
Alex stood in front of Goku with arms crossed. He would be lying if he didn't say he enjoyed this fight with Goku, despite still holding back and only exchanging like 5 blows.

"Well, well, well, Goku, it seems you have reach-"

Alex was rudely interrupted when Goku tried to punch him in the face, but Alex quickly grabbed his fist.

"How rude!"

When Goku is in Ultra Instinct mode, he doesn't talk or do anything but fight. It didn't feel like Goku, but it made him look more badass.

Goku didn't respond and continued with his endless barrage of attacks. Alex was getting used to his new movesets, but Goku was still growing in terms of speed and strength.

Everyone's focus was on their fight. No one even moved an inch, unless if they were to be caught in their fight, then they would undoubtedly move away as quickly as possible.

From everyone's point of view, they looked like they were both equally powerful.

"Goku has done it again!" Krillin was feeling joyful. It just meant that they could actually win this tournament.

"Hahaha! Way to go, Goku." Beerus was feeling just as cheerful. Maybe he didn't need to use the Potara earrings anymore.

But Whis looked like something was bothering him when he looked at their fight. He did not expect Goku to attain Ultra Instinct, which was a wonderful miscalculation for them.

But what bothered him is Alex. Despite showing that he is a Saiyan, he has yet to transform in their fight. And what was most puzzling, is that he had only ever transformed up to Super Saiyan 1, the weakest transformation.

"Whis, what's wrong?" Beerus noticed how troubled Whis looked.

"I might be wrong, but we have yet to witness Anderson's true power."

"His true power?" It took a moment for Beerus to process what Whis had meant. After taking another look at Alex, a thought had struck him. His mood took a complete turn.

"You might be right. Damn..." Beerus put his hand over his face.

"What's wrong?" Krillin was so focused on Goku that only now he noticed Beerus and Whis' expressions.

"Krillin-sama, this is only a theory on my part, but Alexander-sama has yet to show us his full power. What I mean by that is, that Alexander-sama hasn't turned into a Super Saiyan despite fighting Goku in his Ultra Instinct form."

"Ah! You're right." Krillin and the others were thrilled that Goku made a miraculous comeback, but had forgotten about Alex's Saiyan genes.

"But what do you mean by 'theory' didn't we already see him transform already?" Asked Tien.

"What I mean is this: you should know by now that most, if not all Saiyans can transform beyond Super Saiyan 1. So what if Alex-sama could transform into even blue?"

"Kah!" Krillin broke into sweat. They hadn't thought about that at all. Despite being in his base form, he could match Goku. What would happen if he could indeed transform into blue?

But since they hadn't seen him go beyond Super Saiyan 1 then there might be a chance that Alex couldn't transform.

They had no idea because Alex has been doing such a good job at hiding his true power from the Angels, who he hoped would give him a satisfying fight.

Alex did such a good job that nobody else could even sense the evil energy in him, which is a combination of many other evil energies from the multiverse; like devil fruits, Hollow, Shinigami, Destruction, Vampire, Asura, and others.


Broly was still kicking out as many contestants as he could, not even giving anybody a chance to fight back.

"Universe 4 and Universe 3 have lost all of their contestants. They will now be eliminated." High Priest announced.

"Squish!" Both Zeno's quickly erased both universes with a wave of their hands.

The one at fault was Broly, as he had done such a great job kicking out contestants in such little time.

"Wow, that Broly guy is so strong." Zeno commented.

"Indeed he is." Future Zeno added.

"Hmm…" The High Priest rubbed his chin. He did not expect someone like Broly to do what he did. What worried him was not his power, but the fact that the tournament might be over faster than he had expected.

There were two reasons why this tournament exists, 1 is for both Zeno's to have fun by watching everyone trying to kill each other.

The second reason is so they could have a good excuse to eliminate all of those universes, because Zeno thought that there were too many.

If both Zeno's are not happy with the tournament, then they could possibly erase all the universes at the spot, or even create another tournament where all the other universes fight each other, until there is only one left or none at all.

This wouldn't bother him as long as his children were fine, but that is what worried him the most. If there were no universes and both Zeno's are still not satisfied, then maybe his 12 children will have to end up fighting to the death until there is only one left.

