Soul Stone

Days have passed since the Mjolnir incident. Alex laid in the middle of what was once a city. But now corpses, fire, death and destruction are all that remain in that city.

Alex and the other remaining Commandments went on a huge killing spree around the Origin realm.

In a span of a few short days they managed to kill everyone in that world. But that amount of people could be said to be a drop in the bucket compared to the vast world of MGA.

The once beautiful city looked like a literal version of hell. And at the center was Alex along with the others.

"Good job, Savior. Have a coconut." Lili came up beside him and offered him a coconut.

"Thanks? I guess…" Ever since they left the One Piece world, Lili has always given him coconuts. Just how many coconuts did they store in their storage space?

{Current SP: 421M}

Alex reaped a lot from this world. Imagine if he went to the Upper realm? He would have no problem obtaining even 2 infinity stones at once.

"I have never seen such a huge bloodbath. Even back at the Eastern Region you weren't this cruel." Eggy added. She seemed a bit fazed by the brutality of Alex but that didn't stop her from refining the profound energy from the dead cultivators.

"Eggy, there is something I need to talk to you." Alex said.

Linlin and Lili went away, obviously Alex wanted to talk to Eggy alone.

"What do you want to talk about?" Eggy was a bit surprised, Alex has never wanted to have a talk with her.

"Do you remember our deal about a year ago?" Alex said.


"What do you remember about it?"

"I remember you said that you will spare my life if I provide you with information." Eggy said.

"Exactly. And I noticed that you have so far given me no valuable information at all. Everything that I know now was from reading other people's mind. Tell me why should I continue to spare your life, if you haven't been keeping the end of your deal."

Eggy was now afraid. Indeed she was only alive because of a promise she made with Alex. It's not like she doesn't want to give him information, it's just that most of the information she knows Alex already knew.

"Did you think you're alive because you are a pretty girl? Don't you see all the people I have killed? Whether it be innocent, women, children, they're all the same to me."

Alex stood up and he towered over Eggy with his weapons on hand. It looked like he was about to strike her any moment now.

"I… I can… um… can you give me a day to think about it?" Eggy said with fear in her eyes. She wanted to buy herself a day to come up with something.

"You already had a year to think about it. I do not like to protect people not to mention world spirits. The most merciful thing I have ever done is to spare the lives of people who have a meaning in my life."

"Linlin and Lili are not only loyal to me but are extremely powerful as well. Steven is well… Steven. Mihawk is the strongest swordsman in the whole world, and hopefully the multiverse. Madara is the strongest ninja with huge potential."

"But you, Eggy, are weak. Your Asura powers are not even that good compared to the strongest people in your Asura world. And I can tell that you are not that loyal to me as well."

"But, everybody else was weak when they first got here compared to me. The only reason why they're that strong is because of the Commandment you gave them!" Eggy retorted.

"Good point. But let me tell you something. Mihawk and Madara are both humans with inhuman strength. In fact, other than Steven, all of us are human (Part human at least). But you are over a thousand years old, and your strength is 1/100 compared to Mihawk. They are willing to work hard to earn that strength."

"Just give me another chance. I can prove that I am not dead weight or need of protection. Please!" Eggy did not back down. She stood up pridefully and talked back to Alex with eyes filled with confidence.

Alex looked at Eggy as if his eyes were staring right into her soul.

She was beautiful indeed. And the only reason why he spared her life till today was because he thought Eggy would bring him some valuable information in another different world, but it seems she doesn't know much as they both thought.

"You want a chance? If I were to give you a Commandment right here right now, would you be more useful?"

"Yes!" Eggy said.

"What? Did you think this power is that easy to obtain? Well… it is relatively cheap for me… so tell you what, Eggy. Bring me the soul of an Exalted cultivator or above within 10 days. If you fail, then I will really have to kill you."

Eggy was shocked. She is merely at the Martial Ancestor level, and Alex wants to make her kill an Exalted expert? There was no way that was possible, even for an Asura spirit like Eggy.

