5-star bounty

Alex made it back in time. He took less time than he thought he would. Rebecca had won by the time he got there.

And just like in the anime, Usopp and the little people were just about to raid the building where Sugar was. By far, that little loli was extremely dangerous and a huge threat to Alex.

The ability to turn people into toys and everyone forgetting about them and enslaving them, that is indeed a dangerous ability.

Alex did not want to confront her, not until the time is right. He needs to make sure to get rid of threats like her, or else he will pay the consequences.

Alex could not imagine a world without Linlin and Lili. Those two are the two most important people in his life. They have been with him longer than anyone else. As for Steven, he doesn't really care about him.

He was still not fond of Madara or Mihawk. Not because of gender disremination or anything. They were still strangers to him, but maybe he will see them as someone worth protecting in the future.

Alex made sure that everything went smoothly with everything else. The Strawhats were raiding the SMILEY factory with the help of the Tontatta tribe.

Luffy met with his long lost brother, Sabo, and switched places with him. Bartolomeo knew this as he was there when that happened.

After learning that Doflamingo brutally beat up Law, Luffy now wanted to kill Doflamingo at all costs.

Surprisingly, Sanji, Nami, Chopper came back to help in Dressrosa. Since Big Mom was destroyed by Alex there was no one to mess with them.

Although those two joining was a bit unexpected, it did not affect him plan at all. In fact, it probably helped him.

"May all the winners please make their way to the arena." A voice said through the speakers.

Alex was the first one to show up on the arena. He was cheered by everyone on the stage.


Bartolemeo and Sabo appeared at the same time. People cheered for Sabo(Lucy) but jeered for Bartolomeo at the same time.

There was more jeering from the stage when Rebecca entered the arena. She was already used to it so it affected her a little bit.

"I haven't seen you. Just who are you, kid?" Sabo came up to Alex with a warm greeting. He had seen his power, and couldn't help but meet with him.

"My identity is a secret. Though I wish I could say the same to you, Sabo, Chief of staff of the Revolutionary army." Alex responded.

Sabo looked at him a bit shocked. No one should know that he was here, so how did the kid find out about him by just a glance?

"I know that Ace was your brother, and that the fire fruit was his power and it's like a memento of him to you. But, the one who will win that fruit is me."

Sabo just smirked. Alex was strong, but Sabo is the second strongest of the Revolutionary army, next to Dragon.

He was a bit prideful, but he has every right to be.

"We will see about that." Sabo didn't want to talk to him and spread out.

As that happened, Diamante showed up to fight the 4 winners of the arena from each block.

Then Gatz told everyone that a giant fish had the fire fruit strapped on his body inside a chest. Alex knew that, and he could already sense the presence of that fish.

Rebecca, Bartolomeo, Sabo, Diamante and Alex all were ready.

"START!" As soon as he announced the start of the round, Sabo was running around the edges of the ring to attract the fish with the fire fruit.

"You think it'll be that easy?" Diamante charged straight at Sabo. Sabo counterattacked with his fingers, pushing Diamante back.

'His fighting style changed! Is he really strawhat?' Diamante somehow had doubts that this Lucy and Luffy were the same person.

Alex was about to make a move, but realized he was trapped inside a barrier.

"Ahaha! You are trapped. I am sorry, but my senpai is going to win that prize." Bartolomeo said. Sabo had told him what to do against Alex before entering the arena.

"Smart move. But, you're underestimating me." Alex said. Sabo was too cunning.

"You cannot break my barrier."

*Crack* The barrier was being cracked from the inside by an unseen force. And just like that, it broke.

Bartolomeo was shocked. No one had ever broke his barrier before.

Sabo noticed how Alex broke that barrier, he used the power of his Conqueror's haki alone to break the barrier as if it were glass.

'Strong.' Sabo thought. Then he made his way to the center of the ring in an attempt to destroy it. He first wanted to see where the fish with the prize was, but now he was sure that he needs to destroy the ring.

