The last Road Poneglyph found

In the middle of the ocean.

Alex brought Robin and the others with him. They were all still restraint by something. They were on top on a small piece of island made out of pure ice.

Alex created the ice using his water bending technique.

The only one who was awake was Nico Robin.

"Nico Robin." Alex said. Personally, he never felt anything for her, it has always been a neutral feeling on his part.

"What are you going to do to us?" She asked, a bit worried for her and Sabo and Luffy..

"I want you to read this to me." Alex handed her three books contained with the information of the Road Poneglyphs.

"This is!" Nico Robin could not believe what she was seeing. At first she thought it had to do something with the lost history 800 years ago, but it wasn't.

"I want you to read it and translate it. And I would suggest not lying to me. Or you might regret it. And also, no funny business, or I might be tempted to drown your captain to the bottom of the ocean." Alex said in a threatening tone.

After getting a nod from her, he let go of her. He kept a very close eye on her.

Nico Robin is the only one in the world capable of translating the Poneglyphs. Even if there were books on how to translate that long, lost language, it would take too much time for Alex.

Robin picked up a book. She started reading it.

"The island of raftel…"

(Nobody really knows what the Road Poneglyph says, and since I don't want it to be confusing, I am just going to skip the details.)

At some point, Robin turned to stone. She only noticed her body turning to stone seconds before she fully turned to stone. Even if she had noticed it sooner, she would have no way to avoid it.

Alex shook his head. It seemed she already knew what it was going to say, and she wanted to alter the information on the Road Poneglyphs.

Alex touched her head, and she was released from his Commandment. This has also been confirmed in the Seven Deadly sins series.

"What! What just happened?" She asked breathing heavily. She thought she was dead.

"I have a special power that lets me turn people to stone once they lie in my presence. I warned you, didn't I?" Alex said in a deep and angry tone.

Robin was shocked. She saw him manipulating water, earth, air, he ate the fire fruit, and now he has another weird ability?

"Now, for lying to me, which one do you want to see suffer? Luffy or Sabo?"

Robin had her eyes wide opened. She only tried to alter the information because she knew the significance of it. But, she was caught red-handed, and now one of her friends must pay for her actions.

"If you want, I can just make them both suffer." He moved his hand and pulled Luffy and Sabo down to the ocean.

"No! Stop!" She cried.

"Then you better start translating fast, or they might drown to their deaths if you're too slow."

Robin picked up the books, and started translating. It was hard understanding her because she was rushing it, and because she had trouble keeping her emotions in check.

Alex just wrote down everything in a book. Unless it's a book or something physical, the Library of Heaven's path cannot process the information.

{Can't you just like use your invasion from the start and control her? That would be a lot easier than this.}

"True, but this is funner." Alex responded. He already thought of that idea, but decided against it. He can't always rely on his Invasion ability. Only when he really needs to use it.

"Done! Now please pull them out!" She cried out.

"Sure." And with a movement of his hand, both Luffy and Sabo came out still breathing, but were coughing out the water that had entered their lungs.

"Luffy! Sabo!" Robin ran up to them to check on them. She wasn't a doctor, but she knew that they will be fine.

"Oh god, what the hell happened?" Sabo was the only one confused. He was unconscious most of the time.

"Sabo! Robin!" Luffy said. He was struggling to get out of Alex's bear Chastiefol but it was futile.

"Don't bother, Luffy. It can regenerate itself and its as hard as reinforced steel." Alex said.

In his Library of Heaven's path, he got a new map. It showed the map of Raftel, but not completed.

The map was only ¾ done, he needs that last Road Poneglyph to find the One Piece. Of course, he mostly really wanted to get that SP reward for finding the One Piece.

"Why did you bring us here?" Sabo demanded to know. He was trying to claw his way through the huge teddy bear, but found that every time he would destroy a piece of it, it would instantly regenerate. It also appeared to be sentient.

No weapon like that should exist in this world.

"So, you want me to give you my big, evil speech, and just tell you all of my plans like a villain would in a movie?"

"..." Sabo. He did not know how to respond to that.

(Are there even any movies in One Piece? I mean like, do movies exist in the One Piece world? I honestly do not know.)

"Okay, I will. I kidnapped Robin because of her knowledge in translating a lost language. I kidnapped you, Sabo, because you seem to have a deep connection with Dragon. And also, I kidnapped Luffy because I also thought that would bring Dragon to me, just in case you and Robin weren't enough."

"You cannot defeat Dragon. He is way too strong." Sabo declared. He has been with Dragon and fought with man numerous times, he knows his strength more than anybody,

"To me, Dragon and everybody else in this world is just a small frog in a well." Alex responded as if he didn't put them in their eyes.

"Those who have underestimated Dragon are all dead. Just like you will be once he gets here." Robin added this time.

"Trust me, you do not know the infinite wealth of destruction I command." Alex stood away as he looked into the distance with both his fists behind his back, he looked sharp and strong like that.

{Your hands behind your back… are you trying to act like Darkseid now?}

"Who is 'Darkseid'?" Alex has never read or seen a DC comic or cartoon. His knowledge on DC and Marvel only comes from movies.