"Is that all?" She asked.

"Yes. In fact, I believe that this Commandment will suit you relatively well, and it should be easy for you to kill many people."

Alex extended his hand and there appeared a black orb.

Eggy could feel the power in that orb. No wonder Alex and the others were strong.

"This is the Commandment of 'Purity' anyone who shows signs of lust within your presence shall listen to a single command of yours, as if you were to put them under a spell or something."

Eggy knew about the Commandments already, only about Alex and the others. She still was unaware of the other Commandments Alex has yet to buy.

"Considering that I have come to understand your character this past year, I can safely assume you will use this Commandment to its full potential. But, we both know what will happen if you were to try anything funny."

Eggy took the orb and absorbed it. The orb entered through her chest then it lets out it's dark power inside her.

Eggy was able to control the power inside her. She felt that her strength was nothing back then compared to now.

"Remember, Eggy, ten days…"

"I know." Eggy flew off to try out her power. She only had ten days and she was not going to waste them.

Shortly after, Linlin appeared before Alex.

"Good job, Saviour. Now we have another powerful ally on our hands." Linlin said with a smile.

"I know. I was never going to kill her. I have come to like her character. She is too prideful, but so am I." Alex chuckled a bit.

He threatened Eggy because he felt that she was getting lazier this past month. He trusts her a bit, but not that much yet.

If Eggy does indeed fail to meet up to his expectations, he will indeed be forced to remove that power he had granted her.

Alex did not like carrying dead weight with him. This is the reason why he doesn't bother to help people when they come his way. (Cough* Chu Feng* Cough)

"Saviour, do you by any chance like Eggy?" Linlin said it to tease Alex.

"Not at all. Merely that the Commandment of Purity fits her character quite well. She is small and charming, but kind of sexy. Although she does not have to strip naked like Derieri, she is beautiful to the eyes of mortal men."

"Then, how about me and my sister?" Linlin asked.

"You two are indeed way more beautiful than Eggy. You two are smart, funny and cute." Alex said it on a whim.

"Saviour… can I ask you something?"


"I know this is weird to say, but… don't you have any special feelings for me or my sister, or anybody?" Linlin asked. This is something she wanted to know for the longest time.

"Why would you want to know that?" Alex was not surprised by this answer. He had already expected this answer, but not this late.

"Well… it seems that Saviour doesn't have much of a purpose in life. Your only purpose is to kill and plunder, while I do not mind helping you with that, but I just want you to have a purpose."

"A purpose? My goal right now is to receive enough SP to buy one of the most powerful weapons on the multiverse. How is that not a good purpose?" Alex asked.

"I know, but you will without a doubt achieve that goal any day now. But what will happen after that?"

"Then I will just keep travelling to other worlds and kill and plunder, just like we have been doing since 1000 years ago."

"But, Saviour, then what will happen when you finish travelling to these worlds and there is nothing left to kill?" Linlin added.

Alex was left without words… his whole life has been nothing but killing.

There are not infinite worlds out there. He had already visited numerous worlds. One Piece, Naruto, Seven Deadly Sins, Dragon King's son-in-law, MGA, …

It might be only five worlds now, but later it will be 50, then 100, then he will be left without a purpose.

"Saviour… my mother once said that those who have no goals in life, will often lead to a depressing life. And I do not want to see that happen to you." Linlin caressed Alex's head gently.

"But… what does that have to do with your first question?" Asked Alex.

"Well… we are not dumb to realize that you already know we have special feelings for you ever since you saved us."

Alex knew that as well. He just never wanted to bring it up.

"I just want to know if you truly have the same feelings that we have for you."

Alex stood up and turned her back to Linlin.

"Linlin… it's not that I don't like anybody. I do want to start a family of my own as well…"

"Then why don't you?" Seeing that Alex answered her question, she pushed it further. This is something that she wanted to know for 1000 years.

"Linlin… all I know is pain, torture, killing, death… how will that ever make me a good parent?" Alex turned to face Linlin.

