are about to fight the seven deadly sins. To be more specific, in about a few hours, Estarossa will fight Escanor."

"Hm. So the entire kingdom of Camelot has already been taken by Zeldris…" Alex began to remember parts of the main series.

*BOOM* a huge red demon appeared before the four of them. They were aware of its existence, but they just ignored it.

"Kill him. I am thinking." Said Alex. Lu Linlin decapitated the the red demon easily before it could even launch an attack.

Alex believes that not even a gray demon could kill them. The only formidable opponents here are the Ten Commandments, the seven deadly sins, the four archangels, the demon king and the supreme deity.

As far as Alex knows, they are all his enemies. The reason why he didn't fight the heavenly mother, or even an eternal demon king, is because he is still too weak. But after visiting these worlds, he will become the strongest there is.

"Demon king, is it possible to merge other weapons that are not bought by the system?"

"It is possible. Only weapons that have special abilities are able to merge onto your chastiefol, but no common weapons or two of the same weapons can merge with your spear."

"I see… Check the system shop of {Bleach}

{Bleach shop}

{Unlock your very own Zanpakuto for 300,000 SP… wait}

{You already have a weapon that is capable to be your own Zenpakuto}

{Would you like to make your "Spirit spear chastiefol" to be your very own Zenpakuto?}

{Cost 200,000 SP}

{Merging with your spear, you will be able to use other people's shinigami powers. Without it, you won't be able to perform Shinigami attacks.}

"I'll take it!" Alex said without hesitating.

{200,000 SP deducted. Now merging your weapon with your soul.} 2,164,900 SP left.

{Waiting time 3 hours.}

Alex felt as if his soul was trying to reach out to his chastiefol, trying to form a connection with it. He could still use his chastiefol in the meantime it takes to process his weapon to become his very own Zenpakuto.

"System, I am willing to spend SP to locate the 'celestials' of this world. You know, the people from the movie 'prisoners of the sky."'

{For 50,000 SP. I will give you the location of the 'sky temple'}

"Deal!" He didn't hesitate at all.

{*Shows map of the seven deadly sins world*}

"It's closer than I thought. It is only 30 minutes away if we fly at our speed. Let's go." He extended his beautiful fairy wings and flew straight to where the map showed him. Naturally, the beautiful twins followed suit, as well as Steven.

In half an hour, Alex found a familiar scene of the movie he watched. Still following the map, he found the gateway that connected this world to the sky temple. It was a beautiful spring, that looked normal to other people, but Alex knew that this spring was not ordinary.

"Why would you want to go to the sky temple?" Asked the devil, unsure of what Alex is planning.

"You never watched the movie, so I will sum it up for you in short words. These people that are called 'celestials' possess a weapon that can severely wound and/or seal high ranked demons, they call it the 'winged sword' It will be very useful to me when I fight the ten commandments, as well as Meliodas."

"Ah, I see. But you are also part demon, so won't it be fatal to you as well?"

"I am part human, demon and fairy. You might be right, this winged sword might be a double-edged blade, but it will be worth it once I am able to mortally wound those demons."

The Lu sisters knew that their Saviour did some weird stuff with this 'system' that he has, which is why they didn't question him standing still for minutes.

"Open the gate to the sky temple." Said Alex.

|Unable to open it from this side. For 50,000 SP I can open it for you,}

"Go ahead."

In a second, the spring glowed a bright-white colour from the deep of its waters. When they got a closer look at it with the help of their great eyesight, they saw a bunch of huge fish flying in the sky.

"So pretty!" Lu Lili said in shock. Even back in 9th heaven, they had never seen such a scene in their lives before.

Alex didn't say anything. He took his shirt off which showed his abs and his fine muscles. His looks made him look muscular, yet strong and sharp.

The Lu sisters blushed when they saw him shirtless, again. As for Steven, he just drank from the spring water, totally unfazed by the light.

"We have to go in. Whoop! *SPLASH*" Alex dived straight into the spring water. The Lu sisters quickly changed their clothing to their swimsuits, which they happen to conveniently have on their storage rings.

They each had the same swimsuit, a normal swimsuit that only covered their breasts and their private parts. It was a white swimsuit with black and red stripes. It might be a simple swimsuit to everyone, but with the twins wearing them, any man nearby would be mesmerized by their beautiful figures.

They leaped into the spring like two mermaids not even making a splashing sound. Steven already left right after Alex dived into that spring water seconds after Alex dived in.

Alex swam for a few seconds, until he found himself in a dark cave, only illuminated by some strange lights in here.

The entire area felt different to Alex. With him being as powerful as a big demon king, his senses are extremely acute, meaning that he could sense the changes of his entire area.

Alex used his cultivation to dry himself up. Behind him was Steven, who was still dry even though he just dived into the spring water like him.

The Lu sisters appeared behind him in their swimsuits.

