Marry my daughter, please?

After arriving at town, Alex wanted to buy a piece of land with a building in it. What's a base if one doesn't own a huge building?

After asking several people for directions, he found a guy that sold various pieces of lands with buildings in them. The price was astronomical, but it was to be expected.

Those buildings had protective formations and came with their own bodyguards, but they were too weak.

Even after looking at those buildings Alex did not like any of those buildings. They were too plain and simple. He wants something much more majestic and grand than the buildings he saw.

He also had the great idea to raid other powerful clans and claim their belongings. But they also sucked.

Alex gave up on the idea and thought of going to the Upper Realm to take over another clan with all of their treasures.

So they ended up staying in a hotel room, it was luxurious and free… Alex brainwashed the guys from the hotel to give them an expensive room for free. He did the exact same thing in the One Piece world.

The room was huge enough to fit 50-70 people in it and still have enough space for many pieces of furniture.

It was night and Alex was planning for the future. Linlin and Lili were cleaning the room. In short everyone was minding their own business.

But Mihawk grabbed his weapon and proceeded to head out.

"Goodbye." Mihawk said as he took his stuff.

"Where are you going?" Asked Alex. It hasn't been long since they had arrived in this world, and yet Mihawk wanted to leave.

"You said you wanted to make a name for this group. So I will travel this world and spread your name." Mihawk said, but it wasn't his real goal, he just wanted to explore the land.

"Very well. I cannot keep you here. But, take Madara and Steven with you. I am sure that you three will be able to spread our name far and wide. And it will be safer, just in case." Alex said.

Mihawk did not object. He had already spent almost an entire year with Steven and Madara. Madara felt the same way, he too did not want to stay long in one spot when there was a whole world out there waiting for them.

"And also, take these, you two." Alex handed them both a skill book.

Madara and Mihawk saw it and were confused. They had seen a martial skill before, but most of them had a title and were very weak, and yet the ones that Alex handed them were blank.

"I just made his on a whim. Mihawk, I noticed that you did not want to rely on the powers of the system and only want to rely on your swordsmanship. I respect that, but this martial skill book will raise your power level by a lot. Consider it a gift from me." Alex said.

Mihawk read through the first pages and was shocked. It wasn't an Exalted Taboo, nor was it a secret skill, it was something much better than that.

"What do you call this technique?" Mihawk asked.

"It was originally called 'Light splitting sword shadow scroll' but after reading its flaws and altering it, I renamed it 'Hell splitting sword shadow demon scroll' or you can rename it I don't care." Alex shrugged.

For those who remember, this technique was originally Hao Ren's technique from the world of Dragon King's son-in-law.

At one point, Alex decided to cock-block Hao Ren's progress and stole the scroll from the East Ocean clan.

Alex felt that he needed to give something to Mihawk and Madara, as they were now Commandments.

So Alex grabbed the sword scroll from his storage, bought numerous sword techniques from LoHP shop, and compiled them all together creating a deadly technique for sword users.

It was similar to Hao Ren's technique, but much better.

Mihawk put the scroll away in his cosmos sack that he stole from somebody.

"Thank you." Mihawk was grateful. This will without a doubt boost his strength and skill as a swordsman.

"And as for you Madara, this martial skill will unlock the 10-tails power inside you. You have already started to unlock the power that is dormant inside you. Until you have fully mastered it once more, you will not be able to gain that power that you once possessed."

After combining several jutsu books and world spiritist techniques, Alex found a way to unlock Madara's ten-tails power. It was a slow progress but he was sure Madara could do it.

Madara took the book and also said "Thank you."

Alex tried to make Steven a martial skill that would fit him. But he was too mysterious and barely relies on any skills at all. Thus Alex could not make a skill for Steven at the moment.

Madara, Steven and Mihawk left the area as soon as they bid their goodbyes to the group. Seeing them leave, Alex smiled. They were not going to be seeing each other for quite some time.

"This Queen shall now take a good long rest. Good night." Eggy went inside a room and slept like a baby.

"Saviour, would you like us to do anything else for you?" The twins asked.

"No. Take the rest of the day off, you two deserve a break." Alex said.

"Thank you, Saviour." The twins longed for a bath and a long nap. So they did not reject him.

Alex did not go to sleep. Instead he went outside, laid on the grass and looked up at the night sky and observed all those stars out there. Each of those stars were actually civilizations filled with people that are just waiting to be killed by Alex.

He was thinking hard right now. How could he gain fame as quick as possible? And how to quickly gain 6 billion SP.

