
"Demon Lord Zhurong, the GuBaiJin sect would be holding a banquet tomorrow."

General Hei gave his report to the ruler of the demon realm, who had a bored look on his face when he was told about it.

"And why should that be of any interest to me?!"

Little did Hei Zhurong know that by him going to the banquet would he be able to catch a glimpse of Xu Hui, the woman whom his eyes had become taken with.

"It has come to my notice that Sect Leader Li would not be attending the banquet but instead his daughter, Lady Li and Fu Zian, a disciple that he holds in high regard would be going in his place to GuBaiJin sect. 

That was when the detached look in the eyes of the demon lord disappeared completely to be replaced with one of interest.

"Lady Li is going to the banquet?!"