Pair Cultivation(1)

The residence of the GuBaiJin sect was in a remote hill far from the Gu town, lush trees and blooming flowers grew within the lime green walls and dark rooftops, there was also a lotus pond some distance from the courtyard where morning lesson took place.

Jin Tieguai admired the sword that was held in front of him, the Xicong. Swinging the blade from side to side as the soft wind carried his robes. The dark of his eyes moved with mischief, while racking his brain for what form of devilry he could unleash.

"Why isn't there anything to do! I'm so bored!"

He continued to walk within the outer courtyard, as he saw some of disciples from the same class stare at the pond that grew pink lotus flowers.

"If only one of us could be so brave as to go in and pick one of them."

"It doesn't look too deep, how about we all go in together."

"I'm too scared of water."

"You are scared of anything Jing An! Stop being a chicken and follow us into the pond."