Unfortunately, he had already lost 6 children by Zeno's hands. There were originally 18 universes, which meant that at one point there were also 18 Gods of Destructions and 18 Angels.

When Zeno erased those 6 universes, no one was spared, not even his children.

This is the reason why in this tournament of power, the High Priest convinced both Zeno's to spare him children from this purge.

He may not show it, but he did love his children… Now that begs the question, who or what gave birth to the Angels? Are they created by their hands? Or does the High Priest give birth to them? Is he actually a woman? So many questions…

"Hey! Someone stop that lunatic!" Champa roared as he pointed at Broly. Forget Alex or Goku, Broly was the biggest threat to them.

So far, every other universe, except universe 9, has lost at least one member or more. And the majority of them were kicked out by Broly.

At this rate, Broly is going to single handedly erase all the other universes.

'Never would I have thought that Broly would be carrying this team.' Alex was amused. The burgers and French Fries deal was really helping Broly become motivated.

"Stop right there, evil do-er!" A man with the best mustache ever, while wearing red PJ's, pointed at Broly with his fat finger.

It was Toppo.


Garou couldn't contain his chuckle. He happened to be nearby.

"Seriously! Who says 'evil do-er' these days?" Garou literally comes from a world of Heroes and Villains, and the one time he had heard that phrase was from a T.V. show.

Garou's appearance was vastly different than before. He was showing signs of becoming a human once more. When the tournament started, Garou had large horns and his skin was very dark.

Compared to now, his skin is lighter and his horns started to shrink. He seemed less of a monster. And also, his attitude started to change to normal as well.

"A man who fights for justice!"

"Eh, fair enough."

"Because of you, 3 universes have vanished. Because of you, trillions of lives were lost. Prepare to face someone who will bring you down with the wrath of justice!"

Broly turned to Garou and pointed to himself. He wondered if Toppo was talking about him.

"Yes, he is talking about you… uh."


"Yes, Broly. I knew that." He lied.

"Justice flash!"

Most of his attacks were aimed at Broly only. Toppo had another reason why he aimed at Broly, because Broly had already managed to defeat 8 of his teammates, leaving only him and Jiren the only ones left of his universe.

Broly quickly charged his ki on the palm of his hand. He threw it at Toppo and also decimated all of his attacks. Just throwing a bit of his ki is enough to over power Toppo's attacks.

Toppo grabbed ahold of Broly's attack since he had no choice, but it was stronger than he expected and he found himself being pushed back and his hands both injured.

"No! Justice will prevail!" Toppo struggled like his life depended on it, and it literally was.

"Justice cannot lose! It just cannot!"

Toppo knew that he couldn't match Broly like this. He stomped his foot on the ground, and with all his strength and giant hands, he threw Broly's attack upwards which exploded on the arena.

Broly was not impressed by Toppo. That wasn't even his strongest attack, and yet Toppo struggled so hard.

He created another ball of ki similar to the last time, and hurled it towards Toppo.

Toppo was not stupid and knew that he could not keep wasting his stamina. He tried to leap out of the way, but someone sneaked up behind and kicked him towards Broly's attack.

The one who kicked him was none other than Garou.

"Shit!" Toppo was so focused on Broly that he failed to notice Garou.

With no other choice, Toppo had to defend himself from Broly's attack.

Moments before Broly's attack blasted him off, Toppo thought of something.

"You know what… screw Justice." He uttered softly.


That attack caused an explosion which also covered the area with smoke and dust.

Broly thought that Toppo was unconscious since he couldn't sense his ki anymore. That or he was dead. But if Broly had killed Toppo, the High Priest would have known by now and banned Broly right at that moment.

Broly walked up slowly and reached his hand towards the area covered in dust. Once he reached his hand, something gripped his arm hard.

In the center of the dust covered area, a powerful ki pushed the dust away. Most of the people since that powerful ki, but some could not even sense the slightest bit of ki.

It was none other than Toppo. His aura was nothing compared to before. He was larger, ominous, had a dark aura coming out of him, and he was way more powerful than he was 5 minutes ago.

Toppo stood tall facing Broly directly while still gripping on his arm.

The Commandments turned to face Toppo, because his energy was just as malicious as their own. They were right to think that, as Toppo had gained the power of a God of Destruction, not surprising in the slightest.

