Cleanse the world of this cancer

With the Twins and Madara.

"Okay, so we have to disguise ourselves and infiltrate the place. That is the plan." Robert said as if he was in charge.

"Why bother? I am just going to blow this place from the ground." Madara was ready to cast a ninjutsu, but the kids stopped him.

"Don't! There are people here who are innocent." Celia added.

"I fail to see why I should care." Madara retorted.

"Madara, we will follow the plan. If you cause too much damage it could possibly break the Road Poneglyph that Saviour needs." Linlin said.

"I believe my way will be faster and much simpler." Madara wanted to test out his strength of this place, and find out just how many giant boulders it can handle before it sinks to the bottom of the ocean.

"Yes. But, we must never take unnecessary risks when it comes to Saviour. Understood?" Linlin said as she released a bit of her demonic strength.

Linlin wanted Madara to know that his standing was beneath hers. He might be considered the strongest in his world, but to Linlin, the strongest is her Saviour. And she can drag Madara around like a mop if she wanted to.

Linlin also wanted to make sure Madara does not act like the dominant one here. They have been with Saviour and have lived for many years. She viewed herself and her sister as Saviour's second in command.

It makes sense. Alex trusts the Twins more than anybody else. He even trusted them enough to receive powers from the system and to be aware of its existence.

Though the Twins do not like to disturb Saviour when it comes to receiving powers from the system, but they really had to at that time. Otherwise they would be weaker than Madara now.

Madara retracted his idea. She is way stronger than him. And even if he does want to fight it out with her, they are immortals with infinite stamina, they could fight for years without end.

And also, she had her twin sister who was as powerful. Madara hated himself for not being stronger.

"Very well." Madara said.

"And also, you need to disguise yourself. You are already in the newspaper and you will attract a lot of attention."

Madara thought that she was right. And that it was easy to disguise himself.

"Transformation Jutsu! *Poof*"

Madara turned into a different person entirely. He transformed into 'Senju Hashirama'

"My name is now Senju Hashirama." Madara said. Even after transforming into one of the people he respects the most, his attire was still very unique.

"Better. But not as good looking as our Saviour."

"Ohh! That's a nice trick. How did you do that?" Robert asked with sparkles in his eyes.

"It's something that your little mind won't comprehend. Speaking of costumes, aren't you two going to change identities?" Madara asked the Twins.

Since the Twins were indeed in the newspaper and have been confirmed to be related to him, it would be a bad thing if someone were to recognize them.

"We're good. You however, killed a Yonko, a fleet admiral and are considered to be one of the most wanted men."

"Fair enough."

"Um… mister?" Celia said.


"Would you also change our looks? People here might recognize us and we might get in trouble."

"Madara, you should. And after that you will take care of them." Linlin clearly stated.

"Why do I get stuck with the kids?" And yet these kids were finding new ways to bother him.

He has been hailed as a prodigy since young. But now, he is on babysitting duty. It felt like it was meant to be.

"Transformation Jutsu!" Madara used his same technique and applied it to the kids.

Those two kids looked like Naruto and Sasuke. Those are the only kids he remembers in his world.

Celia is Naruto, so think of Naruto as a girl in this version but with a more educated personality.

Robert is Sasuke, but acted more like an annoying wimp.

"You are now named Narutina, and the other… something something Sasugay." (HAHAHAHAHAH)

"Uh wait, did you say 'Sasugay'?" Robert asked just to be sure.

"Yes, I did."

"But, what kind of name is-"

"Doesn't matter. Let's just go already." Lili pushed the little kids forward and grabbed their hands tightly.

Madara and Linlin followed. They managed to infiltrate the place without getting caught.

Lili used her spells, Linlin used her speed, Madara is a powerful ninja, so it was not much of a challenge to him.

Upon witnessing the place, they felt that they have been teleported to a different planet.

Several nobles wore costumes that resembled astronaut uniforms, some with or without bubble helmets.

60% of them were obese and short. They didn't look high and mighty as Madara thought, since these people refer to themselves as 'nobles.'

"Kids, tell me why they wear those things on their face?" Madara has never seen an astronaut getup, which makes sense from where he comes from.

"The nobles wear those because it provides them oxygen." Celia responded.

"Oxygen? They can't breath? Or is the air contagious and dangerous to breath?" Lili asked a bit confused. If there was such a thing they would have detected by now.

"No, nothing like that. They just don't want to breathe the same air as the 'lowly commoners' they view themselves so highly that they considered those beneath them like a plague or something." Robert added.

Celia and Robert are both also Celestial Dragons, but not bastards. They had come to understand how the nobles lived after living here for so long.

"I have never heard such a thing before. I am grateful I wasn't born in this weak and pitiful world," Madara was displeased.

He never viewed people from different bloodlines as lowly. He only respected the strong, because they have strived and worked hard to earn that strength, just like him.

"Our world also had something similar like this." Linlin said. Though it wasn't as bad as it was in this world.

(Oda's view on slavery and higher status power is WAY too acurate. That is what makes One Piece different from most worlds)

As they strolled through the town, they saw slaves being tortured and tormented in the middle of the street. The other people walked past them as if it was the norm.