Linlin took a moment before she said. "Saviour, that is not all you know. You know about compassion, you're smart, powerful, and value friendship and loyalty above all else. Otherwise we wouldn't be here right now."

"Linlin, we are living a dangerous life here. We face enemies everyday. The only laws these worlds have are that the weak die while the strong live. How am I ever going to bring a child into such a cruel world?"

Linlin did not refute him.

"Saviour… does not being in a relationship have to do anything with your father?"

Alex didn't say anything. He still remembered about the man that made his life a living hell. The same man that made him go to hell. The very same man that could be said that started all of this.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I know the hardships you went through as a child. It must of been hard for you to take a life at that time, and it changed your life. He deserved to die very much... Is that why you don't want to have a family, because you are scared that your child will end up suffering like you did?"

Alex clenched his fists hard.

"Yes, Linlin. You are right. My biggest fear is not a powerful enemy, it's about ending up like my goddamn father!" Alex raised his voice by accident.

"Saviour…" Linlin walked up to him to console him. "You are nothing like your father."

"Actually… I am. He killed people, and I kill. He robbed, me too. He knew how to strike fear into the hearts of men, so do I. The only difference between me and him is that I never took a sip of alcohol, never smoked, I have never taken any drugs, and I am certainly not some lustful bastard who went and had 30 children only to either leave them to an orphanage, abort them, or turn them into slaves!"

Alex sat down on a piece of rock. He wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Linlin… after I killed my father I ran away from home. Do you know what I did?" Alex said.

Linlin shook her head. She has never heard of his story at all.

"For almost 5 years, I lived an ordinary life. It could be said to be heaven compared to my childhood back then. But… do you know what I wanted to do most during those five years?"


"I wanted to kill my mother. I was fueled by rage of being tortured and tormented by her as well. Just the thought that I came from her blood makes me sick. All my life I knew only those emotions. That is why I never had a girlfriend. Because I do not want my child to suffer the same fate as me."

"But… Saviour… you have killed literally children and newborns. How is this any different?"

"Oh… those were not mine, so I don't really care." Alex said.

(Wow… honesty at it's finest)

"..." Linlin.

"Anyway." Alex stood up and those emotions that he showed were gone.

"Did you expect me to have a sob story like that? True I might not have a good purpose in life right now, but I will someday in the near future have a family. So screw my dad and my mother."

"But… then what was that all about?" Linlin asked. This was not what she expected from Alex.

"Just to get back to you for asking me a question like that." Alex smiled. What he said right now was pure bullshit.

"Then… don't you have any feelings for me or my sister or Eggy?" Linlin asked to be sure.

"Nope. I only see you two as my very best friends and the best sisters I ever had."

Linlin felt an arrow run through her chest. She got friendzoned again.

"As for Eggy… just a friend. Nothing more."

"But… what about the part about having a family?" Linlin said.

"Linlin, I already have problems worrying that some expert would appear out of nowhere and attack us. Do you think this is the best time about having a child?" Alex said.

"But what about your father? Didn't you say you were worried about becoming like him?"

"I am indeed a bit worried. But I believe I will be a great father someday. Not today, but someday. I believe I know what to do and what not to do."

"Then… everything you said right now."

"Was just a joke." Alex pinched Linlin's cheek. "Next time, Linlin, don't ask me a question like that. There is nobody else that can replace you or Lili that easily. I don't know what I will do without you guys. I would be lost by now."

Linlin touched the cheek that Alex pinched. When he said that, Linlin felt her eyes watering up.

"Saviour. ``I love you." Linlin ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"That's all I needed to know. Thank you." Linlin said while pressing her face against Alex's chest.

"No… thank you guys for being with me all this time." Alex hugged her back and rested his chin on her head.

"Saviour… oh. Bad time?" Lili came out of nowhere with someone tied behind her back.

"Sis." Linlin ran up to Lili with a face filled with joy.

"We absolutely made the right choice to go with Saviour." Linlin said.

"I know, Sis. I already knew that a long time ago." Lili merely smiled.

