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Back in the Holy land of Druids, inside of Istar.

"'Bout time all of you arrived here. Any minute later, and all of you would have been turned into food for the demon clan." A blonde, pretty girl stood in front of everybody, with a serious expression on her face.

That is definitely Jenna, one of the highest ranking Druids. She is mostly cheerful and full of life, but this time, she was very serious when she saw how terrible the Seven deadly sins have been doing.

They could see just how bad the situation is, and they are more than happy to help them.

Right now, everybody is inside the Druid's sacred ground. The area is quite spacious, which is enough for everyone to fit in. Except for Mama Hawk, who is just too big to fit in through the door.

"Please, can you help Meliodas." Elizabeth held Meliodas on her back, as she begged for the two powerful Druids to help him.

Zaneri, sister of Jenna, as well as a high ranking Druid, ran towards Meliodas' body.

"Theo, help me carry him." Zaneri commanded the huge guy, which he complied.

"Can I be of some help?" Asked Elizabeth.

"...no." replied Zaneri. It's no secret that she doesn't like Elizabeth, due to her jealousy because Meliodas likes Elizabeth and not her.

The two left their sights of everyone present.

"Zaneri is more than capable of reviving Meliodas, so she doesn't need the help of anybody else." Said Jenna.

The Druids have a forbidden ability that can revive the dead. It is the same move that Hendrickson once used before. This ability has a price as well, it can only be used twice on the same person, and everytime that said person is revived, their power deteriorates as well.

However, the Druids might be unaware of two things; one, is that Meliodas has a powerful curse on him, that the Demon King forced on him. That curse can revive Meliodas countless times, but at the cost of his feelings.

Second, is that Meliodas' soul has already been eaten by Satan, that goes for Merlin as well.

This technique can only bring back the dead, so who knows if it might work at all.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell are you all doing?" Jenna said loudly.

Everyone was confused by her words, as they have no idea what she was spouting.

"What are you thinking of bringing the corpses of demons, inside this sacred ground." She pointed to the pile of corpses with her staff, they are the remaining Commandments.

Even if they are all dead, the fact that the demonic corpses have set their bodies on this land, sickens her very much. Meliodas is an exception.

Zaneri and Jenna, originally come from the Goddess clan. During the 3000 year war, they escaped, 'cause they had problems with the way the Goddess clan thought of things.

They somehow stumbled across the sisters bodies during their escape, whom are close to death's door. With their permission, they accessed their bodies, which was how they were able to escape from the war.

Since they are from the Goddess clan, they naturally despise those from the demon clan. Dead or alive, there was no exception.

"Sir Ban said that they might be useful to help us learn about the enemy." Elizabeth responded.

"Enemy?" she said confused. They might know a few things that happened outside of Istar, but they still had yet to know what exactly happened to Meliodas and the others.

"The same one who killed Meliodas, as well as Merlin. This person also killed the Ten Commandments, as you can see."

Jenna was shocked to hear that such an enemy exists. Originally, she thought it was the Ten (Fake) Commandments that killed Meliodas, and not some powerful enemy that she hasn't heard of.

And that enemy, also had the strength to take down the Ten Commandments. It proves that they are all in trouble.

"They can stay, but I will burn their corpses after I am done."

Elizabeth did not agree immediately, as she had a strong feeling that they should at least have a proper burial. She is the type of person who will show mercy to anyone, even enemies that have tried to kill her.

(it's because of her personality that I have come to hate her so much.)

"Miss, could you help Merlin, please." Escanor, in his weakened state, asked the Druid in front of him to help Merlin.

He held The Morning Star of Aldan in his hand. Gilthunder was behind him, carefully carrying the loli statue.

"What happened here?" Asked Jenna.

Escanor is usually a man full of pride and arrogance, but at night, he is the complete opposite. And so, he told Jenna what had happened to Merlin, or at least everything he knew.

For Escanor, nothing was more important than to bring back the one he loved.


Back in Purgatory.

Every minute that has gone by in the real world, equals to the same amount of an entire year in Purgatory.

For Elizabeth and the others, only a few hours had gone by, but Alex and the Lu sisters, centuries had already gone by fast.

The three fierce beasts, who have been fighting for more than 200 years, have finally started changing back to their human form.

The Lion, which was Alex, disappeared. The only thing remaining was a young lad, who was fully naked from top to bottom. Several blood stains covered his body, as he panted because of the tremendous amount of pain he felt.

The pain was more or less unbearable. Ever since coming to Purgatory, the area that felt as if his body was on fire, started to lessen. It was because his body was getting used to it.

For the first year, they had started to lose their minds. Alex might have suffered in Hell for 500 years, but that place paled in comparison to Purgatory, even after all that suffering, he was the first one to transform into a demonic being. (Not so tough now, are you?)

The Lu sisters have also suffered through a lot in their lives, as it is a natural occurrence to a human cultivator. It has been confirmed that they are easily over 200 years, maybe even longer. With their strong willed mind, they could handle their sanity just a few more years longer than Alex could. As expected of the Lu sisters.

