
The morning lesson at the GuBaiJin sect ended rather quickly, because the head teacher that should have been there to teach spent so much time away from the class. One of the things about living the life of a cultivator was the need to keep to time, which was why the lesson had to end so quickly.

The three that were punished by Jin Caihe, returned to their seats after standing for some time in front of their teacher to show remorse for their action. On the way back to his seat, Jin Tieguai pondered on what he heard, the junior disciple became conflicted as to whether he should confront his teacher and find out what the conversation was about, but another part of him felt reluctant to ask Jin Caihe.

"Farewell, headteacher Jin!"

The class bade Jin Caihe goodbye and one after the other they started packing their books into their bags and the rest of what they brought with them to the morning lesson.

"Farewell, Young master Jin."