
"What is wrong with that old crook?! A banquet?! What if demons stormed in and end us slaughtering us all while we are wining and dining?!"

At least someone wasn't too into the idea of attending a banquet by the GuBaiJin sect.

"Young master Shi, I know you don't think this is a good idea, but if you don't show up, what would others think?!"

Shi Yunxu paced up and down his room, angry and worried that things could become ugly as they gathered at the GuBaiJin sect.

"I seriously want to turn down the invitation, but with father laying in bed with an incurable illness, what am I to do?!"

"Young master! I beg of you, don't let your emotions rule you. ShenJiangShi sect is not number two for nothing, your father and many others have worked hard to solidify our standing among other sects! Don't let all their blood and labor be in vain!"