They might seem weak minded, but let's not forget than even Ban and Meliodas became demonic beings after being trapped in Purgatory for god knows how long.

Alex did not attack the Lu sisters first, his first target was Steven. How can Alex fight against Steven, who is even more powerful than the Supreme Deity and Demon King combined.

Steven only played with Alex the first few years, as he didn't want Alex to attack the Lu sisters. As dumb and demonic he might look, he is smart and considering of others as well.

Shortly after Alex transformed back, the Lu sisters also came back to their senses, and transformed back to their normal selves.

The Lu sisters were also naked from top to bottom, but that was the least of their worries for now.

"My, in only 200 years you have managed to come back to your senses. I even started to lose faith in you." Appeared Satan before Alex, while stroking his beard.

This meant that he won't have to get rid of Alex and find a new replacement. Which is good news for the both of them.

"Heh! Only 200 hundred years have gone by? It feels longer than that." Alexander gathered his breath, smelling that pugent air around the area. After being here for so long, he has long gotten accustomed to the harsh environment. Only his mind couldn't handle the situation, until now.

Alex knew that he was going to transform into an animal, similar to how Ban and Meliodas transformed into animals when they were in Purgatory.

However, he didn't expect to only in 200 years that he will come back to being a human again. He honestly expected to regain his humanity longer than that.

Alex took a good long at Steven, and was surprised that his power level reached the millions.

"Steven, what the fuck?" Said Alex, this is not how power levels should work. It is almost as bullshit as the power levels in Dragon Ball Z.

Steven didn't say anything, but held his head up high, as if he was mocking Alex for being weaker than him.

A thick vein popped out of Alex's head, he was irritated that Steven always had a higher cultivation/power level than him, even when he was still inside an egg, he was a force to be reckoned with.

Alec ignored Steven, to check his own power level.

((Alexander Anderson 200,000 PL)))

Although his own power level isn't as exaggerated as Steven's, was more than twice as high than it originally was..

And Alex still had yet to spend 1,000 years in Purgatory. Who knows how much his power level will increase by that time.

"Savior?" two sweet voices said from behind Alex.

Alex turned and saw the two beautiful sisters smiling at him, with some blood stains on their bodies.

While Alex was observing his own power level, Lu Linlin and Lu Lili took their time to come back to their senses, and covered their bodies with their dark energy.

Their clothes could not handle the harsh environment of Purgatory, as well as the constant battles of Alex and the twins. It was to be expected that not even a string of their clothing survived.

SInce there were no clothes in Purgatory, they had to cover their private parts with their demonic energy, just like how Derieri does it.

Although the twins had a beautiful smile, they were very bashful, mostly because Alex had not yet to cover himself up. And also, because covering themselves with just their demonic energy, actually feels like they were naked.

Lu Lili covered her eyes with her hands, not daring to look at her Saviour's bare body. But, if you look closely enough, she is secretly peeking through the small open gaps of her fingers.

Lu Linlin did not bother to do anything, as a maid, she had to be used to this kind of situation. What kind of maid will she be, if she can't handle the bare body of her Saviour?

Alex was stunned at bit by their beautiful figures, until he remembered that he didn't have any clothes on.

Sure enough, he looked down to he his big 'Jerry' dangling between his legs, fully exposed for everyone to see.

*Cough* Alex coughed once, before covering his Jerry with his demonic energy. He is a little embarrassed that two girls have seen his whole body, while he is still a virgin. This is the first time this has happened.

It looked like Linlin wanted to say something, but held back for some reason. She also giggled a bit, when she saw the funny expression her sister had.

"Hahaha! If you think about it, you are the most pathetic human in history." Said Satan from the side, as he had just noticed something.

"Why is that?" Alex had no idea why Satan would say that at this time.

"If you think about it, you're over 200 years old and still a virgin. On your planet, people at the age of 13 (or younger) have already lost their virginity. Which undoubtedly, makes you a 200 year old virgin."

(This is sad, but true.)

Alex was shocked, for what Satan said was true.

"I am so pathetic." Alex could not refute Satan's words. If any other human realized this, then he would be a huge laughing stock.

"Alright, just forget about it, you have more important things to do." Satan left as he appeared. He was satisfied that Alex would work for him a little longer.

Alex cleared his mind. He then took a good look at the sisters power level. Sure enough, their powers also went up.

((Lu Linlin 160,000 PL))

((Lu Lili 158,000 PL))

Their power levels almost compared to Alex's. And with this kind of power level, it is clear to say that they are stronger than an Eternal Demon King.

"We are sorry, Saviour." without any warning, the twins knelt down before Alex, with a sad face, as if they were two kids who did something bad.

"For what?"

"My sister and I fought Saviour for over 200 years. We couldn't control ourselves. It was still our fault that we couldn't contain our insanity." Lu Lili said.