The prices were high, slavery was everywhere. It seemed like the people here did not have an ounce of humanity in them.

"It's better if we split up. It's faster that way." Linlin thought of.

"Are you sure, sis?" Lili asked a bit worried.

"If we split up we can find that road Poneglyph faster. And if someone dares cause trouble to us, then it will be fine to destroy them."

Madara was the first one to leave, but he was stuck with the kids like gum on a shoe.

Linlin was next to leave.

Lili knew that her sister was up to something. It must be important if she had to act alone. Lili did not want to bug her sister and left as well.

As she left, someone had been eyeing them for quite some time.

"Dad, is she and 'er sister slaves of other novle?" A skinny kid asked his father. He is not very good as speaking english for reasons unknown.

The skinny noble was a young kid, 17 at least. He had two buck-teeth sticking out like a squirrel's mouth. His face was covered in lots of freckles that looked more like a terrible disease and he also wore a pair of glasses to help him see better.

"Does it matter, son?" His dad was much older, but was fat and had a triple chin. He was significantly taller than most people.

Of course, Linlin and Lili had already noticed the lustful gazes of those perverted men. And they sensed the jealousy of women because they were way prettier than all of them.

Lili was just walking around aimlessly. She did not seem to mind the slavery as it wasn't her business.

Children, woman, man were all enslaved regardless of their sex and age. Even if she wanted to do something about it, it won't change at all. In every world there will always be suffering.

She was just here to help her Saviour and to kill the Celestial Dragons for what they had done to Hancock.

As Lili was walking, someone shouted behind her.

"I will take her in as my 47th wive!" The skinny kid pointed at Lili.

"Yes, sir. I will file the paperwork right away." A man in a fancy suit started to print papers for the arranged marriage.

This is how it is usually done in this world. Whatever the Celestial Dragon's want, they will get it.

"Now, what's your name?"

Lili looked around to see who he was talking to. Then, she pointed to herself. She was confused.

"Yes, you!"

"Oh. I think you've made a mistake. I never agreed to marry someone like you." Lili honestly responded.

"You don't have much choice. Or else." The skinny kid's dad took out a pistol and shot Lili in the leg. But, the bullet could not even penetrate her skin and it bounced off.

That small act of violence made her mad. Just because she didn't agree to marry him, someone else just shot her.

If she had been an ordinary person she would be in a lot of pain right now.

"What?" The skinny kid's dad looked at his pistol and thought something was wrong with it. Why else would Lili not be injured by a bullet?

"I am not like my sister, so I will let this go. I will not marry anybody unless it is my Saviour!" Lili stated. She was starting to gain the attention of several bystanders.

Some Celestial Dragons wanted her for themselves as a slave or a wife.

Other slaves shook their heads. They felt pity for her for gaining the attention of a Celestial Dragon.

In a world this cruel filled with bastards and pirates, beauty can be considered a sin for most people.

"Men, bind her and take her back to my place. After that, find her twin sister. And once you finish, kill whoever this Saviour she is referring to." The skinny kid's dad ordered his strong men of elite soldiers.

'Yes, sir!" He had over 20 soldiers on his side, several of them were as strong as a rear admiral.

"Did you also want to take my sister away? And kill my Saviour?" Lili started to get mad, and she was finding it difficult not to kill them right now.

"Yes! So what? You can't do anything about it!" He said with a grin. He was already fantasizing about her body.

"There really are no men like Saviour." Lili said to herself.

She let out a dark energy. Several of the people nearby were alarmed and shivered in fear.

Most of the Celestials are weaker than normal humans. They have been fed with a diamond spoon since birth, and are very weak willed as well.

"Sorry, sis, but I cannot hold myself back." Lili started to conjure up a spell, until she stopped because the entire city was covered in a shadow, as if something huge was blocking the sun.

Looking up, they saw a giant boulder, the size of a mountain, hurling towards them.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" A girl Celestial began to shout which then others began running away. Some were too afraid to move from the fear alone.


However, Lili was the only one unfazed.

"Really Madara? Not even five minutes?" Lili sighed. It wouldn't have mattered as she too would have begun demolishing this place to pieces.


The giant boulder destroyed the center of Mariejois. All there was left was a huge crater, with broken buildings, crushed corpses. It was a massacre.

At some point, Madara, Linlin and Lili found themselves together again.

"Well, Madara, didn't you listen to what I said?" Linlin asked, but not as pissed as she was supposed to be,

"After spending all this time in this place, it's hard NOT to destroy every single piece of it." Madara responded.

"That… I agree. If you hadn't done something I would have." Linlin said.

"Madara, who is that behind you?" Lili asked.

Behind Madara, was the two kids, as well as a grown woman with tattered clothes and deep slashes and cuts on her body.

Robert and Celia held on to the lady as they cried, not because they were scared, but because they were happy.

"This woman is their mother."

Flashback 5 minutes ago.

Madara had the children lead them to the most important building of the land, the place where the five elders resided.

However, both of the kids stopped in their tracks once they saw someone in a slave auction.