"Maybe I should sell a powerful weapon to an auction house and claim it to be my own and make my name known to everyone… but that might not work. I would instead be labelled as a 'fat sheep' and will not gain the fame I want. After all we are nobodies…"

The auction house was not a bad idea. But that would not gain the attention of the Heavenly Clans.

Then, an idea popped into his head.

"Bluescreen, how much does Mjonir cost?" Asked Alex.


"Buy it." Alex said.

Then Thor's hammer appeared before him. It was exactly as the same from the Marvel movies.

He picked it up and it was light.

"Ha! I am worthy." Alex swinged the hammer around as if it were a toy. He was a Marvel fan to begin with, so it's no wonder he would want to play with one of the most iconic weapons in the Marvel universe.

{Unless you decide, then nobody else but you is worthy enough to wield the hammer}

"Even better." Alex held tightly onto Mjolnir and flew up into the clouds. It was night so nobody could see Alex.

Then Alex conjured lightning from his hand and shot it straight at the sky where there was nobody. He didn't stop there, he proceeded to repeat the same thing many times.

The flash lightning and the sound of thunder woke many people and they could not help but look outside.

Some people thought it was an ordinary thunderstorm. But some experts could tell that it wasn't the case.

There was also a layer of clouds that did not let people see Alex. He also concealed his aura and therefore no one could sense him.

"Let me have a look at this." It was an old man who said that. He was an elder from the Chu Heavenly clan, it was the same one that appeared last chapter.

He wanted to know what caused the storm. It might even be a treasure.

However once he got close Alex shot him down with lightning. The unexpected attack caught the old man off-guard and his body and clothes were burned. Lucky for him he did not die.

"Elder!" Young people from the Chu Heavenly clan ran up to him. They started to apply some healing formations on him.

"I'm fine. Whatever you do, do not get close to that lightning." The elder said as he coughed up blood.

Alex saw that he gained the attention of almost everybody in the city, and thus he knew that it was the perfect time to shine, literally speaking.

"Praise the sun. Bankai!" Alex unleashed the power of the sun. Everyone looking up was blinded by the light and some of them went momentarily blind.

"Heavens! What is that?"

"It's the end! We're dead!"

"Judgement day has come."

Many people felt deeply afraid somehow by the light, it was as if the sun god had come to deliver judgement. The light covered not just the entire city, but many other cities beside them.

Even the beasts were afraid and proceeded to run away.

Linlin and Lili just finished taking a shower, and they saw that bright light. They smiled as they knew who it was.

"Oh Saviour." They said with a smile.

Eggy who was still awake, also noticed that light, and was surprised, too. Alex has never shown her all of his abilities, as there was no real reason other than to show off. She didn't know it was Alex.

The bright light didn't last long. It left as quickly as it came.

Moments after the light disappeared many people were left wondering what had just happened.

"What was that?" That was the question that many people wanted to know.

But it wasn't over yet. Alex let go of Mjolnir and that hammer actually caused a huge crater in the center of the city.

*BOOOOOOOOOM* Mjolnir caused a huge tremor that shook many buildings nearby.

The hammer let out many sparks and the people could see just how powerful that weapon was.

"Is this… a gift from the heavens?" Not long after people circled the hammer. Maybe because of the light and the lightning people were afraid that they might die if they were to touch Mjonir.

"Elder… what kind of weapon is that?" A young girl asked the Chu Heavenly elder.

"It looks like a short hammer… but I can feel that it's extraordinary. It easily exceeds even an Ancestral armament, possibly even an immortal armament."

Several people heard the elder and they all gasped.

Not to mention even an incomplete immortal, even an immortal ranked weapon was out of anyone's reach. Even the Chu Heavenly clan would treat an immortal armament as a priceless treasure.

"Look! There's something on the hammer!" Someone cried out.

And all of a sudden, on the side of Mjolnir there appeared many words.

"Whoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

Those words held an incredible force on them. What kind of weapon is so incredible that words can appear like that?

"Who or what is Thor?" Another question that people wanted to know.

Alex just smiled from the top. He left the area before anyone could see him. As for how those words appeared in the side of Mjolnir, they were naturally the work of bluescreen.

"Step aside. I'll be taking that hammer with me." The same elder stepped up and released his cultivation to intimidate everyone.

He was a true immortal 3. There are very few experts among the Hundred refunding Ordinary realm with that power.

The people wanted that powerful weapon as well. But the Elder was not only super powerful, but he was from the Chu Heavenly clan.

Unless one had a death wish, they would not stop him.

The elder held a firm grip on Mjolnir. He could already feel the power in his hands. He felt prideful, as if he will rise in ranks in the Chu Heavenly Clan.

But, he noticed he couldn't pull it out. He tried and tried but to no avail.

