
Lin Cheng stared at the woman who held two identity little boys in both hands. He thought that her surprise visit to his room at the inn was going to be the last, who knew that he was going to run into her in the same town.

The BaoXu sect disciple left the chopsticks by the side of his plate and rose up to meet the fox princess and the half human half fox boys.

"Greetings, Princess Xuequi. I wasn't expecting to see you in Xuekejiu town."

The fox princess gave a sunny smile to the good looking man that appeared in front of her, soon she turned to the twins, "These are my cousins, Mou Yidan and Mou Zimu."

She reintroduced them to Lin Cheng in case he may have forgotten their names, pointing to each one as she called their names.

"Yidan, Zimu. This is Lin Cheng, he is a travelling cultivator and a disciple of the BaoXu sect."