Having the ki of a God of Destruction would mean having a destructive ki, but that doesn't mean that the user of the ki is evil, like Sidra.

A Commandment comes from the power of the Demon King, in this case it would be Satan(not Hercule). It is an evil ki indeed but that also doesn't mean that the user of this ki is evil. It all depends on the users actions.

Alex just remembered that Toppo is a candidate to become a God of Destruction.

'Yeah… I probably should have warned them before. Oh well, not my fault that Toppo is a forgettable character compared to the others.' Alex shrugged it off and continued fighting Goku.

"Justice is worthless." Toppo's voice became deeper. Before Broly could do anything, Toppo used his ki to push back Broly.

Broly crashed heavily into the pillar almost bringing it down with him.

"Please be careful not to break the pillar. Otherwise we would have no other way to tell time." The High Priest said.

Garou could not help speak up.

"You could just use a digital clock or something like that. You can buy those on Earth very cheaply."

"You know what, Garou-san? That makes a lot of sense." The High Priest responded.

Toppo did not forget about Garou. He ran towards Garou in a split second catching Garou off-guard completely.

"What?" Garou reacted as fast as he could, but he was still just a human and the weakest out of the Commandments. No mortal could go against a God of Destruction.


Instead of punching him, Toppo trapped Garou in a giant ball that was made from his Destruction ki.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" The power of a God is something that Garou had never felt, and at the same time it was extremely painful as if his body was about to blow up.

It would be as if Garou's body were to be a small balloon, and it were to be filled up with water the amount equivalent to an ocean. His body could not handle it and it could be destroyed.

Toppo had merely wanted to test the power of the ki of a God, and Garou served as the perfect guinea pig for him.

Broly came out of the rubble to see his fellow Commandment inside a ball of ki while in pain.

"Grrr!" Broly started to get pissed and clashed fists with Toppo.

A God of Destruction and the Legendary Super Saiyan clashed in an epic fight. Their fight was not as exaggerated as Goku's and Alexander's, but it came close.

Alex had forgotten that Garou was weak, especially when going against a God of Destruction. But that did not worry him at all, because he knew something that only him and Garou knew.

Mihawk was about to slice the destructive ki in half so Garou doesn't die and escapes. Although they only knew each other for a short time, he will not let any of his teammates suffer while he can do something about it.

"Don't come near me!" It was Garou's voice telling Mihawk to not help him.


Mihawk noticed something different, Garou was not in pain anymore, if anything he was smiling. It was a smile of pure pleasure.

"Such power! This kind of power is unfair. It is something that I wouldn't even have dreamt of."

Garou's body started turning greyer and darker, and it started to show signs of mutating. His horns grew bigger, his body bigger as well. It also showed signs of rapid healing, despite not having attained immortality or anything of sort.

He stretched his arms all the way to the sides. Then he brought his arms close to his chest. The giant ball of destructive ki started to shrink. It shrunk until it was on the palm of his hands.

"WhAt?!" The God of Destruction from universe 11 yelled in shock. At first he was happy that Toppo finally used the powerful ki.

When he used it on Broly and Garou it felt as if only Alexander could handle him. But seeing a mere mortal, a man, not only being able to survive inside the ki of a god, but also being able to handle it with ease made him feel shocked.

If it were a powerful being like Jiren then he wouldn't be surprised. But the one who could control Toppo's ki was a man who looked like a monster.

He had checked Garou and sensed not even a bit of ki on him. Garou comes from a simple world like Earth but with Heroes and Villains.

It is not a world where anyone could attain powers. It is not a world where they could learn to control ki or any type of energy. It was simple compared to other worlds.

Some of those Heroes or Villains use many methods to fight like: machines, psychic abilities, pure physical abilities, and others.

But what Garou was using is not ki nor anything related, it was his own power. He can break through the limits of his body. The only way to achieve that is to lose battles to someone stronger than him, and then he becomes stronger as well. It is like being a Saiyan.

The other Gods of Destructions were equally shocked. This is the first time a weak mortal has been able to do the impossible.

It was as if Krillin could fight Goku equally while in blue mode.

"Is everyone on universe 9 a powerhouse?" Beerus became increasingly worried.

Whis did not reply. He merely continued to observe the mortal who could handle the ki of a God.

