The seven deadly sins on the move

In Purgatory.

"AAAAHHHHH ITS BURNING MY SOULLLLL!!!" Alex cried out in pain, from the intense heat that Purgatory produced.

It felt as if he were inside a giant microwave right now. Even as an immortal, it hurts like hell.

'This is worse than the other hell.' Thought Alex.

The Lu sisters expected something like this from the start too. They are also suffering a lot, but for some reason they didn't scream or yell in pain.

Alex has yet to insert the Commandments into his body, as he will only do it after suffering 1000 years in Purgatory. That way, his body won't reject the Commandments.

Once his body becomes stronger, he will be eligible to fully control all the Commandments in his storage space.

"Saviour, how long did you say we have to be here?" Asked Linlin, seemingly in a lot of pain.

"1000 years."

"... Biscuits." Said Linlin, as if that was her own way of cursing.

"Biscuits? Who actually says that these days?" Asked Satan.

"Shut up, its funny and cute."

And so on, the three of them went of a suffering spree.

As for Steven, he is literally suffering nothing. This place was as if this was a hot spa. He didn't look like he was suffering, he even enjoyed the environment.

"What a strange animal indeed." Satan looked at Steven, still pondering about its origin.

Steven came from an egg from the 'Dragon king's son-in-law world' but, that was all he knew about him.

Although the people called it an 'immortal being' it exceeded anything far from just a simple immortal being. It already surpassed the power levels of every single cultivator in that world, before they left for the seven deadly sins world.

The average power level of an Eternal demon king is 120,000 but Steven is already 300,000 and counting.

It'll be a matter of time before Steven becomes stronger than the Demon king and the Supreme Deity. And after god knows how long, he might soon reach the Saitama level.

Satan turned to look at the humans, just going through huge amounts of pain. Luckily, Alex asked something from the system to keep their clothes intact, or their clothing would have burned as soon as they stepped foot in Purgatory.

The demon king of this world, won't notice Alex and the others until 1000 years have gone by, this is thanks to the system for helping Alex out.

If they were to fight him right now, they would most likely lose.

It's better if they trained for a very long time before they can fight the Demon King, and the Supreme Deity.

"Hopefully they don't lose their sanity, or I will have to get rid of them myself." He said to himself, then left. He could replace Alex in an instant for another poor sucker.


In the Fairy King's forest.

Ban and Elaine visited the area where Lu Lili fought Gloxinia and Dolor. But, all that was left were ashes, and a destroyed area.

Some of the other Fairy's nearby witnessed what had happened, and were totally dumbstruck that their king, and the other king (Gloxinia) died just like that.

When they saw Ban and Elaine appear before them, they broke down and told them what had just happened.

Ban angrily kicked down a couple of trees, as some tears dropped from his eyes when he heard what happened. King and Diane were very good friends of him, so they meant a lot to Ban.

Elaine got down on her knees and sobbed loudly. For 700 years, she had longed for her brother's return. But soon after she came into this world, she finally saw him again, then he left her again. Only this time, it's for good.

What was worse is that their bodies were burned to a crisp. Without a body, how can they revive them? That was the most devastating part to them.

"Elaine, I know that this is a terrible moment for all of us, but we need you to lead the Fairy clan." Gerheade appeared before Ban and Elaine, with a tearful expression written all over her face.

Gerheade, is the sister of Gloxinia, and the advisor of the Fairy King. (You must already know who I am talking about, so I'll stop there and continue on with the story.)

Elaine looked at Gerheade, also with a sad and painful expression on her face. She then looks down, as more tears fell from her face.

"I know what you are going to say, but I cannot take the responsibility of leading all of you." Said Elaine.

Gerheade seemed to understand why she declined it on the spot. It's not just because King had died, it's also because even she doesn't know just how long until her soul returns to the otherworld.

She is only here because of Melascula's ability.

And besides, she needs to help Ban in whatever she can to revive the sins.

Gerheade paused for a moment, with her eyes shut lightly. The Fairy clan needs someone to lead them, but with both kings gone, they are all lost.

Elaine only led them for a short time (700 years) because King was absent during that time. And also because she is the sister of King.

They had no other candidates in mind to be the Fairy King. The only other candidate is Ban, but most Fairies don't want a human to rule them all.

Ban can also agree with them too, as he has no plans to ever become the Fairy King, he doesn't even like this place.

There are two things he likes about this place; the grapes that make the wine that he likes, and Elaine… you can guess why already heheheheheh!

(You know, he needs to study the Fairy race for uhhhhhhh… *Ahem* For Educational Purposes.)

{It's "For Academic Purposes" you goddamn idiot!!!}

(Shit!!! How the hell did I screw that one up?)

"Gerheade, you can lead the Fairy race temporarily. If we come back alive, then I will figure something out. In the meantime, I must do something." Elaine wiped off the snot and tears from her face.