He used formations, his strength, even forbidden medicine. But the hammer would not move an inch..

His face turned beet red from the sheer power he put in to try to raise the weapon.

People started mocking him. Is the Chu Heavenly clan so weak that they cannot even raise a hammer off the ground?

"Hey! Help me with this." The elder said to the young people from his clan.

The rest might be young, but their cultivation has reached Martial Ancestor.

Everybody pulled on the hammer at once, but the results were the same.

Alex who had left, returned and sat by the side on a chair and ate some popcorn.

No matter how much they tried, they will not be able to move that hammer. They could not even destroy it.

Alex wanted to wait a couple of days until word spreads out of a powerful weapon that no one could lift. Until then he will not make a move.

Several days had passed and what Alex had predicted came true.

When the Elder spend all night trying to lift the hammer, he called the other members from his clan to help him.

No matter what, they cannot let go of such an opportunity to own a powerful weapon.

The word spread out and everyone from the Hundred Refining Ordinary realm came to see the hammer.

All those who wanted to lift the hammer were welcome to, be it an ordinary citizen or an expert.

Many powerful people from the Chu Heavenly Clan came for the same purpose as well, some were Martial Immortal, but they too could not wield the power of Thor.

Alex did not waste all that time jerking around. He actually gained a lot of valuable information from the Chu Heavenly clan members.

Alex now knew that there was a world on top of the world. But to actually visit all of those places and take all of those souls would take so long.

This made his resolve to obtain the infinity stones even more than before.

"I have never heard of a weapon that no one can wield." An old man said to the other old man.

These two men were from the Chu Heavenly Clan.

"Aside from that, I would also like to know what this 'Thor' is. How come no one has heard of him or it?"

Many theories began circulating about Thor. Some day he was a god, demon, celestial, or the one who forged the weapon.

But even if they were to search into the edge of the universe, they will never find anything about Thor.

"It's possible that we will never know."

As much as Alex enjoyed the gossip, he felt that it was time to make his move.

He returned to his original form, a tall, muscular man instead of a teenager. This form was much more dominating compared to his other form.

He likes the form of a teenager whenever he wants to laze around like a cat. Both his forms aren't different in terms of power, just the appearance is different.

"Ah… there it is. At last." Alex said loudly enough for everyone to hear him.

Everyone turned to face him. No one recognized him.

"Are you here to try and lift the hammer?" An elder asked.

"Yes. That hammer belongs to me." Alex walked beside the old man and grabbed the hammer.

Everyone snickered at him. Even they could not lift the hammer, so how would a nobody like him be able to lift it, and much more be the owner of it?

"I have spent a thousand years looking for this hammer. I have travelled many worlds, killed many lives. And now the power of Thor is now in my hands." Alex said.

"You know who Thor is?" Someone asked.

"I do."

"Ha! Look around you, there have been 10 people this day alone that have claimed to have known about this Thor. But they were all just trying to boast." A young man said.

But Alex ignored him and lifted the hammer easily. He extended his arm to the heavens.

The people around him gasped in surprise. Was that even possible?

Then a dark cloud formed above the city. And lightning struck down on Mjolnir and Alex as well, but he was unaffected.

"Heavens! Even the Heavens want to smite this guy to death!" Someone cried out in shock. That is what it looked like to them.

Alex looked high and mighty, like a leader destined to lead them all to Heaven.

Then he turned to face the crowd.

"I want everyone here to remember my name. My name is Alexander Anderson. I am the leader of the Ten Commandments." Alex said.

Everyone made sure to imprint that name into their minds permanently, like a scar.

"Young man, I would suggest you to hand over that weapon. Or you will make an enemy of the Chu Heavenly Clan." The Elder from the Chu Heavenly clan said.

"You want this weapon?" Asked Alex.


"Very well. You can have it." Alex tossed the hammer to the elder.

They all snorted at Alex. They thought he was a strong hidden expert, but before a powerhouse like the Chu Heavenly Clan, he was nothing but a scared little man.

The elder was about to receive the hammer and was ready to rise through the ranks of the clan and power, but what he felt like was if a thousand mountains pressed against him once he grabbed the hammer.

The hammer went for his chest and it knocked him down. The elder tried to get up, but couldn't.

"What?" He couldn't believe it. Wasn't the young man before him able to wield it so easily.

"You can all try to get the hammer off him, but you will never be able to lift the hammer. After all, you all are not worthy." Alex mocked them.

"You bastard!" Several people ran up to Alex to beat him up, but Alex merely waved his hand and their bodies turned into meat paste.