Alex didn't notice them in their swimsuits at first, but looking at them now, he was stunned by their beauty.

His eyes on their bodies only lasted for a few seconds, before he shook his head and proceeded to walk to the sky temple.

He might have been single all his life, but he must not give in to his lust. They are beautiful twins indeed, but he can't see them that way.

Although he likes them, he only sees these cute girls as friends, and nothing more. He believes that when the right girl appears in his life, he will know once he sees her.

He doesn't plan on being alone for the rest of his life, he wants a proper family, a family that he never had before. That is the one thing he wants most, to be part of a loving family.

The Lu sisters felt as if an invisible arrow pierced their hearts. They had just gotten friendzoned right now.

******* Skip the boring stuff for now.

After walking the area outside the cave, the entire village was very beautiful, like an old civilization, yet they looked powerful.

They found the village in no time, because there was a literal egg the size of a mountain just sitting there near the village.

Using their cultivation, they made it seem like they're invisible to these people. Unless one had a high level of cultivation, or is simply a strong foe, then no one should be able to even see Alex and the others.

"Saviour, there doesn't seem to be any strong people here." Lu Linlin said from the side, still in her swimsuit. They didn't change for odd reasons.

"The egg inside has some formidable foes inside, but they shouldn't be able to escape from there anytime soon." Said Alex casually pointing at the huge egg.

"Ah." Lu Linlin understood.

They entered a very spacious building, as if this was an ancient and highly respected space.

On the other side, was the winged sword that Alex came for.

"Saviour, that sword doesn't react well to my demonic energy." Lu Lili stopped in her tracks, when she felt her demonic power reacting strangely to the winged sword.

Even Steven and Lu Lili reacted very weird to that sword, as if it was repelling them away.

"The sword is a powerful weapon, it is highly lethal to demons. I need this sword to have an upper hand in this world," He didn't stop in his tracks. He was surprised that they would react to this demonic energy.

He didn't feel it, which was weird for him. He got close enough to reach the winged sword.

Upon touching it, it did not repel him away as he expected. However, he found himself unable to pull it out from its resting place.

[Only a celestial chosen by the sword can wield it. Not even Escanor can pull it out.]

"Is there any way for me to pull it out?" Asked Alex.

[I can force the weapon to submit to you, if that is what you want?]

"Will it cost me?"


"Do it then."

[Processing… Winged sword has now chosen its new wielder 'Alexander Anderson']

After seeing this, Alex was able to pull out the winged sword easily.

"Merge the weapon to my Chastiefol." Said Alex

[Host needs to wait another 2 hours and seventeen minutes to complete the last process.]

"Shit. Oh well, at least I got it." Alex had forgotten that his soul is currently trying to merge with his chastiefol, to become his own Zanpakuto.

Stuffing the sword inside his storage space, he turned to signal the girls to leave this place. He has another place he needs to visit.

However, he didn't see Steven anywhere.

"Where is Steven?" Asked Alex.

The Lu sisters just noticed that Steven was gone. They looked around but couldn't sense him or see him.

"AAHH!!! A DEVIL HORSE IS EATING ALL MY FOOD!!!" A woman cried out loud.

Alex and the Lu sisters knew who it was, so they went to check it out. They saw Steven raiding a huge house, that was filled with all types of food. This was the storage house where the celestials kept all their food.

Steven ate everything he could see, not sparing even a crumb for anybody.

"..." that was that Alex and the twins thought at the moment.

Several temple guards tried to fight it, but were repelled by the power that Steven possessed.

"Zoria, we believe that this is a demonic creature, we need the winged sword to wound this thing!" A temple guard said after trying to kill the thing.

A man in his late 60's appeared, it was Zoria indeed. The father of Solaa, AKA the twin(doppelgänger) of Meliodas.

"Hm. Somebody fetch me the sword while I'll try to kill this thing." Said Zoria as he drew out his spear from god knows where.

A solder nodded then proceeded to fetch the winged sword. They had yet to realize that Alex took the sword from them not too long ago.

"Let's leave him here. Steven can take care of himself."

They left the sky temple by flying down below the floating sky temple. At this rate, Alex should be at the place where he wants to go.

The crew flew around the area. It was a beautiful land, filled with rivers, greens, forests everywhere. Until they got closer to their destination, the scene turned to hell. Demons everywhere, people without souls were scattered everywhere like pieces of trash, or like a mindless group of zombies but without showing any signs of mobility or life.

"Um, Saviour, why are we here? This place gives me the creeps. Lu Lili asked, disturbed by the sight of many things here.

"I came here for a few things. You three just need to guard me while I take care of things." Alex said with a serious face. If he is not careful enough, one of the Ten remaining commandments might attack them.

Right now, Alex is headed straight for the kingdom of Camelot. It is the place where King Arthur ruled, before it was invaded by a single person.

