Luffy's rage

One a certain part of the Dressrosa kingdom.

A fat lady who is named Giola, who is also one of Doflamingo's family members, was currently threatening the Tontatta princess to use her healing ability on Sugar.

"Now, do your magic!"

"If I do this, will you hurt more people?" The cute princess asked.

"Of course not. You can trust me." Giola knew the Tontatta people were very gullible. That is why she lied.

"Okay." Mansherry was about to heal Sugar, but someone came out of nowhere and interrupted them.

"Oh hell no!" Alex was able to pinpoint their exact location in time. He barged through a wall and kicked Giola first, sending the fat woman into the wall.

After that, he got ahold of the small princess.

"How the hell can your people be so goddamn gullible?!" He said angrily at the little princess. A second later and Sugar would have been fully healed.

But, Mansherry started to cry out of fear. Somehow, Alex looked more evil than Giola and the other Donquixote family members.

"I-I WAAAHHHH! LEO! SAVE ME!" Mansherry started to cry heavily.

"That's two girls crying in less than one hour. Go me."

Alex quickly took Sugar's devil fruit and her soul as well. He finally heaved a sigh of relief. The biggest threat to him was gone at last.

"Now, what should I do to you?" Alex looked at the princess. He held her as if he were holding a small ball. (Couldn't think of a better example)

There was a moment of silence. Alex did not know what to do to her. Her devil fruit power was good, and she was too cute to let go.

"I know. You can be our new pet! And Steven will finally be out of the picture!" Alex thought of a wonderful idea. He hated that horse so much.

"W-wha? Pet?"

"Or, Lili could kill you and stuff you like an animal."

"No. PLEASE! LEO!" She started to get really scared. The scary man was scaring her. She tried to escape but her strength was no match for him.

"Hm… Lili and Linlin like cute stuff, after all they are girls. They will decide what to do with you. Until then, you will be in my pocket."

He stuffed the little princess in his chest pocket. She struggled to get out but couldn't. The clothing Alex wore was made out of his own energy which couldn't easily break. It also worked as a type of armor.

Alex thought that since they suffered with him for 1000 years in Purgatory, the least he could do was give them both a good present.

*Grumble* His stomach started making noises. He hasn't eaten anything all day. Except when Recebba bought him food but it wasn't enough for him.

"Is there a good chance that there is still food in this place?" Alex took a look at the place filled with corpses, blood, fire and destruction.

"Yup. There has got to be food here." Even though his plan was important, his first priority was getting something to eat.

-Back with Usopp's group.

"You, girl, please reach into my pocket. I got to contact Luffy." Usopp said to Koala. She was thinking on how to get Robin and Sabo out from such a high place.

But, she still had Luffy to rely on. She reached out into his pocket and pulled out a den-den mushi.

"Hello?" Luffy asked through the other side of the line.

"Luffy, Robin is in trouble." Usopp said.

"Trouble? What happened? Was it Mingo?"

"No. It was someone else. Look up to the sky and look closely."

Luffy looked up. Zoro, who was beside him looked up as well. They were shocked. They saw Robin and Sabo both up in the sky restrained by a rock and a teddy bear.

"What? Robin-chan is in trouble!" Sanji said angrily through the speaker.

Since Sanji and the rest never get attacked by Big Mom's crew, they naturally went back to Dressrosa to help their crewmates.

"Sanji! You're back!" Usopp said in joy. Just as when they needed help, Sanji and the others arrive.

"What the heck happened while we were gone?" Asked Nami.

"No time to explain. Sanji, can you get to Robin?" Asked Luffy.

"Yes I can. After I free her, I will make sure the person who did this to her pays with their life!" Sanji then started to fly to Robin's location.

Robin saw that Sanji was coming to save her and she was joyful. Until something else came to ruin the moment.

It was Alexander's second Chastiefol. It was pointing its tip to Robin's chest. The closer Sanji got, the deeper the spear would lodge itself on Robin's chest.

Sanji saw this and stopped. When he moved forward the spear would push itself closer to Robin, it even made her bleed.

When Sanji went back the spear would back out as well. This was of course Alexander's doing. He is only doing this to make sure no one can help Robin or Sabo.

"Sanji, it's okay. Just get out of here." Robin said. It seems that it was hopeless after all. If anyone came close to her she will die.

"No way! I am going to save you. Who is the guy that did this?"

"You can't beat him. He is the one who took down the Yonko single handedly. He is too strong."

