
Shi Yunxu stared wide eyed at person that was almost as close as a brother to him, it was as though a veil that covered his sight was suddenly taken off and he could now see clearly.

"It's true, Sect Leader Li usually comes at me with harsh words, but other sect leaders praise me and even speak kindly to me."

The young master of the ShenJiangShi sect slowly voiced out the thought in his head, as he suddenly realized that the YuanLi sect leader may not be all that terrible as he initially thought.

"Now you see what I have been trying to point out to you!"

Shi Haikuan patted the shoulder of his friend, lauding him for finally gaining insight into what he had been drumming into his ears for some time.

"During the banquet, if he says blistering words to you, accept them and later when you come back I want you to examine them and find out the meaning behind his words to you."

Shi Yunxu nodded solemnly as he listened to the advise of his friend.