Ultra Instinct

"Kakarrot, stop messing around." Vegeta threw Goku away like a sack of potatoes. Goku was still in so much pain that he couldn't even move.

Alex was so disappointed by this. Perhaps not even Goku at Ultra Instinct could give him a good fight. Maybe Mastered Ultra Instinct might be a bit of a challenge.

Vegeta curled his lips upwards as he crossed his arms and looked at Alex. He knew that Alex was probably the strongest here, and because of that, Vegeta wants to beat him, despite the obvious gap of strength between them.

Vegeta started walking closer to Alex.

Madara noticed and was about to stop him, but Mihawk grabbed a hold of his shoulder.

"What?" Asked Madara.

"Let him. This might be a chance to witness a battle like none other." Mihawk responded.

Madara did not like the idea of Vegeta fighting Alex, because Madara had yet to defeat Vegeta. And also, it wasn't going to even be a battle if Alex fought Vegeta.

"Trust him, Madara." Linlin added.

Madara shook off Mihawk's hand but did not move from his spot.

Alex saw Vegeta meters away and was not even excited in the slightest. If Goku could not even give him a satisfactory battle, then how can Vegeta do any better?

"Oh, great, Vegeta." If this were before, Alex would be glad to meet one of his favourite characters, but now he could care less. He stopped caring a long time ago.

"It seems you have heard of me, the Prince of all-"

All of a sudden, Vegeta felt extreme pain on his throat and had trouble breathing. He didn't know why that is, but he couldn't breathe at all as if he was being choked by an invisible force..

Alex did not feel like listening to anyone talking, so he punched Vegeta in the throat just enough to cause him severe pain, and blocked out his voice and breathing for a while. He did it at lightning speed so Vegeta could not even have the chance to react. With the Library of Hell's Path, it is easy to find someone's weaknesses.

Not that hitting Vegeta in the throat is his greatest weakness. But it is one way to block off his ability to talk.

Vegeta got on his knees and tried his best to figure out what to do. It felt like choking on food, but at the same time there wasn't any food.

"Vegeta! What's wrong?" Gohan reacted to save Vegeta, but was blocked by two beautiful girls.

Gohan was faithful to his wife and found her more beautiful than anyone. But even he could not help but admire their beauty and charm.

"Gohan, right? I am afraid we cannot let you meddle with our husband's business." Linlin said.

"So come back when you're a main character." Lili added.

Gohan got in his usual stance and released his aura. Even if the twins were beautiful, that was not going to stop him from helping his universe to win.

Gohan first attacked Linlin and landed a kick on her abdomen. But, his foot literally went through her, as if her body was made of air. This caught him off guard and made him lose his balance.

"Is that how you treat a lady?" Linlin lightly waved her hand.

Then, Gohan felt as if thousands upon thousands of strong punches and kicks were hitting him all over. His clothes were badly damaged, and he didn't even see how it happened. Gohan fell on both knees.

His whole body was covered in bruises and blood. He was injured so badly in a second it seemed unreal. He wiped the blood off his eyes and gasped violently for air.

"What?" Gohan did not understand. What did Linlin or Lili do to him in such a short amount of time?

"You are surprisingly quite resilient. I was trying to make you lose consciousness, but it seems I held back a little too much."

What Linlin did was simple: She used her speed to attack Gohan in only 1 second. In that 1 second alone, she managed to land over a 10,000 hit combo on him, which is insane.

Linlin not only has the light-light devil fruit, but also a Grace from the Seven Deadly Sins system shop, {Flash} which makes her even faster.

Combined with those two and her insane power level, her speed is superior to anyone else in the Ten Commandments, even Alex believes that he could have trouble keeping up to her speed in his base form.

Linlin and Lili do not like being a burden to their husband. They felt that they owe him so much, and will do anything to help him. Bearing that goal in mind is what drove them to be merciless and powerful so they didn't need to ever burden him.

"Cough." Gohan coughed up blood and stood up.

"As long as I am still here, I will not give up."

Remembering his wife, Videl, and his daughter, Pan, is what gave him strength and the will to move forward. That also included his friends, they all had something worth fighting for.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Gohan let out a furious roar as his aura reached the end of the arena.