"As if!" Alex read his mind and produced heavy winds from his fists pushing Sabo back. Sabo did not expect Alex to be able to produce winds.

He clawed the arena so the winds don't push him off the ring.

"Hey! Leave my senpai alone!" Bartolomeo was about to knock out Alex with his barrier powers but then a mouthful of blood came out of his mouth.

Bartolomeo was stabbed in the stomach by a golden spear. He dropped to the ground. No one knew if he was dead or not.

The people were shocked at first, but cheered for Bartolomeo being injured. They hated him so it was okay.

The spear floated beside Alex as if it were protecting him.

"Hey, what kind of weapon is that?" Diamante asked. He had never seen such a weapon before.

"It's my own weapon. Do you want to take a closer look?"

Chastiefol then made its way to Diamante with the intent of stabbing him.

"It seems you don't know my devil fruit ability." Diamante's plan was to grab ahold of that spear and use his devil fruit ability to mess it up.

But, the spear turned into several hundred small kunais. Diamante did not expect that at all. Then all the small kunais began stabbing him repeatedly, until he was filled with holes everywhere in his body just like Spongebob Squarepants.

He fell to the ground covered in his own blood.

Doflamingo was watching the fight from a screen. When he saw one of his family members die before him, he stood up, angry and pissed at Alex for killing him.

The people were shocked. It was okay for people to die in the arena, but the one who died was a hero to their country.

They couldn't even move or breath. It all happened so suddenly.

The Tontatta tribe and the Strawhats also saw that by accident, and were shocked. Their plan was to take down Doflamingo and also bring down his strong family.

But, before they could do that, one of the 4 Executives died.

Rebecca was seemingly shocked. She hasn't done anything in this round.

"DI-D-DIAMANTE IS DEAD?!?!" Even Gatz couldn't believe it. 99% of the people here were sure that Diamante would emerge as the victor, but he died.

"Dragon claw!" Sabo took this opportunity to complete his plan and destroyed the ring sinking it to the hidden basement beneath them.

But, the water was frozen solid. It froze itself in a matter of seconds.

"You know, Sabo, waterbenders have a lot of different uses. They can manipulate water, turn it into ice, heal, and even control people." Alex said. He somehow already got the fire fruit in his hands.

He had to use 5% of his speed to find that fish with the chest, take the fire fruit, come back, and freeze the water.

Rebecca was on his arm, he caught her before she fell on the ice.

Sabo was confused. How can an enemy like him exist?

Alex didn't say anything and took a bite of the devil fruit. Contrary to his expectations, it did not taste bad, it even tasted sweet. His taste buds changed when he had to live in Purgatory for 1000 years.

{You have eaten 'The Fire Fruit'}

{Upgraded 'The One V2'}

{'The one V3' has been unlocked.}

{Whenever the sun is up, you will receive the power of the sun}

{300B increase in power when the sun is up}

Last time, his power increased to 300M but now it increased to 300B It seems whenever he gets this power upgraded The One increases drastically in power level.

Alex was getting too powerful. It seems only people like Saitama and Goku would be his match now.

Sabo grabbed his iron pipe and was ready to attack Alex. But, Alex made a simple hand movement and Sabo's body was covered in blood and bruises.

Sabo was nowhere near his match. Alex's speed was on another level.

"Don't worry Sabo, you won't die here. I still have some use for you."

Alex's Chastiefol turned into a huge bear and restraint Sabo in place. He was going to kidnap Sabo.

Rebecca was confused on what was going on here.

"And as for you Rebecca, I will grant your wish and kill Doflamingo. All because you bought me that lunch box."

"Who… who are you?" She asked, a bit scared of him.

"Me? My name is Alexander Anderson."

"What's happening?" A man cried out in shock.

Alex turned and saw that all the toys in the colosseum were turning back to humans, animals or whatever they originally were before they were turned into toys.

"It seems Usopp finally took care of Sugar. Now onto the next phase of my plan. Hm?" He noticed that Rebecca was crying and sobbing loudly.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Did he do something to her?