Alexander scratched his head. He should be the one apologizing. He was the one who lost his reason before they did. Even if they are all immortals, they are very close to each other, and they shouldn't hurt themselves.

"You guys don't have to apologize. I was the one who attacked first. I should be the one who seeks your forgiveness."

Hearing his response, the sisters felt something warm. They also blamed themselves for attacking their Saviour, but he wasn't mad, he felt bad that he attacked them.

But then again, Alex is the type who cherishes the people close to him, and shows no mercy to his enemies.

They were glad that they chose to follow him. As a person like Alexander only appears once in a lifetime. If they had decided to stay back in their homeland, they would be no different from a frog in a well.

"Okay, lets keep training. We still have 800 years before we have to face off against the fake Demon King." Said Alex.

"Yes, Saviour!" They said in unison. The environment is the perfect place to train one's physique and mentality. This place can be described as a literal hell, but it was a heaven to those who seek to become stronger.

No ordinary cultivator would ever dare to train in such a place, but the three of them are all immortals, they can survive in this place as long as they have the will to live.

Alex took a very good look at the area. No sign of life is spotted anywhere. The only ones who can survive in Purgatory, are very strong predators, otherwise no one could survive here.

Alex could not wait until they can fight the demon king. Because after reincarnating into this life, he has come to long for interesting battles.

Alex also could not wait to absorb the powers of the Ten Commandments that he stole from the others. Sadly, he cannot right now, as the demon king would notice that they are here.


Back with Zaneri.

The cute girl was performing a difficult spell, that only high level Druids can achieve.

Right now, only her and the body of Meliodas were present.

Meliodas was lying on top of the complicated runes, that were engraved on the floor.

"Sis, any luck?" Asked Jenna, who barged in without a warning.

"The spell to bring the dead isn't working on him." Said Zaneri, most of her focus was on Meliodas only.

"It seems that they did not die, their souls were harvested directly from their bodies. It is not wonder that the spell didn't work, as their soul cannot return to their body."

Zaneri looked at her sister, shocked to hear the news.

"Are there more as well?" Asked Zaneri.

"Yes. But, this one is a bit more complicated." Jenna carefully pulled the statue of Merlin, along with her sacred treasure.

"According to what they said, this is the work of the Commandments. I could already tell that when I first saw this statue."

"Hm…" Zaneri went into a deep thought. The curses of the Ten Commandments is no laughing matter. Even they could not guarantee to ward off such a spell.

"You said that their souls were extracted, right?"

"Yes." Answered Jenna.

Zaneri left that room for a moment, before coming back with an old book on her hand.

The title of the book read 'guide the soul'

"I never thought this book would be useful in this situation." Said Jenna.

This book was taken by them from an old library, that supposedly belonged to a powerful wizard. They had never heard of this wizard before, but his name was 'Gowther'

Since over 3000 years had gone by already, they could not link this book, to the man who once belonged to the Ten Commandments.

"We don't have many options left. Hopefully, this works out for us."

Zaneri followed the instructions of the book, and read them very carefully, she was afraid that she would screw this up,

Unlike many other spells, this one did not have any backlashes on the user. This is only meant to bring lost souls to their body.

The original Gowther, was researching on 'astral projection' an ability that humans possess, that can let their souls escape from their bodies.

However, for some reason, nobody knows if Gowther said if this project was too dangerous or too easy. And that is how this project stopped.

But, the book still remains intact after all these years.

As Zaneri followed the instructions on the book, a bright white light appeared on Meliodas's body.

His whole body glowed magnificently, as if he were a beacon or something.


In Hell, with Satan.

Satan kept sitting on his throne, reading manga as always.

This time it was a different manga, the title is "Solo Levelling" (Great Manga by the way. Or is it a Manhua? I dunno.)

As he kept reading it, a sudden need to throw up made him puke some vomit on the side.

What also came out of his mouth, was a small white orb.

"The hell?" He said. This was the first time he ever threw up a soul, or anything for that matter.

Then, that little soul started to float up and disappeared in a portal, that just happened to appear before it.

That soul left the place, as if nothing had happened.

"Interesting. What that Meliodas's soul? If so, then how did it escape?" Even Satan could not make heads or tails out of this.

Out the countless years he has lived, this is the first time he isn't sure of anything.

"I see. This is why I love anime, it's far more interesting than boring Earth."

He did not get mad at all. He even found it amusing, that someone actually managed to do something like that to him, without him even knowing.

"I wonder what more surprises this world will bring me now?"


Back in Istar.

The two Druids, waited for a moment to see if anything happened. This is the first time they had ever used this spell, so they were completely unaware what to expect.

But, just moments later, Meliodas eyes opened wide. He got up and looked at his surroundings.

"Elizabeth?!" That was the first thing he said. It shows you just how much he loves her.

"Meliodas, you're back." Zaneri could not contain her happiness, as she practically launched herself at Meliodas.

{Return of the Wrath of the Dragon.}