"The one who took down a Yonko? Anderson… THAT BASTARD! FIRST HE TAKES THE TWINS! AND NOW MY ROBIN?! UNFORGIVABLE!!!" Sanji flew down in search for Alexander.

Meanwhile, Alex managed to find some food on some buildings that were left undamaged. The food was okay but it filled up his stomach.

*Boss music starts playing*

"Why do I hear boss music?" That was a first for Alex.

"I know you're there, Anderson!" Sanji bellowed out loud.

"Oh. I see." Alex got up to face Sanji, who wasn't even a threat.

"There you are!" Sanji didn't give him a chance to explain before he proceeded to kick him.

Alex merely raised his hand up. Then, pillars of rocks erected from the ground and pushed Sanji back.

He did not expect Alex to control the earth. Sanji flew and dodged every single pillar of rock, but the more he dodged, the more pillars of rocks appeared.

Alex clasped his hands together and *BOOM* Sanji was caught between a rock and a hard place.

"What did I do to piss you off? Aside from Robin." Asked Alex.

"First you kidnapped those twins, and now you did the same to Robin. That is an unforgivable sin."

"Sin? Sanji, you should not tell me about sins, I already killed them." Alex was about to crush Sanji's skull, but Sanji somehow escapes from the rock he was caught in, and proceeded to kick Alex on the neck.

"I used to think you were a formidable guy. But, you're just too weak to fight me." Alex grabbed Sanji's leg and broke it in two.

"AAAHHHHH!!!" Sanji cried out in pain. The feeling of his leg getting shattered in two was too much to bear.

"And this little piggy went to hell!" Alex stepped on Sanji's other foot breaking it in two.

"AAAAHHH!!! GOD DAMMIT!!!" Sanji could not escape anymore. His strongest points were his feet, but they got broken.

"3 Sword style: Rengoku Onigiri!" Zoro comes out of nowhere and cuts Alex's chest.

"Oi, who the hell do you think you are to hurt one of my crewmembers?" Zoro asked seemingly pissed at Alex.

Alex's wounds regenerated quickly. Zoro was not surprised one bit. This was the same guy who took down an Yonko on his own. Even one of his crewmates took down a Yonko by himself.

"Roronoa Zoro. Big fan."

"I want you to let go of Robin, and leave this place."

"I cannot do that. Robin is too important for me. And why should I listen to you? If you want to kick me out of this island then you better have the ability to do so."

Alex didn't bother to summon his Chastiefol. He merely raised his finger and covered it in haki.

"If you wish." Zoro cladded his swords in haki then proceeded to hack down Alex into pieces.

"Three sword style: 1080 pound cannon!" As Zoro was about to kill Alex, Alex merely extended his finger and blocked Zoro's three swords at once.

Zoro was shocked. HOW?!

This scene reminded him when he first fought Mihawk. He felt powerless, ignorant, a frog in a well.

"This can't be possible!"

"It is, Zoro. You have exactly 217 flaws in your swordsmanship, 97 of them are fatal. You're a good swordsman, but you will only ever be a good swordsman."

Zoro was shocked. He knew this fight wasn't going to be easy. But, it wasn't even a fight, it was purely one sided.

"I am glad I recruited Mihawk instead of you. At first I did not know if I made the right choice, but it seems I did."

"You did what?" Zoro thought he misheard.

"Spoke too much." Alex punched Zoro in the stomach, sending him flying back. But, Alex then grabbed him by his head and dragged him all around Dressrosa.

He threw him up and broke his spine in half with his knee.

Zoro spat out mouthfuls of blood. Alex was going at an incredible speed that he can't even react at all.

Seeing Zoro in such a state, Alex was kind of shocked.

"Wow, after all of that and you're still alive? I would say that the gods are with you, but clearly, they are with me."

Alex raised him up high by his throat. Sanji, who was near them wanted to help, but he did not have the strength to do so.

"I would have let you live. But, why would I do that? If I let you live you will only come back to fight me for revenge, and I will kill you. So, I am going to spare you the trouble and kill you right here right now."

"I won't let you do that!" A strong gladiator came behind Alex to attack him, it was Kyros in his human form.

The sword stabbed Alex's heart, but he did not move.

"Like I said before I was so rudely interrupted. Die!" Alex cracked Zoro's neck and killed him.

"ZORO!!!" Sanji cried out.

Kyros couldn't believe it. He was sure that he aimed for his heart, so how is he still alive?

"Oh, I got stabbed." Alex pulled out the sword from his chest. He also collected Zoro's soul.

