A difficult mission

After Alex browsed the system shop and missions, he sensed 6 powerful people headed this way. He frowned a bit, because they should be here in 4-5 minutes.

"System, how much longer until my chastiefol becomes my Zanpakuto?" Asked Alex.

{5:30 time remaining.}

"Good. Now buy me 'Ryujin Jakka'" This power is captain 'Yamamoto's' Zanpakuto. It is the oldest and most offensive fire ability in the anime of bleach, its power is unrivaled in the world.

Alex chose this power because it fits well with his {Sunshine} ability. He wondered if he could combine these powers just like he did with {Perfect Counter}

{Unable to buy any other Zanpakuto abilities until you have your own Zanpakuto}

"Can you put it on hold or something?" Asked Alex.

{Sure. It does cost 3,000,000 SP. Once your chastiefol becomes your own Zanapkuto, then you will immediately have access to it}

"I'll take it. And one more thing, it is possible to have Ichigo's hollow form?"

[It is possible to buy it right now. You won't need to worry about another spirit taking over your body, as you will be able to fully command it at your own will.}

"How much will it cost?"

{For the hollow form 2,000,000 SP. For the {New hollow form} You can buy it for 10,000,000 SP or unlock it by luck, or by training harder.}

"Buy me the hollow form then." Alex sighed that he had to spent this much SP in such a little time. But he did earn a lot when he sold the handle, so it should be good.

The 'new hollow form' that blue screen mentioned, is the form that Ichigo takes when he fought Ulquiorra in 'Hueco Mundo arc' It was a very impressive fight indeed, probably one of the best fights in bleach.

{Processing… Successfully bought {Hollow form}} Current SP 5,064,900.

Alex felt another type of power enter his own body. It is the new 'hollow power' that he had just bought.

{Identified two skills that can be synchronized. Would you like to merge [Hollow} and {Demon energy} together?}

"Oh wow, another two skills to synchronize. What are the effects of merging said two skills?" Asked Alex surprised that the two powers are capable of merging.

{Merging the two skills will unlock a new power called "Dark-Demon energy." The new Dark-Demon energy is way more powerful than the two skills you currently possess.}

{Unfortunately, if you merge the two skills, you do not unlock new skills, but you will indeed experience a new surge of demonic power. You will be able to tell the difference once you merge the two skills.}

"How much will it cost?"

{I can offer you three options. One, experience a world of pain for ten years while the host's body tries to unlock the power. But it will be free of charge.}

{Second option is simpler, but more expensive. It will cost you 50,000,000 SP}

"FIFTY MILLION?!?! ARE YOU SHITTING ME?" Alex screamed out loud at this terrifying price.

"But if you think about it, what kind of power takes 50,000,000 SP? It's even stronger than Yamato's power." He thought after thinking about it.

Unfortunately, he will not be able to afford it right now, as this price is way out of his reach.

"What is my third option?"

{Third option is not as painful or as expensive than the others, but it might prove the most challenging. You will need to do three things for this third option.}

{You will need to gather the original "Ten Commandments." of this world and combine them with your body.}

"That doesn't sound too bad." Said Alex.

{The second thing you need to do is spend at least 1,000-10,000 years in Purgatory, but you cannot lose your reason.}

"Shit!" Said Alex. Purgatory is where the demon king is trapped, as well as where the worst of things reside. Ban survived that long because of his immortality, and because his strong will to find the captain.

That place is truly like hell. Well, not that Alex hasn't been in hell before.

{The third and final thing is to kill the demon king, and absorb his power. Not only will you gain the "Dark-Demon energy" but you will be awarded an additional 10,000,000 SP.}

"I personally added that 10,000,000 SP, because there cannot be another demon king besides me. Those who dare call themselves the 'demon king' deserve to die." Said the devil angrily from the side.

"I see. I choose the third option." Alex chose this, because going against the demon king and the Ten Commandments is something he would have done anyway. He will be awarded very well for this mission.

But before he goes to purgatory, he needs to do a few things first in this world.

"Saviour, I found the sword you are looking for." Said Lu Lili through telepathy.

"Good. I'll be right there." Alex responded as he flew out of that building and right into the one Lu Lili was at.

Upon arriving at the building, he saw the twins trying to pull out the sword with all their might. Their faces were flushed red, because of the strength they had to put to try to remove the sword in the stone.

"We can't get this sword out of this stone." Lu Linlin was angry that her and her sister couldn't even make the sword budge, even when their realms are at the soul formation realm.

"The sword cannot be removed by anybody else, unless the chosen one pulls it out." Alex walked closer to the sword, but smiled that the cute beauty's tried so hard to pull the sword out.

"Ah." They both understood now, no wonder they couldn't make the sword budge at all.

Alex touched the hilt of the sword to pull it out, but found himself unable to. He half expected this to happen.

{I can make it acknowledge you as the 'chosen one' for free, of course.}

"Do it then, but is it possible to make it un-acknowledge me later?"

{Sure… I can do that.} Even the system didn't understand what Alex was planning with this sword.

After pulling the sword out easily, Alex didn't even bat it an eyelid as he tossed it to his storage. Although the sword is very famous, he wasn't fazed by the power of the sword. He only pulled it out for a different reason.

(That reason will be explained much much later.)

"Saviour, I sense 6 powerful people headed this way right now. Are they enemies?" Asked Lu Lili, who was somewhat fearful of the power that those six incoming individuals possess.

"As far as I know, everyone in this world is our enemy. You two should already know about their powers and who they are. Do not underestimate them, okay?" Alex turned and said very sternly.