Garou's form was now more sinister looking than before. Any signs of his human side were nowhere to be seen. He looked like a nasty demon.

"Such a nasty mortal is not beautiful." The Goddess of Destruction who resembled a Pharaoh said in a disgusted tone.

"My view of universe 7 has improved a bit."

"Meh, universe 7 is still going to lose." Champa said cheekily despite losing one of his aces a few chapters ago.

Not one of the Gods or Angels from universe 9 said anything. As long as they win the tournament, they will be the only ones left laughing.

Garou had the idea to chuck the energy of destruction right back at Toppo. But with Broly fighting Toppo Garou could not find a good time to throw it at Toppo without injuring Broly.

His ability to adapt is nothing new. When he fought Saitama in the manga, Garou could still hold his ground against Saitama for a while and still be able to evolve. Ultimately, Saitama won.

But one thing to note is that Garou is the only one so far, that Saitama had punched more than once, and still be alive to tell about it. (this is in the manga, check it out. It is amazing)

He looked around and saw a suitable target.

"Hey, Green-Man, catch!" Garou threw it up high like a volleyball, and slammed it hard towards Piccolo.

Piccolo was busy trying to aid Gohan, 17 and 18 with their fight against the twins and Eggy. No sooner did he realize a powerful ki attack was headed towards him.

He tried to dodge it, but it was too late.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Piccolo screamed in pain. He was trapped inside the destructive ball of ki just like Garou was, only this time he wasn't going to get out of it anytime soon.

"Piccolo!" Gohan noticed Piccolo's cry and tried to help, but that won't be easy.

"You shouldn't look away in the middle of a fight."

Eggy used her gaseous black flames to block Gohan's view of Piccolo.

"Dammit! Piccolo, hang on. HIYAAAA!!!" Gohan screamed and his aura spiked through the roof. He could not let his father-figure, Piccolo, suffer.

Gohan doesn't admit it, but Piccolo is more of a father than Goku ever was. Heck, Piccolo was probably a better Grandpa than Goku ever was.

"That's better." Eggy surrounded herself in her black flames to protect herself. Gohan could not find any sort of weakness against her gaseous black flames.

He tried blasting it with his ki but it did nothing. He tried punching it, but whenever he touched it, it would hurt him.

And what was worse is that her gaseous black flames could expand dramatically. Not being able to fly is proving to be a real challenge for Gohan and the others.

"Piccolo!" Gohan yelled but nothing changed.

Garou had fought Piccolo off-screen which is why he picked him. If Piccolo were to die, then it would actually be Toppo's fault, since it is technically his own attack that would kill Piccolo.

It would be like the scene with Goku and Jiren and the spirit bomb. Even when Jiren pushed Goku's spirit bomb back to him, and everyone thought that he was blown to pieces, Jiren wasn't at fault except Goku.

Mihawk measured Garou's new form. He wondered if Garou was still even on their team.

"Are you fine?" Asked Mihawk.

"I'm good. Thanks to that attack I gained a new powerful form." Garou was very satisfied with how things turned out for him.

"So it seems." Mihawk was left with nothing to do. All the other powerful fighters were busy with their own fights, and the rest were either wiped out or were too injured.

Madara felt the same way. He did however examine the fighters and gained some insight on their skills and techniques, especially Goku and Alex.

"AAAHHHH!!! WHY IS THIS STILL HAPPENING!!!" Piccolo continued to cry in pain.

"Goddammit, move out of my way!" Gohan was the only one trying to save Piccolo, the others were too busy.

Eggy merely smiled. It isn't her style to play with her opponents, but Gohan is proving to be stronger than she had previously thought.

While everyone else was fighting, Frost finally woke up. He fell unconscious when he fought Eggy.

"What happened?" It took Frost a moment to remember what had happened.

Rage filled his heart. He wanted to do nothing else but to exact revenge on Eggy.

Eggy was too focused on Gohan. She covered the area around her in her black flames to protect her, but left her back completely exposed, because she did not sense anyone else behind her. And she also had her fellow Commandments to protect her.

"That little-"

Frost concentrated all of his ki on his finger and shot it at Eggy. His attack was thin but clearly visible.

The Angels and even Zenos were too focused on Goku and Alexander's fight to notice a third rate character like Frost.

