
As the clock struck 2, they were ready to go and visit their beloved mom. Tae was so excited about it but at the same time he was nervous. He didn't know how she was going to react to the fact that he was dating someone. Tae's granny has always been over protective of him, always checking on him here and there, making sure that one was bothering him, as a matter of fact if she was at home Jungkook would not even dare come near him.

He knew why she was like that. He was trough intense psychology when his parents died, he shocked him so much. The doctors were shocked at how much of a impact did the accident cause of a boy of 5 years. It took at least 4 years for Tae to fully recover. His granny kept him close to the things that he loved as a child, but also things that belonged to his parents. The pendant he wears on his neck belonged to his father, it was filled with a beautiful family portrait of them in Malta, for Christmas when Tae was only 3. Tae didn't want to leave his family house, so she had to move in. Together they stayed there, looking after this broken child.

Tae even dedicated a room in the house to his parents, keeping all their belongings in there. He put their wedding pictures, clothes, covered it in white lilies and white roses, because they were his parents favorite. The level of agony the poor boy had to go through on his own was so much, that was why his granny always wanted to protect him.

As they got in the car, Tae received a notification on his phone, it was from Jungkook.

It reads as follows:

Hey Taehyung, I know you probably don't want to talk to me, so I decided to send you an message instead. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, I know that you are probably going through the aftermath of what happened yesterday, I'm sorry if I rushed you or forced you to do it. We were both feeling the moment. Please don't ignore me or shut me out, we are in this together, please I beg you, and I understand if you want to end things, just know that I love, had loved, and will continue to love you endlessly. Bye. From Kookie.

Tae felt guilty, maybe he was a little too hush on him. He did in fact love what happened that night, and yes he was going through an aftermath, but at the end of the day, he shouldn't shut him out.

He replied:

My dear Kookie, I love you so much, I'm sorry for ignoring you and for the way I responded to you earlier. I got a lot in my plate now, I know that we are in this together. Please don't be upset my love. I love you too. Bye.

"That your boyfriend cause I see the way you are smiling"? asked Hobi.

"Hyung I know that you are disappointed in me and my actions, but you have to learn how to look after myself. I can't always be relying on you and granny all the time for things, it's time to put on my big boy shoes and be a man".

"Strong talk, only men talk that way, good job man, ha ha".

"Thanks hyung".


"So what did he say?"asked Namjoon.

"I am not getting dumped today, I told you hyung that it was all just a ugly, little misunderstanding".

Ever since Tae came into his life he has learnt how to see thing past Rose. Although hie heart still hurts when he sees the smallest of things that reminds him of her, he suddenly sees those sad memories turn to good filled with Tae's beautiful face. He made it his now life purpose to look after him for he knew all the torment that he has been through in his life. His blood boils when he thinks of how Tae was almost raped by the very same people sent to protect him from pain and suffering.

Arriving at the hospital made Tae shiver with fear, he really hated the hospital, because every time he would visit the hospital he would always come out with tear or feeling defeated. He chose to look on the bright side that he was going to visit his granny, the same woman whom he loved, as a smiled crept up his face he walked on with pride.

"Hello eomma, how are you feeling today?"

"My sweet Tae, is it really you? I missed you so much, I always Hobi where you are. How have you been my sweetheart?"

Tae saw her face lit up with joy upon seeing him. Her eyes filled with tears, her rosy cheeks lit up like candles. He saw nothing but joy and happiness in her eyes, nothing else mattered now in the world it was just him and her.

"I'm fine eomma, I missed you too so much, I've been working lately that's why I couldn't come and visit you, I'm really sorry eomma".

"Don't worry my son, I'm just glad to see that you are okay. So tell me how has Seoul been treating?"

Tae turned to look at Hobi who was learning at the door, giving him an intense look as if asking for assurance, which he got with a simple nod followed by a small smile.

"Eomma look Seoul has been amazing you know the city is very lively'


'Yeah and the people are extremely friendly, I made quite a few friends at work. I even got the job by simply showing my honest and true nature. I even found myself a l....'

Tae paused feeling a burden on his heart. He has to tell her now, its now or never.

"Look eomma I.....I h..have a boy..boyfriend."

"Really.....Tae my child why do you look so sad telling me this, I know that I never let you be in a relationship with anyone before, because I was scared that they would hurt or break you, I couldn't let what happened to you in the past happen again, but then I realized that I was wrong, I can't keep you locked up in my shell forever, I learn't that I had to let you grow and find yourself. I 'm sorry for all that I did to you Tae. I was just so scared*Sobbing* of losing you like I lost your mom...."

Tae stopped he by giving her a heartwarming hug followed by a kiss on her forehead. This was the exact reason why he loved her so much, she always knew what to say at the right time.

"So tell me all about him."

"Wow eomma, okay his name is Jungkook, he's actually my boss and he is 23 years old, works as a HR Manager and Head Marketing administrator, he is so handsome I fear you too would fall for him as well ha ha".

They spent that afternoon laughing and catching up on times. Tae was very happy to see his granny recovering well. he saw her slowing coming back to life, her smile was there again her eyes lit up. the color of her skin coming back from the scaring pale look she had. He knew that soon he would be able to sleep next to her again like they used too, tell each other bed time stories, cook together, watch movies all day. Life was soon going back to normal.