"Man, this universe does a lot of senseless screaming." Lili pointed her finger at Gohan and shot out a violent burst of energy.

Gohan saw her attack coming a mile away. But, Lili knew Gohan's one true weakness…

He can't dodge.

Instead of moving out of the way, Gohan faced the attack directly, injuring himself in the process. He was pushed back and crashed into the pillar in the middle of the arena.

"What Alex said was true? He can't dodge?" Linlin found that hard to believe. How hard can it be to dodge a move that he knew was coming?

"I thought he was kidding as well. Let's never doubt our husband ever again."


Gohan got up and wiped the dust off his shoulders and arms. He examined Linlin and Lili very carefully. He knew that he could not help Vegeta or his Father, not as long as the other Commandments were still in the arena.

"One of them is really fast and her punches are really powerful, not to mention that my attack went through her as if she were nothing but air. The other can use strings and other types of attacks as well. Not to mention the others who are just as powerful…"

Gohan was coming up with a strategy to take them down by analyzing their strengths. They might be powerful but not invincible. They almost took down Broly, only if he hadn't been rescued at the last second. Gohan knew they could do this, but it would require a lot of luck and being able to play it smart.

Lili was not going to let Gohan have a chance to come up with anything. Her fingers started to move creepily.

Gohan then felt someone punch him underneath his chin launching him far up. It caught him off guard as he didn't sense anyone sneaking up on him. His first thought was that it was Linlin who did it. But he came to his senses and it was his own arm that punched him.

He then felt he had absolutely no control over his body. He started to punch and kick himself without having the chance to protect himself from himself.

"Crap! It's the girl with the strings doing." He noticed the strings on his body. It was like being pulled around like a puppet with strings attached.

"Grgrgrrrr!" Gohan tried his best to break free from Lili's strings, but her strings were incredibly resistant. Not even using his raw, Saiyan strength could break them.

Lili knew that strings were like double edged swords. Although they were sharp, useful, dangerous, and almost invisible to the naked eye, they had one weakness, their durability.

Breaking apart ordinary strings is easy for any ordinary human, like human hair. But what if she could make them extremely durable, more durable than a diamond?

It is not impossible to accomplish such a thing. Infusing some of the spells that she got from the Seven Deadly Sins world, and also cladding it with haki, made her strings as durable as it can be.


Someone shot a powerful blast at the twins' feet, especially aiming at Lili.

"If you think I am going to let you get away with bullying our group, you have another thing coming."

It was 17 and 18, acting all cool by standing far away on top of a rock while doing a cool and awesome pose.

"Ah yes, worthy opponents." Linlin chuckled as she said that. She could tell that they might be greater opponents than Gohan, since they are androids and have infinite stamina. Especially 17 who could fight Goku while in his blue form.

At this point, Blue literally doesn't mean much anymore. Ever since the beginning, everyone has been able to rival Goku while in his Blue form, like Toppo, Whis, Beerus, Jiren, Vegeta, 17, Freeza, some others from different universes.

So much for having 'the ki of the gods' when it is as common as cabbages.

But the one thing that Linlin and Lili knew is that 17 is supposed to be the last remaining fighter of the tournament, which meant that 17 was very strong or lucky enough to make it all the way to the end.

"Guys, be careful with them. They are very powerful." Gohan got up and wiped the blood off his lip.

"We know. That is why we are here." 18 said.

"We have already lost 3 members. Although they were not vital to the team, the rest of us are. We are our only hope."

"18! I BELIEVE IN YOU! YOU CAN BEAT THEM!!!" Krillin cheered for his wife like any loving husband would do. Everyone in the arena could hear him.

18 smiled. She really did love Krillin and their daughter.

"You have a good husband." Linlin commented.


"But he isn't very strong."

Without giving much warning, the battle of the two pairs of twins commenced, with Gohan as well.

Twins(17,18) and Gohan vs Twins(Linlin, Lili).

Alex just noticed something that he failed to notice long ago.

"I must be dumb. I just realized that both 17 and 18 are twins. After living for over 2000 years, watching the entire dragon ball series many times, I did not notice this until now."