"Lili, who is that behind you?" Alex asked.

"Oh. Just some spy that I found lurking around." Lili tossed the person on the ground.

It was a young man. In his hand was a bracelet with the symbol of the Chu Heavenly clan.

"Please, don't kill me. I beg of you." The man was crying and afraid, so much so that he wet his pants.

"Kill you? Now that the Chu Heavenly clan has prepared their forces it's the perfect time to attack." Alex smiled. He read the man's mind.

The man was sent to spy on Alex and the others, but was caught before he could report back.

According to his knowledge, the Chu Heavenly clan asked his allies to fight against a powerful enemy with a powerful weapon. Whoever were to kill him would receive the hammer.

"W-what?" The man did not understand Alex.

"I have a message I want you to deliver for me." Alex smiled sinisterly while looking at him. An evil idea popped up in his mind just now.


Hours later.

Outside of the Chu Heavenly clan were over 20M people all with high levels of cultivation. Even the weakest of them were from the Ancestor realm.

"My brothers, the moment has come to finally unite our families as one. There is no one alive in the Upper realm who can take over our clan." A powerful Chu Heavenly elder said to his men.

There was a loud cheer that echoed loudly throughout the lands. It seems everyone was eager, though they did not know that they will be facing only a few people.

These people came from the Chu Heavenly clan and some other clans as well.

The Chu Heavenly clan made up an excuse to their allies that there is a powerful enemy that threatens to take over the entire Upper realm as well as to kill their families.

Obviously, no one was going to take this sitting down and they all joined forces for the first time. Mostly because of that powerful weapon that not even the Chu Heavenly clan members could even lift up.

"HELP!!!" The same young man that Alex and the others met came running to the people. He was shirtless.

"You came back. How did it go?" The same elder asked him.

"I failed. He caught me… he wanted me… to give you a message."

"What message?"

"That… you will all die." After he said that, the man died on the spot and laid on the ground on his stomach. On his back, was a single word engraved by burning it.

What is spelled was "Death."

"What?" Several people cried out. How did he die before their eyes?

"Oh wow. All of you idiots actually did what I wanted you to do. And you brought some more people for me to kill." A voice rang behind them.

Turning back, it was Alex floating above them all. Of course the Lu sisters and Eggy were right behind him.

"You! You're the one who threatened to destroy our clan and take over our hard earned profits." The elder shouted.

"Take over your clan? What a great idea. Though, I must admit that your Heavenly clan's base is not half bad." Alex said as he examined the magnificent building behind them.

The Chu Heavenly clan deserves its reputation. Even the buildings that they use are tall, strong and awesome looking.

"If you are to hand over your weapon, kneel before us, then we will consider leaving your corpse intact." An elder said.

"Wait, but we must spare those ladies behind him. They are certainly top notch beauties. They are even more beautiful than the three most beautiful woman in the Upper Realm.

Many men turned to look at Eggy and the others, and their eyes alone showed how much they wanted to defile their bodies. The same included the powerful elders.

But, seconds later all the men were under a trance. They were unable to move or even talk one bit.

The majority of them were men, but there were still some women unaffected by the weird trance.

"Eggy, it seems your Commandment has already taken effect." Alex said.

"Neat. Now, all of you, kill yourselves before this Queen." Eggy commanded.

"Yes, my Queen. As you wish." All the men who were under her Commandment pulled out a weapon and stabbed themselves and died on the top.

Some stabbed their dantians, others their hearts, or they merely decapitated themselves.

Upon seeing all the men dying before their eyes, the woman cried out in shock and fear. Just a simple command from one of them was able to kill them all? What were to happen if they make a move?

"Please! Spare us!" The woman quickly dropped their weapons and kneeled before them. They pleaded for his mercy. There was about 1M woman before them.

"Very well. However, not all of you will be spared. Only the strongest ones will be spared today." Alex summoned out his Chastiefols and killed the majority of the woman.

What? Did you think that Alex was willing to spare woman? He is not like Chu Feng who only spares the woman and kills the men.