Kyros didn't know what to do. How can anyone take down a man that can't even die? He started making plans but they were all useless.

"You know, Kyros. I could kill you here right now. But I won't. Not because I don't want to, or because I pity you. Let's just say that you will need to thank Rebecca for that." Alex touched his shoulder and walked away.

"Rebe- What did you do to my daughter?" Kyros hasn't seen her since the tournament. He was extremely worries for her right now.

"Nothing. I just pitied her. All I am doing is returning her favour by not killing you, Viola, or that old king."

Kyros then grabbed his sword and leaped to kill him, but Alex shook his head.

"Stupid. When will you people learn that it's futile?" Alex created a strong gust of wind which forced Kyros back and crashed into a building.

"If you come after me again, I will kill someone you love instead. Do you want someone important in your life to die again?" Alex threatened, he did not like to waste time.

Kyros stood down. It seems he got the message. He blamed himself for not being stronger. If he had sufficient strength, none of this would have happened.

"Sanji!" Chopper and Nami came to help and saw Sanji in terrible shape.

However, Sanji was crying, and not because of his wounds.

"Sanji, where's Zo-..." Chopper caught a glimpse of a corpse who looked familiar to him. Nami dropped her staff.

Zoro, was dead. Beside him was the main culprit.

"Nami-chan, Chopper, run. I can hold him off." Sanji crawled slowly towards Alex to buy his crewmates at least a few seconds to escape. Even after knowing that he has no chance of winning, he puts the lives of his friends before himself.

This act of selflessness touched Alex's heart. It almost made him want to spare them… ALMOST!

"Zoro… is dead." Nami said to herself.

"He was too weak."

Nami's shock and confusion was soon replaced by anger and hatred. She grabbed her staff and produced thousands of small thunderclouds all above Alex.

"DIE!!!" Nami conjured mini lightnings and sent them all to Alex.

"Nami, that won't work." Sanji said weakly.

But, Nami's rage impeded her from listening to Sanji. She just kept spamming multiple lightning bolts.

Alex was getting bored. These lightning bolts did little to no damage to him.

The tiny princess in his pocket was in a ball and shivering in fear. She didn't like the sound of lightning and thunder.

Alex took a deep breath and blew all the lightning clouds away. It wasn't a technique, it was his own breath alone.

"Nami, do you want to die too?" Asked Alex in a mocking tone.

"You will pay for what you did to Zoro!" Chopper ate a few rumble balls and transformed into a huge giant version of himself. It was his most powerful version

He proceeded to smash the very ground where Alex stood. But, Alex grabbed his hand completely stopping his fist.

Alex was about to end their lives, until someone ruined the moment.

"All of you will die for going against us!" Pica's high pitched voice resounded through the entire land.

Luffy and Alex started to laugh hysterically.

Alex already knew about Pica's voice, but to hear it in person was completely different. He just couldn't stop laughing.

Pica heard two distinct voices coming from different parts of the land. One came from Alex and the other came from Luffy. Too bad Zoro was dead, otherwise he would be laughing as well.

Pica got very pissed at them. He is very sensitive about his voice.

"Chopper, now!" Nami said. Seeing as how Alex was just laughing it was the perfect time to strike.

Chopper used his other hand to punch Alex straight into the ground. But, he was still laughing.

"HAhahahahaha It's just so funny! HOW CAN ANYONE HAVE A VOICE LIKE THAT?!?!" Alex could barely even breath.

But, Chopper just kept punching and stomping on Alex. And even after assaulting him after all that time, Alex was unfazed by Chopper's attacks.

Chopper just kept going at it. He created a thick layer of dust and dirt all around them because of the many times he punched Alex to the ground.

Sanji and Nami just watched. No matter how many times Chopper attacked him, it just didn't faze him at all.

But, Chopper was pushed back by an unseen force.

After a while, Alex stopped laughing and punched Chopper away.

"Oh god. That was hilarious. Sorry, I just didn't expect Pica's voice to be so funny. But, now you're all going to die."

He conjured up 3 hands with the power of his demonic energy. Those hands grabbed ahold of Nami, Chopper and Sanji.

"Now, who wants to die first. I believe I started with Sanji but was interrupted."

"Wait!" Nami said. "Don't kill him. Please."

"What do you possibly have to offer me?"

"I can create very detailed maps. No body is as good as me when it comes to maps."

Alex shook his head. If he didn't have Heaven's path Geography art, then he might have been tempted. But now, her skills were useless to him.

Alex thought about it, and they might have something that might interest him.