Gerheade was momentarily stunned when she heard her, she nodded her head slightly in agreement. She has a lot of experience in advising the Fairy King's for over thousands of years. She is pretty sure that she can manage the Fairy race for a short period of time.

As for Ban, he will never get over a friends death. But at this moment, he must be strong for the others around him.

"Elaine, we must go." He grabbed her hand and slightly pulled her over.

Gerheade already knew that they like each other, but that still didn't mean she liked Ban, as she had come to despise the humans for betraying her 3000 years ago in the holy war.

"Maybe, if you two have an offspring, he can be the new King." Gerheade said softly, but it was still heard by Elaine, who had her mind reading ability.

Elaine blushed slightly, as she didn't expect Gerheade of all people, to think about that. Even she has never thought of it.

Although Gerheade doesn't like Ban, he still holds the 'Fountain of immortality' the very same thing that is keeping this forest alive.

If Ban and Elaine were to have a baby, then he or she might be fit to rule the Fairy clan. But, who knows if Elaine would even be here to give birth to an offspring.

For the Fairy clan, they only need 1-2 months to give birth to a baby, unlike humans, who need 9 months to give birth.

The only reason why Fairies don't reproduce that often, is because of the humans that hunt them down for their wings. And also because of their long lifespan.

Elaine Is already 700 years old. Where as Gerhearde is over 3000 years old. If Fairies do reproduce very often, then there might be too many Fairies to count, and lots of problems might come for them.

So it was better if they kept their population to a minimum, or they will suffer in the future.

(It's kinda like China's overpopulated problem. They even made it illegal to have more than two children there, so yeah.)

As Ban and Elaine were pondering on what to do now with the Fairy clan's problems, a huge pig was running at a fast pace, with several people on top of its back.

Elizabeth couldn't afford to wait long enough for Ban and Elaine to come back, so she quickly got ahold of Meliodas's body, Merlin's as well, then proceeded to take their corpses straight to the Druid's land.

The other remaining sins were also with Elizabeth, and some other people as well, they also couldn't wait for Ban and Elaine to return.

"Mama Hawk, sorry about this, you're running so much just to carry all of us. But, we thank you."

Elizabeth stood on top of Mama Hawk's nose. She stroked her body lightly, as she felt bad that Mama Hawk had to run countless Kilometers in one day.

Mama Hawk did not mind running so much, because Meliodas and Merlin are very important people to her. She would run for weeks nonstop just to help them.

"Princess, it's not my place to say this, but why do you want to bring the corpses of the Commandments with you to the Land of Druids? Aren't they the enemy here as well?" Asked Gilthunder.

Elizabeth was not the one who brought them, it was Ban. After worrying all this time for Meliodas, she did not even pay attention to the other corpses.

But, thinking it now, she also had a strange feeling to bring them to the Druids. Who knows what could happen.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!! Demons incoming!" Screamed Hawk loudly, alerting everyone nearby.

Several red and gray demons were catching up to Mama Hawk. The numbers exceeded a few dozen.

Currently, these demons would not have been a problem. But, the only one available to fight them, is Gowther.

The red demons are relatively easy to deal with. But gray demons are a different story. They're on a whole new level compared to the weak-red demons.

Gowther has to rely on his {Invasion} technique to fight the gray demons, which might be easy if he played his cards right.

(Remember, even the other deadly sins had trouble dealing with Hendrickson, after he absorbed the powers of a Gray demon, this also includes Gowther.)

Escanor is weak right now, it is already sunset, which meant he is not in the condition to fight even a red demon.

"Dammit! Out of all times, it had to be now." Gilthunder mumbled angrily.

Although they had a power up, they still would find it troubling to fight so many red and Gray demons.

"Everyone, use whatever means necessary to protect the corpses of my fallen comrades. Even if you have to sacrifice your lives, do it." Said Gowther, as he drew his Twin Bow Herritt.


However, the huge amount of demons that were chasing after them, wasn't by coincidence, it was the work of Melascula.

Melascula is literally the only of the Ten Commandments alive. Thus naturally, she is now the strongest demon alive, aside from Chandler, Cusack, Meliodas and the Demon King.

But, since most of them are sealed away or dead, she is the strongest one right now.

"Hahahaha! Stupid mortals. After I conquer all of Britannia, no one will be safe from me, the Demon Queen!"

Melascula laughed hysterically, as all the demons she summoned were dealing with all of her enemies.

She could no longer call herself a Commandment, as they no longer exist anymore.

Melascula was so currently gathering souls through her demons, to make sure 'that' man doesn't kill her.

She is very pissed that someone threatened her like that, but what can she do about it. She is gonna complete her goal, and that is for the demon race to rule this world.

After accumulating countless souls, she kept on accumulating them, for herself as well. These souls gave her a slight power-up, which is very helpful for her.

"Seven deadly sins, you better die." She said.


Back in Purgatory.

Who knows how long has gone by in Purgatory. Months, years, decades, no one knows for sure.