"But… is it sexist to kill woman or is sexist to not kill woman? I don't know the line gets really confusing there."

Some of the women were deeply afraid and began running, but they figured out that they couldn't. There was a strong wire covering the entire Chu Heavenly clan.

Lili used her string powers and covered the area in her strings like Doflamingo did.

With their backs against the walls, some of the women were daring enough to attack Alex, only to be killed.

After what seemed like an eternity for the woman, Alex finally killed most of them. Out of the 1M woman only 10,000 had survived.

"All of you! From now on the Chu Heavenly clan will no longer exist. I want you all to spread the news that I, Alexander Anderson, and my group, the Ten Commandments, have taken over your land and destroyed the Chu Heavenly clan, as well as the other Heavenly clan. Run away, or you will all die." Alex shouted.

The women who were prideful 10 minutes ago, run with their tails between their legs.

Alex let them go to spread the news about them, and hopefully they will gain the attention of some other more powerful Heavenly clans.

"Anderson, this power is amazing." Eggy seemed excited about her newfound powers. To think that her beauty will actually become her greatest weapon.

"Remember, you still need to bring me the soul of an Exalted cultivator, or else you will have to kiss your power goodbye."

"I know, I know. Stop pestering me." Eggy said as she went to collect the souls.

Alex collected most of them, and the result was astounding.

{SP 1.97B}

"Bluescreen, I believe I have enough for one infinity stone." Alex felt so happy right now.

{Which one do you want?}

"I would like to buy… the soul stone."

{Soul stone acquired}

{SP left 973M}

Then, a beautiful stone appeared before Alex. It looked so small and weak, but Alex knew that it was anything but weak.

Eggy and the others turned to face the soul stone. They felt that pure energy coming from it.

"What is that?" Eggy asked.

"Saviour… you did it!" Linlin and Lili cried out of joy.

"Indeed I did." Alex grabbed the infinity stone and wanted to merge it with his body.

Only one problem remained, how was he going to do that without a glove?

"Bluescreen, any tips or tricks to merge this stone to my body?"

{It is not possible to merge the infinity stones together. They cannot be joined nor kept apart. However, I can merge them with your knuckles or another part of your body, free of cost}

"Hm...merge it with my hand." Alex said.

{Are you sure? I can literally insert the infinity stone anywhere else}

"Either way, it won't matter. If I merge it with my head I will get decapitated by a strong enemy. Or if I merge it with my leg I will get my leg cut off. I feel that my hand is the safest place I can keep them right now."

{Very well. Another thing you must know about the infinity stones, is that they cannot be placed inside your storage space or any other storage spaces}

"I understand."

The soul stone then merged with one of Alex's knuckles. Alex felt the immense power in his body.

Alex saw the world differently with his eyes. He could see all the living things that possessed a soul.

He could manipulate them, control, steal and alter living and dead souls. Alex could also enter another dimension.

But most importantly, he felt his soul becoming stronger. He felt that if he were to have his soul damaged once again, it would either instantly heal or it would not affect his soul at all.

"Hey! Who goes there!" Alex shouted to a specific spot.

Linlin and the others were a bit surprised. Who was Alex shouting at?

Moments later a figure ran away at full speed when Alex sensed him.

"He hid himself in a concealing formation." Eggy said. If Alex hadn't pointed him out, no one would have noticed.

"He is a very skilled world spiritist. But he is no match for me." Alex smirked as he ran to get the guy.

The man was an immortal cloak spiritist. His original intention was to hide and spy on the Chu Heavenly clan, but that changed when Alex and the others appeared.

"Are you planning to run away?" Alex kicked down the guy to the ground and sat on top of him.

"How the hell did you find me when I was in my formation?" The man asked.

"Because of this." Alex showed him the soul stone. With this stone, no matter who it was, could not longer hide from Alex. He could see anybody through their soul.

"Now that you are here, I have wanted to this out just what this stone can do to your soul. Do you want to help me with that?" Alex sinisterly said.