
Tae sat opposite Hobi as they stared at each other, neither of them not knowing what to say. The tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Tae was trying his best to see things from Hobi's perspective, but at the same time he was still madly in love with Jungkook, or that was what his mind was telling him. The fact of the matter was that Tae and Hobi were both trying to prove a point.

"Tae, look I really didn't mean for what happened to happen, I was so upset, I know I should tried to understand things from your side".

"No hyung I understand it was my mistake I should have thought about it before hand".

"No Tae you are 20 years old, as much as I regret the fact that you grew up so fast. I still can't keep on babying you, you are no longer a child, nor a teenager, you are now an adult a man for that matter, as much as I can't force you to still do things our way, I can try to see things from your side."

"Thanks hyung, thanks for giving me a chance to grow, but I still very much need your advice in certain things, and Jungkook didn't actually make love like that kind of love, we just touched each other, his d*ck never came near my mouth, I only used my hand".

"Ha, ha, ha, you are so funny Tae and I'm glad that's all that happened, I just want my baby to be safe".

"I will Hyung".

They closed off in a sweet embrace. Although the events of that night was uncalled for they both got the chance to listen to each other and learn from each other, if one thing was for sure Hobi grew to have more trust on Tae, and Tae knew for a fact that Hobi always had his back and surprisingly hid front as well.

They spent the reminder of the night eating together, talking about how work had been for the both of them, Hobi gave Tae update on his granny's recovery. Although the stroke was indeed a hectic one, she was responding positively to the treatment that they were giving her. It was only a matter of days or even weeks before they could be reunited with each other. To think about it, Tae only had a thought in his mind that ever since he started this job he has not for once gone and seen his granny. How disappointed he was at himself. Hobi could see it written on his face.

"Don't feel sad Tae you can go and visit her tomorrow since its Saturday, then we can buy new flowers for her and have lunch together, how does that sound?"

"It sounds amazing hyung I would really enjoy that, thank you so much."

"No problem, now go to bed, you look dead".

"Ha.ha.ha hyung, okay good night. I love you".

"Love you too".


The ravishing radiance of the morning sun was a sight of awe as it shined beautifully on Tae's skin making him look like crystals,his physical features outstanding. Admiring the scenery outside of the beautiful landscape, when his phone rang, looking at the caller ID he saw 'Jungkook'. For the first time since he started working there he never hesitated to answer Jungkook's phone calls, but he didn't know what was wrong with today.

"Good morning Mr. Jeon".

"Tae.. Taehyung, what's wrong today, why the formalities, did my baby not sleep well last night, do you need daddy to come and assist?"

"No Jungkook I'm perfectly fine, can I help you with anything?"

"Ta are you sure you're okay, you are kinda giving me the cold finger, what's wrong".

"Listen Jungkook I have many agendas today so I'm going to be very busy today, if you need me to assist you with anything then please can you send it through mail, if not I hope you have a wonderful day and rest well, good bye".

With that he hung up the phone.

"What the f*ck was that, he basically just hung me up". stated a highly frustrated Jungkook.

"Maybe he is dealing with aftermath, you know what they say, that when you engage in any type of sexual activity for the first time either by yourself or with someone else you deal with the 'aftermath' the guilty feeling you have with yourself." said Namjoon.

"Even if he is he has to talk to me about it, he can't just let himself go through it on his own, that's why I'm here, we do things now together".

"You are forgetting that he is still a kid".

"No, he is not a kid, he is a grown ass man".

"That's only 20 years of age".

"Maybe I should go to his house and see him".

"No way that's like walking into a tigers den, by the way Jungkook when I told you to express your love for him I didn't meann ask him to be your boyfriend, you haven't even introduced yourself to his uncle yet, let me tell you as far as Hobi being a kind hearted man, don't step on his toes, he is very protective of Tae, asking Tae to date you is you being a bit to forward. I mean the boy hasn't even sorted his life yet you want him to date you, what will people say about, more importantly what will his family say about him?"

"Hyung you are so right I wasn't thinking about that all I wanted was for Tae to be mine, I have to fix this and fast my love life depends on it".

"Sort it out with him on Monday, give him the time to recover, but I must warn you what ever you do , think it through before you do it, don't break the innocent boy, please".

"Don't worry hyung I vowed to always protect him, and that's exactly what I'm going to do"....