"I- I remember that I have a father!" She said. Lost memories of her father started to resurface. Once Sugar passed out all the toys returned back to humans, and then the people started to remember them.

{I guess you could say he made Dressrosa SUGARFREE!. Eh? Eh? I'll be going now}

"Bluescreen, you damn genius." One of the best puns ever.

Alex flew to a location he knew would be safe for Rebecca. After this, Doflamingo is gonna put a bounty on her head and several others so that the citizens of Dressrosa could kill them.

"Stay here. I will take care of this menace." Alex flew, but Rebecca grabbed ahold of his hand.

"Let me come with you."

"Not possible."

"You have to! Doflamingo was the reason my mother died, and why Toy soldier is fighting him right now. I have to go!"

Alex broke free of her hand. He wasn't going straight to Doflamingo as he had to do some stuff first.

"You see there?" Alex pointed at the place where Doflamingo resided.

"If you go there, you will meet him. If you can make it there fast enough, I will be there as well as your father, aunt, and your grandfather."

"Wait, aren't you going to kill Doflamingo?" Rebecca asked.

"Remember when I said that there are worse things than Doflamingo?"

Rebecca nodded.

"I am just going to take care of those things first." Alex left at such a speed that one would think that he had teleported.

Rebecca wiped her tears as she saw him leaving her. She started to run to where he had pointed her to go.

Alex appeared at the bottom of the coliseum. If his memory was right, then Sugar should be down here.

But now. All he saw was Usopp, Robin, a bunch of random people and several challengers from the colosseum.

There was even a giant holding Usopp up high as if he were a god.

"Ah yes, I remember this part. It's funny." He chuckled a bit. One Piece is indeed one of the best and funniest anime in the world.

"Are you saying that Sabo has been defeated?" Robin said out loud.

Beside her, was Koala who was crying a lot. Koala was there when Alex defeated Sabo and took him prisoner.

She wanted to save them, but wasn't able to make it in time. Sabo was restraint by a bear and from there they disappeared.

"Who could defeat such a strong person like Sabo?" Robin asked. Sabo was extremely strong, and only someone stronger than him could defeat him.

"That would be me." Alex came to greet everyone.

"You! What did you do to Sabo?" Koala asked in an angry tone.

Alex pointed up. Once they looked up, they saw Sabo up high still restraint by the bear. It was so high that it was higher than the castle itself.

Sabo created a hole underneath the arena. Alex destroyed the ice to get inside. The hole was huge so they could see Sabo who was 500 meters above them.

"Nico Robin. I honestly forgot you were here. I have some business with you. Come with me." Alex extended his hand to her.

But, of course no one was going to comply with him.

"Release Sabo this instant!" Nico Robin demanded.

"No can do. I need him for something important. But, if you can kill me then you can take him back."

"Cien Fleurs!" Robin crossed her arms and arms made out of pedals appeared on Alex's body.

*Crack* one of her petal hands cracked his neck causing a huge snap.

"Oh wow. You got rid of a muscle ache that had been annoying me for a long time." Alex moved his neck, he somehow felt relaxed.

"What? I cracked your neck. How are you still alive?" Robin asked a bit shocked.

"It honestly felt more like a massage than an attack. You should retire from being a pirate and pursue a career in massage therapy."

Then, the whole city was surrounded by Doflamingo's strings. No one could escape anymore, like birds in a cage.

Doflamingo's face appeared in a huge television.

"You are all trapped here. This is all a game now, a game of death! There are 2 ways to beat this game and live on. One is two defeat me, but that will never happen."

Alex remembered that this is the part where Doflamingo announces the bounties for several people.

{Doflamingo must have the best graphic designer team if they can create such a high graphic presentation in the middle of a war}

"Amen to that, bluescreen."

"But, the second way to defeat me is to capture 13 wanted criminals who have pissed me off today. Each star on their bounty is equal to 100,000,000 berries each. Now, onto the one-stars."