Camelot had been taken over by Zeldris, and therefore this kingdom is now under the command of the demon clan.

From a fair distance, there was a huge kingdom, but it was torn apart, as if a battle had occurred not too long ago. Demons surrounded the area, proving that this is the kingdom of Camelot.

Alex did not sense one of the Ten Commandments residing there, which means they're elsewhere.

Dolor and Gloxinia are currently on an unknown place, the same goes for Melascula.

Galand has been turned to stone by his own commandment, when he fought Escanor.

Estarossa, Zeldris, Derieri, and the others are currently fighting the seven deadly sins in the kingdom of Liones.

Alex, followed by the rest, landed safely on the fallen kingdom of Camelot.

"Follow me quickly before we're noticed." Alex used his {invasion} ability on the Lu sisters to give them accurate information about this world, he did this to save time.

There is a huge source of demonic energy emanating from a specific building in a room. Killing some red and gray demons on the way, Alex destroyed the wall of the building that was separating him from this demonic power.

In the center of the room, was a dark rune with a dragon handle in the middle. This is the coffin of eternal darkness, the same one that sealed the demon clan 3,000 years ago.

"Found it!" Alex smiled brightly that he found this powerful item. Moving closer to remove the handle, he found out that he couldn't remove it despite all his strength.

"How can I get rid of this handle?!" Alex said as he kept trying to pull the handle out.

{You can either sell the handle right now, or pay a considerable amount of SP to remove it.}

"How much?"

{Selling this handle will net you 5,000,000 SP.}

{Removing the handle from the seal will cost you 800,000 SP}

"I thought you only took souls from powerful people for SP?" Asked Alex, unable to believe that this thing will actually get him 5,000,000 SP

"This is an item with the capability to seal demons like me, so naturally, I am willing to offer you a hefty price for the item." Said the devil from the side.

"I'll sell it."

[5,000,000 SP has been transferred to you.]

The item in front of him disappeared, and with it, the coffin of eternal darkness stopped spamming out demons that were sealed in it.

Alex heaved a sigh of relief, with the handle gone, the demon clan should never be able to come out ever again.

There are very powerful figures still imprisoned inside the coffin of darkness, which is why Alex didn't want them to get out of there to cause unnecessary trouble to him.

Alex didn't know if breaking the seal would be a bad or good thing, but removing the handle should be enough to stop the demon clan from becoming even more powerful.

"Lili, Linlin. There is a sword residing somewhere over here, it should be on a stone. If you find it, tell me, it is very important to me." Said Alex.

"Yes saviour!" They both said cutely, before disappearing from that building like ninjas.

"Now system, while the Lu sisters help me find Excalibur, tell me all my options for the bleach shop. And also, show me the list of missions that are available."

[...] Blue Screen showed Alexander a list of all his current options.


In the kingdom of Liones, this is what is happening.

Estarossa and Escanor were facing each other, they still haven't fought yet, but they were about to.

"I see. You're the one that Melascula was rattling about. You're the one who killed Galand." Estarossa said with a smile.

"Please don't bear hatred towards me, or your commandment will take away the fight that I am so looking forward to."

Escanor said in a deep voice filled with pride.

"You're a surprisingly nice-... huh?" Estarossa was interrupted by the sudden change of the coffin of eternal darkness.

The other Commandments, who are very busy right now, stopped when they sensed someone messing with the coffin of eternal darkness.

"The coffin! I can't sense it anymore!" Zeldris said with a face of disbelief. No one should be able to do anything to the coffin of eternal darkness, otherwise he wouldn't have left it alone with some lowly red and gray demons.

Zeldris didn't want to believe it, but he still took off to find out the culprit behind it.

Derieri, Grayroad, Monspeet and Dreyfus also followed suit. This left everyone in Liones confused that all the remaining Commandments left like that.

"We will meet again, but now I have other things to take care of." Estarossa was looking forward to fighting Escanor, but that fight will have to be postponed for later.

"Very well. Enjoy the remaining days of your life, because the next time we meet, it will also be your last day living in this world." Escanor didn't pursue them, he just looked at the six powerful demons flying towards a very specific location.

"Hey, Escanor! Are you just gonna let that bastard get away! He killed the captain!" Ban yelled angrily from the side.

"I can kill him any time I want. The fact that they're running away should be counted as a blessing to the people of Liones." Escanor took heavy footsteps inside the kingdom, leaving the people outside confused.

"What the hell just happened? What the hell caused those demons to stop them from attacking this kingdom?" Ban asked himself.

There were some red demons left behind, but they were taken care off by several other people.

Everybody wanted to know one thing, what the hell just happened?

Meliodas who had just woken up felt the same way. He was expecting a fight, but they just left.

Elizabeth who was beside Meliodas, heaved a sigh of relief because no one else would die today.