"*Cough* *Cough* You'll… pay for… that." Vegeta said hoarsely.

"Oh, you're still here." Alex had just forgotten about Vegeta seconds ago.

"I am going... to break every.... single bone in your... body." Vegeta was slowly regaining his ability to talk.

"Woah, hostile.''

"Hrrr!" growling angrily, Vegeta turned into blue and attacked Alex. But his attacks were easily blocked by Alex.

"Give it a break Vegeta, even Goku couldn't couldn't harm me while in my weakest form. And last I checked, you are not even on his level."

Alex was making Vegeta furious on purpose. It is one way to get him powerful enough so Alex could have a decent fight.

But that struck a nerve within Vegeta.

"Did I press the 'Goku button'? Good. Come back and face me when you are as strong as Goku."

Vegeta couldn't take it anymore. He headbutted Alex out of rage, but it felt like hitting a diamond wall. Blood dropped from his forehead and he felt a tremendous amount of pain, like a terrible headache.

Alex cladded his forehead in haki making Vegeta take more damage than usual.

Vegeta's vision started to blur and the blood started to cover his eyes.

"Man, that was easy." Alex walked away without doing anything else.

"I am not done… with you yet… you bitch." Vegeta ignored his pain as it was blinded by all his rage.

"Yeah, I thought so." Alex knew that Vegeta was very stubborn. There was no way Vegeta was going to give up that easy.

Beerus started to tap his foot and pointer finger at a rapid pace. He is getting very nervous to see his top two fighters getting their ass handed to them by a single guy.

"Beerus-sama, I know that it is risky, but I believe we must try the Potara fusion before it is too late." Whis suggested.

Beerus honestly thought that when Goku and Vegeta were going up against Alex, perhaps they stood a chance. But now he realized that Alex was still many levels higher than they are.

"Give me the earrings." Beerus demanded.

"Yes." Supreme Kai handed Beerus the earrings without hesitating.

Beerus looked at the pair of earrings on his hand. Was it the right choice? He wondered.

While he was pondering, Broly was busy taking care of something important, and that was kicking people out of the stage. According to his deal with Alex, the more people he managed to kick out, the more burgers and fries he will be rewarded.

That is exactly what drove him to kick out as many people as possible. And that is why there were so many people sitting on the sidelines, as the majority of them were because of Broly.

When Broly managed to kick off the last person he fought, the High Priest made a shocking announcement.

"Universe 10 has lost all of its competitors. They are by now erased by the hands of Zeno-chan and future Zeno-chan."

The Gods and competitors from universe 10 were depressed by this, but there was nothing they could do to change it.

Both Zeno's raised their hands up high, and a brightening light covered the arena.

"Squish!" They said happily and an entire universe was gone for good, except for the Angel.

Everyone was at a loss for words. Because both Zeno's acted like kids, they forget that he is merciless. At one point, they thought that they weren't actually going to be erased.

"Whis, check what happened to universe 10." Beerus asked in a shocked and terrifying tone.

Whis looked into his magic staff.

"Nope. Everything from universe 10 is gone for good."

Beerus could not help but look at both Zenos and also Goku and Vegeta. Is that going to happen to them if they lose?

Alex yawned. It is not the first time he had seen an entire universe being obliterated.

"They are really powerful and cruel to erase an entire universe and not feel anything about it." Alex added.

Eggy, who was nearby, heard what he said.

"Last I checked you did the same thing with my world."

"Yeah, but that was different."

"How so?"

"They had it coming."

"..." Eggy could not refute him as he had a solid point.

Vegeta, the other fighters and even the Commandments watched something unbelievable happen. An entire universe gone just like that. And another 6 universes were going to be erased within the next half hour

Even Vegeta had forgotten about his rage for a second. Bulma and his son and daughter came to his mind. Was that going to happen to them if they don't win?

Their train of thought was interrupted by someone's shout.

"Vegeta, move out of the way!" It was Goku that shouted.

Goku stood at the top of the pillar with both of his arms reaching up high. He was in his base form. He was trying to gather up enough energy to defeat Alex.

"Kakarrot, is that…"

"Ah! Goku is going to use that?!" Krillin knew that pose from anywhere else. It is the same technique that saved them numerous times.