Three demonic beings were fighting to the death, these beings were fierce, strong and fast. Do not mess with these at all.

One had the appearance of a dark Lion, with some of its skin shedding off, showing a bit of bone. It looked disgusting.

Two other two looked eerily similar to each other. Two mighty fire wolves, with darkness in its eyes. Blood and saliva were dripping from their mouths.

Two beings stood far from them, it was Satan and Steven. Somewhere along the years in Purgatory, these two became good friends. Mostly due to the fact that they were bored here.

Nobody could sense Satan, much less see him, only Alex can. However, unless Satan allows it, then anyone can see him.

For some reason, he showed itself to Steven. He expected Steven to attack him, but he wanted to play with him instead.

Satan was amused by his behaviour. Countless people feared Satan, as he is the incarnation of evil, an evil God. But, a single being actually wanted to play with him.

This is definitely a first. Satan might be the king of the underworld, but all sense of pride, arrogance, was nowhere to be seen in him.

What I mean, is that Satan doesn't love, he isn't greedy, lustful, proud, or anything like that. All those feelings and foolish things were set aside by him, which is why he didn't want to snatch Steven away from Alex, even when it was an incredibly rare animal.

He has lived for a very long time, so you could say that he is above everyone else. He knows that if he were to give in to his desires, he would not be be fitted to rule over the underworld for so long.

Just like the angels from Dragon ball Super, he is actually pure. Which is shocking if you think about it.

He set aside these useless things, as those seven deadly sins (not the anime) have been the cause of so many casualties amongst the humans.

Back on topic.

Satan looked at Steven, and still couldn't believe just how strong Steven has gotten in a dozen years.

((Steven 2,500,000 PL))

'With that kind of power level, no one in this world could go against him, not even the Supreme Deity and the Fake Demon King of this world, could even beat him.' Satan thought.

It has only been a few dozen years, yet, Steven far surpassed Alex and the Lu sisters in terms of power level.

If Steven stayed in Purgatory for another 900 years, who knows how strong he will get.

This thought surprised Satan a bit, as this Pegasus's progress was too abnormal.

Satan looked at the three terrifying figures in front of him, still trying to rip each other to pieces.

Anyone could guess that those three are Alex and the Lu sisters. Because they stayed so long in Purgatory, that they had also become animals of this world.

"By the time 1000 years have gone by, if they are not back to their same form, I will really have to kill them. What a pity. *sigh*"

Satan did enjoy employing Alex into doing this job, as he did such a good job. The others before Alex pale in comparison to him.

But, what good is Alex to him, if he is just an animal.

If he cannot go through this, then Alex doesn't deserve this power that Satan granted him.

"Oh well, that's too bad. And I was just beginning to like the poor sucker. Since he did such a good job for me, I'll reduce his original punishment by half, so 25,000 years of torture it is."

He once again left that place in a flash. As for the Lu sisters, he didn't care if they lost their sanity here, they could suffer for all he cared.

Steven was smart enough to realize what awaited Alex if he didn't get used to Purgatory.

But, what is Steven supposed to do for Alex? He is only a strange Pegasus, and nothing more.

The three being kept clawing each other, showing no signs of a break.

They had been at this for years, and yet, no noticeable injuries could be seen on their bodies, due to the fountain of youth inside their bodies.

If it weren't for the fountain of youth, they all would have died from fighting by now. Thank Satan for immortality.


After several moments have passed in the real world, the crew on top of Mama Hawk, were still fighting the demons.

If it weren't because more and more demons came out of nowhere, they would have won this fight already.

Mama Hawk kept running at a fast pace, not giving the demons a chance to hurt anybody, especially her.

Then a massive white light enveloped the entire area. It was blinding to ordinary people, but to demons, this was torture. When the light touched their bodies, they all became ashes in an instant.

"Even when I have given all of you a power up, you still have to rely on us to help solve your problems."

Everyone recognized that voice. They turned around to find the source of the voice, and it was indeed the chief of the Druids. She came here to rescue them at a great timing.


Sorry for the late chapter, I had a fun birthday, and I know some of you also had birthdays, so happy b-day to you.

I am currently trying to catch up to Martial God Asura, which is gonna be a pain, since it is over 3000+ chapters.

The next two worlds aren't gonna be in Martial God Asura, it will be the third world that Alex and the others will visit.

And lastly, I need your guys's help.

I have already planned on recruiting 10 members to help Alex in his journey.

There are currently four people in his team, Lu Linlin, Lu Lili, Steven, and Alex.

The other one is gonna be an Uchiha. The next one is someone from one piece.

The seventh member shall be Eggy, obviously.

The tenth member I already have in mind, I will not say who it is as that would be spoiling it.

As you can tell, I still need help decided the 8th and 9th member. I might just get two original characters, like Steven, only they are humans.

If you have any thoughts, then leave your thoughts on the comments. And I might just add it in this story.