In battle, if one isn't careful enough, they could lose their lives.

"System, buy me two {Fountain of youth}"

{Deducted 500,000 SP.}

Two very identical cups filled with water, appeared out of nowhere on Alex's hands. He gave each one to the Lu twins.

"I want you two to drink this, and you will be granted immortality."

The Lu sisters were unable to believe this. They knew that Alex possessed immortality, so they thought that it would be very hard to get such an item in their hands. But as it turns out, Alex had two other cups in his hands.

"After we fight these guys, I need you two to accompany me to a certain place called 'purgatory' I will explain it later."

Alex needed to bring the Lu sisters with him to purgatory. If they all spent over 1,000 years in there, their powers will increase tremendously. Even Ban, after losing his immortality, could stand up to the demon king for a while.

With them being immortal, they can stay in purgatory for millions of years and still remain the same as they are now. The only difference, is that they will become very powerful.

The Lu sisters trusted Alex very much, and didn't think twice before swallowing that mouthful of water.

"Why didn't you do that before?" Asked the devil.

"I didn't think that they would need it. And I honestly didn't think I could afford it." responded Alex casually.

The Lu sisters didn't feel anything different after drinking the fountain of youth. But the effects should show after a battle.

"Lets go greet the 6 people. They have something I need."

The three now immortals jumped out through the wall, and landed far away from Camelot. They stood in the straight line, with Alex in the middle, and the Lu sisters beside him. They looked very powerful and dominating.

"How much until the process is done?"

{2:30 minutes.}


Back with the original Ten Commandments.

"Oh!" Said Monspeet. "It seems that whoever is in there, seems to have sensed our presence already." He somehow was able to tell this, even though they are still a fair distance from Camelot.

"Whoever it is shall pay with their lives!" Zeldris gritted his teeth in anger, because that someone messed with the coffin of eternal darkness.

"Dreyfus, you know this world better than we do, is there another foe in this world that can mess with the coffin?" Asked Estarossa from the side, seemingly bearing no hatred for this person.

"I cannot. I made sure that not even powerful demons like you can't remove the handle, or even destroy the rune. I am sure that it isn't the work of the seven deadly sins, as they are all in Liones. The other ones are too weak to remove or even mess with such a thing." Dreyfus had a hard time thinking who could be so powerful enough to do such a thing.

They kept flying, and are now just seconds away from Camelot.


Alex could see the 6 remaining commandments. He smiled at the fight that was about to happen.

"I forgot to mention something; Their commandments shouldn't be able to affect you or the sisters, the same rule applies to them. Since you all have a commandment, you are all immune to each others commandment." The devil said after remembering something.

"Well, that changes things, However, they are still not immune to the punishment of their own commandments, unlike us three." Alex was kinda happy that they have an advantage over them.

*WHOOSH WHOOSH* Several people are look down at Alex from above, as they stood still in the air using their demonic wings.

"Nice to meet you all, I am a big fan of you guys." Alex said out loud for them to hear him, he said it in a tone as if he was actually familiar with them.

"Who the hell are you?" Zeldris said with a dark expression on his face, he didn't come here for a chat

"Yeah lets skip the chat for now." He extended his finger at them, and shot six blue lights straight at their heads, giving them the information that they all need.

All six of them felt a bunch of information flooding their heads right now. Alex only showed them that he was the one who removed the handle on the coffin, as well as their names, and so on.

He didn't dare tell them everything about him, just a few simple things. He wasn't that stupid to give out his secrets to the enemy.

Dreyfus found it confusing yet shocking that Alex could use {Invasion} like Gowther. He knew that the enemy in front of him isn't simple.

"Alexander Anderson, great name." Estarossa said with a smile, he actually liked his name.

They all descended till their feet met the ground. The original Ten Commandments stood in a line, facing the other three only a few meters away from them.

The tension in the air was real. They haven't begun fighting, but they knew that some serious shit was going to happen here.

They all waited until one of them made a move. Until that one person even moves their finger, all hell will break loose.

{0:05 time remaining till the process is complete.}





{Process completed. Your chastiefol has been upgraded to be your very own Zanpakuto}

{Bought "Ryujin Jakka"} Current SP 1,564,900. SP

{Merge {Sunshine} and {Ryujin Jakka} for 100,000,000 SP}

"..." That price, was something that Alex could only hope to reach. But, he expected the price to be astronomical, so it wasn't surprising.

"Hm. Neat!" Alex smirked that he had now become stronger at this exact moment without anyone noticing.

"Lu Linlin, Lili, now." Said Alex.

Both sisters quickly stepped back and flew away far from their Saviour miles away.

The Commandments ran after the sisters, except Zeldris and Estarossa, who stayed behind to fight Alex.

"This is the biggest mistake that you have ever made. I will make sure that I give you the proper death that you deserve." Said Zeldris, who drew out his sword.

"I am willing to let you two live, only if you hand me your commandments." Alex stretched out his hand to them, as if they really are gonna give him their power.

'I am not gonna expose Estarossa's true identity, as that would ruin the fun fight that I am looking forward to.' Alex thought.

There is no need for Alex to expose the truth about Estarossa, since he is gonna kill him anyways.

Zeldris drew out his sword, ready to attack. Estarossa didn't drew out his sword, he only smiled slightly at Alex, amused by his bravery for standing up against two of the strongest Ten Commandments.

Summoning his newly acquired Zanpakuto, Alex held his spear tightly and was ready to fight.

"Merge the winged sword to my chastiefol." Said Alex.

[...Merge completed!]

"Now, let the fight began…" said the devil.

(Cliffhanger no jutsu!)