So naturally, Alex had no idea who Darkseid is.

{He is like the um… nevermind.}

"You killed my crewmembers. When I get out of here, I will- fhnbhhfbhfmf." Alex covered Luffy's mouth with his Chastiefol. He was finding him a bit annoying.

"Sabo." Alex suddenly said.

"What?" He said angrily. If he weren't restrained, he would have already killed Alex 1000 times over.

"Unless you want to see another brother of yours die, then you will tell me something. Where can I find Blackbeard?"

-Back in the Holy land.

Linlin had used her speed to search everywhere for that Road Poneglyph. After looking for such a long time, she found it, but it was behind a wall and door made out of pure seastone.

One needed three keys to open the door. Other than that there was no way for anyone to enter.

This was like a treasury vault but only the five elders and/or the highest of the highest Celestial Dragons are able to enter the vault.

It was where they stored their most important stuff yet. Like Pongelyphs, powerful devil fruits, priceless artifacts.

Linlin tried to knock the door down, but it only made a loud sound which echoed through the entire building. There was a noticeable small dent in the part where she hit it.

Linlin did not believe that this door could handle her power. So, she repeatedly hit it a great number of times until the door showed signs of giving in.


After hitting it over 200 times, she managed to bring the door down.

Inside was the Road Poneglyph as expected, but so were other types of treasures. Like devil fruits, art, gold, etc.

Linlin stuffed most of the stuff that were of value to her Saviour inside her storage ring that she got long ago from Lady Zhen.

But, she must of ran out of space because the giant Road Poneglyph would not fit inside her storage ring.

"Sis." She called out to Lili.

"Yes?" Lili teleported to her sister's side in an instant.

"Could you teleport this outside please?"

"Sure. I can just bring it to Saviour while I'm at it."

"Good idea."

Lili walked up and touched the Road Poneglyph.

"Abort." And just like that, her and the giant cube were gone.

Linlin went back. She had sensed the arrival of several people. What a perfect way to get souls and get stronger.

-Back with Alex.

Alex flew fast with his prisoners to Blackbeard's location. But, something hard hit him in the face right out of nowhere.

"Ow!" He didn't expect there to be something, so he was caught off guard and his nose started to bleed.

"OH GOD!!! SAVIOUR! I AM SO SORRY!!!" Lili appeared in front of him with the Road Poneglyph, and she accidentally ran into him. The Road Poneglyph was the thing Alex ran face first into.

Lili grabbed a towel and tended to her Saviour. Even though they are immortals, she cannot bear the fact that she hit him even if it was an accident.

"Lili? What did you bring… the Road Poneglyph?" Alex wasn't mad at Lili. He knew that they would never hit him even if at the risk of their own life.

"Saviour. I am so sorry." Lili began shedding tears. She forgot about the Poneglyph and she kept wiping the blood off his face as if he were a newborn baby.

"I'm okay. It's not your fault. Accidents happen."

"But, Saviour."

Alex held her hands down. The bleeding had stopped. The Poneglyphs are made out of a special type of metal that are unbreakable. So, anyone who runs face first into something like that would be hurt.

"It's okay. Here, I got you a gift." Alex handed her the string fruit. He thought that this devil fruit might suit her. He already removed the flaws in the devil fruit.

(Yes, he wanted her to be like Walter C.Dornez. He is one of the most badass butlers ever.)

"Saviour…" Lili's eyes turned red. She knew her Saviour wouldn't be mad at her, but he gave her a gift even after hitting him accidentally.

"And also, bring this to Linlin." Alex handed her the light fruit.

"Thank you."

"And also, this is for the both of you." Alex pulled out Mansherry from his pocket and handed her to Lili.

At some point. Mansherry fell asleep and she had been resting in his pocket the entire time.

"This is?" Upon seeing Mansherry, Lili's eyes lit up like stars. She has never seen such cuteness before in her life.

"Her name is Princess Mansherry. You two can keep her only if you promise to feed her and take her out for walks."

{...what? Why are saying it like she's a dog?}

"Yeah I am just going to ignore you."

"Thanks, Saviour." She grabbed ahold of Mansherry, but not before giving her Saviour a quick peck on his cheek. It was a sign of gratitude.

"Oh, and here's a coconut." She teleported out of there before he had the chance to say anything else. Her cheeks were totally flushed.


Alex only smirked at her boldness. Lili had noticed the prisoners behind him, but didn't ask anything.

Alex touched the Road Poneglyph, which Lili accidentally forgot and was sinking to the bottom of the ocean. There was also a big dent and a blood stain on a part of the Poneglyph. It was the part where he ran into it like a bull.

And finally, the final piece of the puzzle was solved. He just needed Robin to translate it and the path to the One Piece would finally be found.

"Oh Robin~" He said melancholy.

-Back in Mariejois.

Several Marines, Vice Admirals, Rear Admirals and all the CP and CP-0 members showed up in no time at all.

The ship numbers were all Warships and over 150 had showed up. And each ship had full of Elite Marines.

One special ship carried the members of the CP-9 and CP-0 members. They were on a league of their own.

