Pair cultivation(2)

Hiss of the wind...

"I didn't do anything wrong! They were making fun of me for no reason especially young master Jin!"

"Did you look for me to let me know what they were doing to you?!"

There was no mistaking the tone of anger in the voice of the head teacher, which showed he was not amused by the antics of his student.

"Follow me, now!"

"Is it only me that would be punished? How about the rest of them?"

Jin Caihe was filled with rage at the way that Jin Tinguai chose to challenge him in front of his classmates.

"Head teacher Jin, if you want to punish anyone, let it be me, I spoke without thinking to Jin Tieguai

and I'm very sorry for not treating him with respect."

The young master of the GuBaiJin sect gave a deep bow to Jin Tieguai, before offering the head teacher a bow to show repentance for the action that was committed.