Devil fruits? All useless to him.

Information? Nope.

Powerful weapons? No.

"You guys don't have anything that interests me. But, taking your souls would be very good for me." Alex proceeded to take Sanji's soul, but was stopped by Nami once again.

"Wait. If you let him live… you can do whatever you want to my body… and I won't resist. But, just let my friends live."

"Nami-san. You can't!" Sanji tried his best to escape from Alexander's grasp but couldn't.

Alex shook his head again. What is it with women offering their bodies to him? Did he look like the kind of guy who would do that to women?

If he was that kind of guy, he would have banged several women by now.

(Can you guys imagine if this fanfic was that type of fanfic? *Shutters*)

"Nami, I am not a lustful bastard like those Celestial Dragons. I am not interested in your body, I am not looking for slaves, and I don't bang every beauty that comes in my direction. I just do whatever I want to do."

Alex quickly took Sanji's soul and ate it. His body was now an empty vessel.

"Sanji!" Chopper and Nami called out.

"Bastard!" Chopper cried out. But he went back to his tiny self and lost all of his power to do anything.

Alex was about to take Chopper's soul, but stopped. He also did not take Nami's soul either.

"Bye." He flew away without giving them any explanation. Nami and Chopper were released from his grasp.

"Sanji!" Nami first ran towards Sanji. She tried moving him, trying to bring him back to life, but he was dead.

"No… Sanji!" She cried and her tears fell on his face. She hugged his body tightly as she continued to sob loudly in the middle of the battlefield.

{Why did you let them live?}

"If I had killed them both, then there was no way for Luffy to know that I just killed 2 of his most valuable crewmembers."

Alex wanted to make Luffy suffer and make his soul more valuable. Alex was going to use the same tactic on Luffy like he did with Hao Ren.

"I guess the next step would be to kill Doflamingo." Alex flew to Doflamingo's direction.

Luffy and the others had yet to arrive. They were still less than halfway of reaching Doflamingo.

Now that Zoro was dead, there was no one but Luffy to fight Pica. That is why he was taking so long to reach him.

Surprisingly, there was someone who was actually close to Doflamingo's place. She was the first and only one to make it this far.

"Rebecca?" Alex did not expect her to reach this far so fast. Either she must of gotten help or she was just really lucky.

"Hm? Alex!" She was happy to see him here, as he had promised her.

'Damn. I actually didn't expect her to be here. Oh well.' Alex thought.

-Back with Usopp.

"Viola, please tell me how they are doing?" Usopp asked.

Viola had a devil fruit that gave her the ability to see things very far. (Clairvoyance I think is called)

Viola was witness to the fight of Alexander Anderson. He first fought Sanji, and won, then Zoro, Kyros, Nami, Chopper but still won without breaking a sweat.

"I-I don't know how to say this… but two of your crewmembers are dead." She started to get teary.

"WHAT?!" Usopp practically yelled at her. He could not believe her.

"It's true. I am so sorry, Usopp."

Usopp started to cry as well. His best friends were dead.

"Who died?"

"Eyebrows and Zoro."

"Where is the bastard that killed them?"

"He is one the king's plateau. He is with Rebecca. And he seems to have captured Mansherry as well."

"Mansherry is with him?" Leo said. He called out for his flying beetle and flew to the direction of Alex, followed by several Tontatta people who wanted to rescue the princess as well.

Usopp grabbed his den-den mushi and made a call.

"Luffy?" Usopp said.

Luffy was having trouble fighting Pica. Zoro was more equipped to fight him. And Luffy wanted to save his energy for when he fights Doflamingo.

"Yes?" Luffy said. He still looked at Sabo and Robin whom are still high in the sky. He was worried because Sanji still hasn't saved them yet.

"Luffy. Zoro, Sanji, they're dead."

When he heard that, it was as if the whole world around him froze.

"It's true, Luffy. They're right here with me." Nami said through another den-den mushi that she had.

"But… that can't be!"


"DON'T LIE USSOP! THEY CANNOT BE DEAD!" Luffy did not want to believe it. He already lost his brother and swore to never lose anyone else again.

"The one who killed them is with Doflamingo. Please, Luffy, avenge them."

Luffy looked at the king's plateau and his area was seething with pure rage.

"Is it the same guy who did this to Sabo and Robin?" Luffy asked. His voice did not contain any hint of emotion at all.

Usopp looked at Viola, and she nodded.


That increased Luffy's rage. It was like pouring gas into the fire.

"After I kick Doflamingo's ass, I will kill him as well."