"Like I said, all of you are not worthy." Alex had gotten used to the bullshit in this world. Even the smallest offense would make anyone want to kill you.

"Get him! Whoever beats him to death will be rewarded." The elder who was knocked down commanded.

As soon as he said that, dozens and even hundreds ran up to Alex with the full intention to kill him.

"All of you wanted to see what kind of weapon Mjolnir is, and I will gladly show you." Alex extended his hand towards the hammer and it returned to his hand.

Once again they were all shocked. They had never seen a weapon like that before.

Alex continuously spun the hammer like in the movies, and he literally turned everyone around him into pieces of meat and blood scattered all around the city..

Many half and Martial Ancestors were slain before Alex and his hammer. And it did not stop there. Alex threw the hammer towards a crowd of people and they all fell before the mighty hammer. It was as if it had a mind of it's own and it killed people regardless of who it was.

"Audacious! You dare kill members of the Chu Heavenly clan before my eyes." That was another elder, but he was a true expert, a Heavenly immortal.

Many people thought Alex will die now. A Heavenly immortal is someone god-like to them all, even among the Chu Heavenly Clan.

"Don't worry, after I am done with you all I will head straight to the Chu Heavenly clan and destroy them."

"You dare threaten me? You will die before this man's ha-"

Alex grabbed the old man by the mouth to shut him up. God knows just how many times Alex has heard that phrase in the last year. And he was sick of it.

"Do you want to know what death tastes like?" Alex asked. Then his hand started to light up like the sun, and the elder's face melted before everyone.

"RUN!!!" No one knew who shouted, but they all ran as far away as they could. If Alex could easily kill someone at the Heavenly Immortal realm, then what chance do all of them have against him?

Alex could have killed everyone present, but he didn't. If he were to kill everyone then who would spread the news about him?

"Now that I think about it, there is no reason to let the people from the Hundred Refining Ordinary Realm to live. As long as those weaklings from the Chu Heavenly Clan spread the news from their world, that is the only thing that counts." Alex said.

{I agree}

"How much SP did I earn from that?"

{You know have 108M}

"Just by killing those weaklings? I am literally 1/10 away from getting an infinity stone." Alex smiled. He made a good harvest.



3 days ago, Madara somehow found information about a formation that will teleport them to the Upper realm a place where experts live.

Madara put someone under a genjutsu, who was an immortal dragon world spirits, and they made it to the Upper Realms.

Right now they stopped to rest on a restaurant. They did kill some people and raised their power level on the way. But they still haven't met anyone who could fight them evenly.

"What I heard is that there are many Exalted experts among the Upper realms. There are also way more powerful clans than the Chu Heavenly Clan. If we fight them they could give us a good fight." Madara said.

"Even with our speed it could take days to reach a powerful clan. This is a vast world compared to the one I used to live." Mihawk sipped on his tea.

"We have infinite stamina, so running all day and all night is no problem. We could make it to this place in exactly 2 days with no rest." Madara showed Mihawk a map that he stole.

"These are true experts. Not only that but we must be weary of those world spiritists. Remember how one of them gave us trouble in the Eastern Sea Region?" Mihawk said.

Many things happened in the Eastern Sea Region. After all, they were not that powerful compared to today.

Mihawk studied the skill that Alex handed him. It proved to be very useful to him. And there was still room for perfection.

"No, daddy! I love him!" A young girl said loudly to an old man.

"You will not marry that bastard of a son. From today onwards you two will never meet again!" The old man's voice resonated throughout the restaurant, and he even released his aura, which was a Martial Heaven expert.

"I HATE YOU!!!" The girl ran away crying with her eyes red and moist.

"Oh god… you!" The old man pointed to Mihawk.

"What?" Mihawk asked.

The old man walked up to Mihawk and held his shoulders firmly.

"Marry my daughter, please?" The old man said with eyes of determination.

Madara and Mihawk were both on guard now. This looked rehearsed. What kind of man would just wed their daughter to a complete stranger?

"Why me?" Mihawk asked. He did not find that girl attractive. He was not a 100 year old virgin which is very common if MGA. He was not gay, but she wasn't his type.

"Because I made a promise to myself 10 seconds ago: Before I would let my daughter be married to a bastard of a son, I would marry her off to the first idiot that I see!"

Madara spit out a mouthful of coffee from the cup he was drinking and it landed at Steven. Steven, who was sitting comfortably choked on this food. Madara didn't like coffee, but it was the only drink available, as well as water.

"HAhahahaha!" Madara and Steven started to laugh uncontrollably.

Then those two started threw themselves on the ground and started laughing.

It was pretty rare for Madara to laugh like that or even laugh at all.