As it should be obvious to everyone, Goku is going to use the spirit bomb.

"I understand how powerful you are. So I am going to use my trump card." Goku said.

Alex did nothing.

"Dammit, Kakarrot." Vegeta had no choice but to move away from that spot.

"Everyone! Lend me your energy!"

Everyone from universe 7, except the Gods, raised their hands up high. Freeza was too busy trying to kill Meruem.

"Take our energy."

"Take as much as you want."

"Should we also raise our hands?" Garou asked.

"No." Madara replied. He had to admit that Goku was very powerful indeed. A mere mortal gathering up all that energy seemed unreal. It seemed like coming to this universe was not a waste of time.

"Dammit, I need more time." Goku knew this better than anyone, his greatest weakness is when he is trying to use the spirit bomb, it takes too long to charge and he is defenseless.

Alex found a nice spot on the ground that was smooth. He sat and waited for Goku's attack.

"He's… not doing anything." Krillin pointed out.

"Why yes, Captain Obvious. We can see that clearly." Tien added.

Beerus or Whis said anything. They just hoped that Goku would be able to pull off another miracle.

"You're not going to do anything?" Asked Goku. He is leaving himself wide open, and Alex isn't even thinking of attacking him.

"Do you want me to?" Alex formed another miniature sun in his hand. It sounded like Goku wanted Alex to do something to interrupt his attack.

"Not yet." Goku only chuckled.

Alex waved the sun out of his hand. This is the one time where Goku unlocks Ultra Instinct, and then after Mastered Ultra Instinct.

He wondered what it will feel like to go against someone who has Mastered Ultra Instinct, plot armor, and the power of friends.

Whereas Alex has the power beyond Mastered Ultra Instinct, has the power of hell, and the power of the system, and maybe some plot armor. And the most important thing, Alex has broken many MC's with thicc plot armour.

Goku's spirit bomb finally reached its peak.

"Thank you everyone! Whatever your name is, don't regret giving me this chance." Goku then hurled his ultimate attack towards Alex.

Alex started to feel annoyed and angry. Despite all this, Goku still hasn't learned his name. The name 'Alex' is not a hard name, and it is a very common name.

He is going to do so much worse than kicking Goku's balls whenever he has the chance.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Goku yelled as he threw the spirit bomb at Alex.

Alex didn't feel like wasting too much of his time on this. Either he could finish it in a matter of seconds, or he could drag it out so author-kun could add a couple more sentences.

Before the spirit bomb got close to him, Alex reached out his hand towards Mihawk.

"Mihawk!" Alex shouted.

It took a moment for Mihawk to understand what Alex wanted. He conjured up a sword from the technique Alex gave him, and threw it at him catching it easily.

"Is he going to cut the spirit bomb in half?" Krillin said. It wasn't just him, everyone else thought the same. It is only common sense.

But that thought had never crossed Alex's mind for a second.

Once the spirit bomb almost reached him, Alex slashed at the spirit bomb with Mihawk's conjured sword, but the spirit bomb did not get sliced in half.

"Perfect Counter!!!" Alex shouted.

Perfect Counter is the upgraded version of 'full counter' it is from the Seven Deadly Sins Shop, used by Meliodas. It is a technique that returns a user's magical attack back at him but three times more powerful than originally.

It is probably one of the first few techniques that Alex had bought since he started his adventure.

Alex could not use Perfect Counter at any time, as it had a requirement, he needed to use a weapon to use Perfect Counter. Any weapon would do, even a spoon. Since he could not summon his Chastiefol because of the rules, he had no other choice but to burrow one of Mihawk's swords.

The size of the spirit bomb grew 3 times in size, and it actually scared the crap out of everyone since they did not expect that.

Goku tried to push it back while in his base form, but it had no effect. With no other choice, he transformed into his Blue form while also using kai-o ken 20x but it only managed to slow it down by a bit.

"Gegegegege!" Goku struggled to push back the spirit bomb. Alex didn't even need to do anything else. It showed how effective his Perfect Counter is.

Goku tried his best to push back the spirit bomb, but it began to push him back while also crushing him with the great power and energy it carried.