Frost's attack impaled Eggy through her head, and for a moment she felt pain and lost total control of everything.

"Huh?" It happened so fast that Eggy didn't even realize what had happened.

Gohan did not notice Frost's attack, but he did notice Eggy's black flames were now full of holes. His only goal was to save Piccolo, and the only thing standing between him and Piccolo was Eggy.

And then he saw it, Eggy was wide opened before him.

"HAAAAH!!!" Gohan concentrated all of his strength into his arm.

He punched Eggy so hard on her abdomen that he launched her outside of the arena.

"Stop!" Both Zeno's had realized too late and erased Frost from existence. The reason they did not react as fast as before like in the series, is because last time they were keeping their eye on Frost, but this time they did not.

Although Frost was gone for good, Eggy had been teleported to the sidelines due to foul play.

"Eggy-san from universe 9 has been knocked off."

The other 9 Commandments heard him. They all noticed Frost's attack but only until it was too late.

"Wait, what?

Eggy was still a bit lost. One moment she was fighting Gohan, the next thing she knew she was sitting on the bench beside an Angel and a God of Destruction.

"Screw that!" No one was more pissed than Alex. He was the leader of the group and he should have seen that attack coming.

Out of rage, Alex transformed into blue and knocked Goku out, completely knocking him despite still being in Ultra Instinct form.


The Gods choked upon seeing Ultra Instinct Goku defeated easily. How much was Alex holding back all this time?

Goku turned back to normal. He lost total consciousness when Alex knocked him out in one punch. Despite being in Ultra Instinct, he could not avoid his attack on time.

Alex flew towards the High Priest until he was close to his face.

"Hey! That was absolute foul play on universe 9's part! And is Eggy going to pay the price for Frost's actions?! That was a shitty call!" Alex's tone was like a father yelling at a referee for making a bad call on his son's soccer game.

*Double gasp*

Not just the Gods, but everyone choked to see Alex talk to the High Priest in such a rude manner.

It was like the time Goku talked to both Zenos like he was their best friend. But Alex's tone was far worse.

It was one thing for Alex to defeat Goku in Ultra Instinct, and it was another thing that Alex could turn to Blue this whole time. But talking back against the High Priest is a whole other thing.

"Frost already paid the price for his actions. He was already erased by the hand of Zeno-san and Future Zeno-san." The High Priest did not show any hint of emotion towards Alex's rude behaviour.

"So what? They were about to be erased anyway."

Vados nodded in approval.

"Vados! Why are you nodding?!" Champa asked.

"Oh, Champa-sama. You clearly know why." Vados had been thinking the exact same thing that Alex said.

The Commandments could not remember a time that Alex was this pissed.

"The rules are final, Alexander-san." The High Priest did not give any fucks at all either.

Both sides looked at each other. Not a single soul could be heard breathing.

Alexander was tall at least 210 centimeters. And The High Priest was short. Despite their obvious size in height, both sides were powerful.

Alex's eyes rolled over to both Zenos, who were also looking at him.

The reason why he is so pissed, is because he has come to view all of his Commandments as the closest thing he has to a family. He is like a father to them, Linlin and Lili were the mothers, and the rest were their children.

Even if it weren't Eggy, he would be just as pissed. And another reason why he is so angry, is because this is going to be their last time as a group together, and he wanted everyone else to remember this moment. He did not want Eggy's last memories of this group to be as a mere spectator.

"This tournament is merely for entertainment for both Zenos, am I right?" Asked Alex.

"You are correct."

"Then how about this: After our universe wins this tournament, I will use the orbs to restore the universes that had been recently erased. After that, we will fight to the death." Alex proposed.

"You mean just you and me?" The High Priest asked to be sure.

"No. I mean us, The Ten Commandments versus all the Gods of Destruction, Angels, and you."

*Triple gasp*

It felt like most of them were about to have a heart attack. Some of the Kais could not hold it together and fainted.

"There are 12 universes, 1 God of Destruction and one Angel per universe. Including me, that is a total of 25 beings you and your group will have to face. That is a total of 10 versus 25."

"I like those odds." Alex responded as he clenched his fists. The rest of the Commandments were actually quite excited. Now this was going to be a fun memory for them all.