"Mom!" Robert called out. The woman who was being currently sold as a slave is their mother.

"I thought you said your parents died saving you?" Madara asked.

"We thought so too."

Robert was the first one to go. He had totally forgotten about the fact that he was supposed to be hiding, and he hugged her mother.

"Mom!" Robert started crying tears.

"R-Robert!" Even though her son was in disguise, she knew it was him, call it a 'mothers instinct.'

Currently everyone was paying attention to the boy, as he interrupted the auction.

"Guards, take the kid away." The auctioneer said.

Then, two strong men came and took the kid away by force. Robert kicked and screamed to let him go, but the guards didn't care at all.

"Robert!" The mom cried.

"Mom! Let me go!"

But, the two men that were carrying him away were suddenly put under a genjutsu by Madara.

"You know, I came to this world, but I did not think that it would be filled with such shitty bastards." Madara loudly declared.

Everyone turned to face him, and were all giving him a look of despise.

"Who the hell are you to say that? We are the blood of the creators." One of the Celestials said.

"You guys are worse than anybody else I had ever met, and I have seen some shitty things in my life, but nothing can compare to the sick, bastards you are."

Madara was pissed. He doesn't care about others, but somehow this place just brought out the worst in him.

If the Celestial Dragons were actual foes who wield terrifying power, then maybe he could understand, because the weak obey the strong.

But, he has seen not one strong person in this place. They all abuse their power because they were born from rich and influential family of assholes.

Madara could not take it anymore.

"You will die for that!" Another male Celestial pulled out a gun and shot Madara in the face.

But, Madara merely caught the bullet with his two fingers. He then flicked it back at the Celestial, killing him.

Everybody stood up in shock. It was okay to kill insignificant slaves, but the one who died was a Celestial Dragon.

"I will do all of you a favour and cleanse the world of this cancer." Madara casted a jutsu, and several seconds later, a huge mountain fell from the heavens.

Those who did not understand thought that the Heaven's themselves were punishing them.

Before it crashed, Madara grabbed the kids and their mother and shielded them with his Susanoo.

Flash back end.

"You did the right thing." Linlin said.

"Mom. We thought you died." Robert said as he hugged her tightly, as if he would lose her again.

"Mama!" Celia too cried. They were just children.

"It's okay, my children." The young mother held them both in each of her hands. For a long time she thought she will never see her children again, and much less hold them in her arms.

"What happened to dad?"

The mother shook her head. She started to cry once more as she hugged her children hard.

"He's gone to heaven."

Madara was not affected by this scene. But, this touched the twins' hearts. Madara made a good thing happen for once in his life.

"Help… me." An old Celestial somehow survived the crash and pulled himself out of the pile of rubble.

"Let me take care of this." Lili said. She was about to kill him, but the old man raised his hands.

"Wait! Please don't kill me. Ple-e-ase." He started to cry.

"Why? You're a cancer to this world."

"If you let me live, I can tell you something very important." He offered. If he can be spared then that is all that matters, no matter how many secrets he gives out.


"In the bottom of this land, deep underground, lies a treasure that can control the world."

Madara was intrigued, as he too sought out a power like that.

"No one knows how to use it, but, those who know will be granted immortal life, giving them power to that of a Yonko or higher." He added.

Madara and the twins looked at each other. They thought it was something amazing, but it was just plain immortality.

(You know that they're powerful if they can simply shrug off something like immortality.)

"Bye." Lili cut off the old man's head. If it was just immortality, then Saviour can buy lots of those from the system shop.

"Lili, kill everyone here and leave nothing behind, not even their souls. Find anything that might be valuable to Saviour, like devil fruits or information."

"'Kay!" Lili said cutely and flew off.

"Madara, protect them from harm. I will be busy finding that last Road Poneglyph."

"Tsk! Once again I get stuck with the kids." He said that, but he somehow didn't despise them as much as before. Must be because he finally vented his anger on this place.

"Hm." Linlin left in a flash.

Madara sat down and began practicing again. He made sure to keep the family close to him, in case of any sneak attacks,

In the middle of the huge pile of rubble and rock, came out 5 old men. All very powerful, just as powerful as Kaido or more.

But, they were wounded, it was only light wounds thanks to their strong physique.

"What the hell happened here?!" One of them said. The entire holy land was gone in a split second.

"That was an attack. It happened so suddenly that we didn't have a chance to react."

"Who has the power to do such a… Madara Uchiha, or Alexander Anderson." One of them made a simple deduction, and was correct.

"Alexander Anderson is at Dressrosa, so that leaves Madara Uchiha. When did he get here? Why would he be here out of all places?"

"Contact the marines, send all the help possible. And also, contact CP-0 and have all of them come here this instant!"

After that, they healed their wounds. They suspected Madara to still be within the place, and were preparing for a counter strike.

However, Madara simply smirked. He had detected those 5 men long ago. The same went for the Twins.

But, they let them be because they knew they would ask for powerful people to help them. And if that happened, they would eat their souls and gain even more strength.

This was all part of their plan, of course. And those 5 elders were walking right into their trap.