A scream echoed throughout the arena, followed by a giant explosion, then silence…

Everyone watching was all left in awe. They just saw a guy get crushed with his own technique.

What was left is a giant crater and nothing else.

"D-d… dad?" Gohan could not believe it, his father had died, for the third time. He must have forgotten that Goku had already died several times, because death has no meaning in this universe. So there was no need to be so shocked about it, except for the fact that if Goku is dead, then so is their entire universe.

No one in universe 7 could believe it. Goku, their strongest fighter, died just like that. Alex did not even take a single scratch and managed to obliterate him from existence.

Beerus was beyond shocked. Was this going to be their end? Was this going to be the end of Goku?

"Isn't Anderson taking it too far?" Garou asked. It felt like witnessing an epic clash of Gods. He was impressed for the most part. Taking part of this group was definitely worth it.

"No… he isn't dead." Madara saw something with his Rinnegan eyes.

"What now?" Garou thought he had misheard him.

Madara continued to observe. He had a strong feeling that something amazing was about to unfold before their very eyes.

Alex sat there lazily waiting for something to happen.

While everyone else was processing what had happened, a dazzling, white, light erected from the center of the crater and shot straight up to the sky.

Meruem, who was still busy fighting Freeza, felt a cold chill run up his spine. He felt a familiar sensation coming from the light. A feeling that had left a deep impression on him. A scar that will never leave him. Something that had bothered him for over a thousand years.

The bright light did not last long as it had disappeared as fast as it came. There was a figure standing where the bright light used to be.

It was none other than Goku. His aura seemed vastly different from before. His eyes and hair have a silver coloration. At this point, anyone who has seen the anime should already know how Ultra Instinct looks like.

"So… this is Goku's plot armour. Not like I haven't seen it before." Alex began to wonder which out of all the MC's he had faced, had the thickest plot armour. His bet would go to Chu Feng, Martial God Asura.

Many began to wonder what had happened to Goku. And also questioned how he had survived that explosion.

Goku made a slight movement with his feet. Then he found himself kicking Alex in the face, only to have Alex dodge at the last second.

This surprised everyone, especially Goku because even he didn't notice how fast he was going. His body was moving on it's own, yet it didn't. It was a weird feeling he had never felt before. It did not feel like the time when he first transformed into a God. But rather something else entirely.

Alex had expected Goku to attack at any moment and was prepared for it. He was amazed to see just how different Goku was compared to 5 minutes ago.

'This is great, Goku. Although it is not the Mastered version, it'll do for now.' Alex thought with a chuckle.

After Goku made the first move, a heavy gust followed. Alex followed with a kick, but Goku managed to dodge his attack easily.

Goku threw a punch at him but Alex also countered with a punch, creating a powerful gust between their punches.

It was only for a moment, but to everyone it looked amazing and powerful. All of the fighters, Gods, Angels stopped doing whatever they were doing to watch this scene unfold.

Goku jumped back completely unharmed. He wondered where the hell did those movements come from? It was like he is a completely different person.

"Goku… what happened?" Krillin wanted to know what happened in that short amount of time that made Goku that much more powerful compared to before.

"Is this… Dad?"

"He feels like a different person."

"Kakarrot… what the hell?"

Universe 7 were shocked and amazed. Truly Goku always manages to turn the tables. One minute they think he is dead, the next minute he completely overwhelms his opponent, or so they think.

"Whis… is this…" Beerus could not believe it, but he was staring at it. He recognized what happened to Goku.

"What's wrong?" Krillin asked.

"Something amazing is happening to Goku right now. This is a form that not even the Gods could reach." Whis added.

"Ultra Instinct…"

The Gods were shocked to hear that. Some of them even choked.

Eggy, who was listening, was a bit confused. She was helping Linlin and Lili take down 17, 18 and Gohan before their attention completely focused on Goku and Alex.

"Ultra Instinct? Didn't Anderson already mastered that technique long ago?"

"Shh." Linlin put her finger over her lip. They wouldn't want to spoil it, now would they? Luckily everyone's mindset was elsewhere, so they didn't listen to her.

"Oh." Eggy understood and shut up about it.