Then a screen showed the posters of the wanted people and as well as their star rating.

Rebecca 1*

Nico Robin 1*

Foxfire Kin'emon 1*

Viola 1*

Cyborg Franky 1*

"Next, the two stars."

Kyros **

Pirate hunter Zoro **

"And as for the key figures of the group, I give them 3 stars" Announced Doflamingo.

Then the greedy pirates started cheering. Most of them can't even get close to 10,000 berries, but now they have the chance to earn more than 100M berries just by killing a few wanted people.

Sabo ***

Straw Hat Luffy ***

Trafalgar Law ***

Riku Doldo III ***

"So much money!"

"Law and Strawhat. Their alliance has just startled the world."

Alex and the others were just paying attention to the screen.

"And now, for the two most people who have pissed me off. One of them is the reason you're playing this game. And the other because he killed one of my family members. I give them both 5 stars!"

God Usopp *****

Alexander Anderson *****

Everyone was shocked. 5 stars means 500M berries. Even the closest of families would kill one of their members for this amount alone.

Alexander's poster showed a picture of his old self and his younger version. Doflamingo posted both of those pictures in case Alex changed his appearance again.

'It must of been Fujitora who told Doflamingo of my identity. Otherwise how could he have known my real identity?' Alex thought.

His bounty made sense. He took the fire fruit and killed Diamante. If that didn't piss off Doflamingo then nothing could.

Once everyone saw those bounties, everyone started to cheer loudly.

"Woah! five hundred Million?"

"I won't have to work for the rest of my life!"

Those pirates who were saved by Usopp not too long ago, looked at him with greedy eyes.

"Look! There is one 1-star and two 5-stars. That's already over 1 billion berries!"

They saw Nico Robin, Usopp and Alexander all together.

"Everybody, run!" Usopp said and the little Tontatta group started running with him.


Alex shook his head. No wonder Greed is one of the seven deadly sins.

As those pirates charged at them, Alex stomped his foot hard on the ground, and an endless hole appeared beneath the greedy group of pirates.


"HALP!" (Yes, he said HALP)


Those pirates fell down to their doom.

Nico Robin, Usopp and the rest looked at him in shock. What kind of power is that? He had killed over a dozen guards just by stepping on the ground.

Alex used his earth bending technique to kill them. He wanted to end this quickly

"You're Alexander Anderson!" Robin couldn't believe it. One of the most powerful people was standing right in front of them.

"What gave it away? Anyways, I'm on a tight schedule, Nico Robin. So I will have to take you by force." He once again stomped his foot, and Nico Robin was sucked into the ground without a chance to fight back.

"Robin!" They all called out.

"What did you do to Robin-land?" Leo, the midget of the Tontatta tribe demanded to know.

"Look up."

They all looked up. There was Sabo still restrained by the bear, and beside him was Nico Robin who was restrained by a sturdy rock. She was not that powerful enough to even break a rock.

And she could not use her devil fruit powers, as she needed to cross her arms to use it, but they were restrained by the rock.

"Now, I have to go. I am on a tight schedule as I already mentioned."

"You won't get away!" Koala jumped to kick him in the face, but he disappeared before she could land a hit on him.

"Where did he go?"

Usopp just stared at Nico Robin, who was captured by a strong man.

"Luffy, you're the only one who can save us now." Usopp said.

Back with Alex, he started to scan the entire castle for Sugar. Trebol must of took her to that Tontatta princess who has the power to heal others at the cost of her life span.

He cannot let Sugar be healed. He feared her powers the most out of anyone in this world.

"Okay, step one, kill Burgess complete. Step 2, capture Sabo complete. Step 3, capture Nico Robin complete. Step 4 kill Sugar and take her devil fruit, not yet complete." That was a mental note he made to himself.

There was still another few steps on his plan, but they will be mentioned later.

"That string fruit, I kind of want it now. New step, take away Doflamingo's devil fruit not yet complete."