The only one who didn't appear, was Admiral Fujitora. He was still in Dressrosa busy attending the damage that had been done to it.

They were all utterly shocked and horrified by looking at the land that was known as a paradise for the Celestial Dragons.

The entire area was covered in dirt. Buildings crushed, rubble everywhere, corpses and body parts everywhere.

It would be more fitting to call it a 'wasteland' than the 'holy land'

"Men! Search the entire island for any Celestials who might be alive. If you see any pirates then shoot without hesitating. Understood!" A vice Admiral said loudly. His words carried weight and were filled with pride.

"Yes, sir!" Over 100,000 Marines shouted in unison.

CP-0 and CP-9 however did not listen to him as they operated in their own devices.

Rob Lucci, and that other guy with the long, rectangle nose was with CP-0 as well. After losing the fight with Luffy they transferred to CP-0 sometime during the 2 year timeskip.

Lili teleported back to her sister. She first ate the fruit her Saviour gifted her, it tasted a bit sweet. Then, she was able to produce strings just like Doffy.

"Sis, you're back… and who is this cutey?" Linlin's eyes also lit up like stars when she saw Mansherry. She has never seen such cuteness in her life either.

"Saviour told us to take care of her. Here, he also gave this to you." Lili handed her sister the light fruit.

"Oh, a devil fruit. I should thank Saviour when I see him again." Without saying anything else, Linlin ate the light fruit.

Then, her entire body turned into a light. She was a logia user now, and only haki can hurt her if she is ever in that state.

She tested out her new speed and found her results shocking.

"My speed! It increased by many times over." Linlin knew she was fast, but testing out her new speed she was left in awe. To think that a devil fruit could be so powerful.

"Saviour is the best. And also, what are we going to do about the nuisance?" Lili was referring to the Marines who had arrived just now.

"Let them come. We should test out our new abilities on them. And we should take a break. Do you still have some coconuts?"


Madara was on babysitting duty. He kept trying to control the 10 tails, and was slowly making progress.

Madara had already removed his disguise as well as the kids.

Until, he was interrupted by 5 old men.

Robert, was the first one to notice. And fear crept up on his face.

"It's them! It's the Gorosei!" He cried out. Who hasn't heard of the five most influential and most powerful people of the Celestial Dragons?

"Madara Uchiha! How dare you!" One of the Elders was angry that veins bulge out of his forehead.

"How dare I what?" Madara asked. He kept his guard up, not because he was afraid of them, but what they might do to the people behind him.

"How dare you destroy this holy land? Aren't you afraid of the consequences?"

Madara began to laugh hysterically.

"Consequences? All I know is that this land was a cancer to the world. I did this world a favor and killed everyone in this land." (Aside from the kids and the mother)

"Nonsense! Don't you know about the history of the-" *WHOOSH*

He was interrupted by a shuriken that almost cut his face. Madara did not want to listen to their story at all.

"I don't give a fucking damn."

"You!" All the Elders took action at the same time. Some activated their devil fruits while other drew out their weapons.

They were not going to underestimate the one in front of him.

But, Madara activated his Susanoo which pushed all of them back by his pressure alone.

"Let me see just how strong you five really are." Madara said as he threw them various jutsus while still protecting the ones behind him.

Robert, Celia and their mother watched as how Madara stood against the might of the 5 powerful Elders. Robert's eyes were shining at how awesome Madara was.

Celia and her mother hugged each other, a bit fearful of their battle.

As that was happening, the twins were testing their powers and eating coconuts. They met several strange people, some really tall and others were short, but they were not ordinary at all.

One of them had a white dove on his shoulder. That man was none other than Rob Lucci.

"The twins. What are both of you doing here?" Asked the leader, which wasn't Rob Lucci.

(Not much is known about them yet not even their names, so yeah…)

"Just eating a coconut. Do you want some?" Lili offered.

"If you two are smart, you will face prosecution and pay with your dear lives without resisting."

"Hm, I don't know. What do you think, Sis?"

"I think they are the ones who should pay with their lives. "

"Yup! I agree as well."

"If it comes to this. Men, kill them both." The leader of CP-0 said.

The CP-9 members followed his instructions and launch themselves at the twins. But, all of them were cut into several pieces before they could even touch them.

The bodies of the CP-9 members were cut so neatly and in cubes, it looked like they were animals whom were butchered so cleanly and fine.

This image was something that even the members of CP-0 have never seen.

"This string fruit is really something. The wire is so thin, and yet it can cut through humans like they are butter." Lili said.

After the short time she had tested the might of the string devil fruit, she came to master it in such a short time. This was the difference between her and Doffy.

The strings Lili produced were so thin that they were practically invisible. But, they were still razor sharp. That was why those CP-9 members died so brutally and so fast. They probably didn't know how they died.

"Indeed." Linlin responded as she kept drinking the coconut. They really loved those coconuts.

"As I had suspected, these twins are not weak." The leader said. He merely sent those CP-9 members to test out the twins' power.

"Sis, do you know how we should deal with this?" Asked Lili.

"Of course, Sis. We shall do exactly as the maids do... and tidy up."