
"See Tae I told you that after you see eomma, you would feel much better". said Hobi as he was smiling while driving.

"Hyung you never said that, in fact you were totally against me telling eomma about Jungkook, guess you were wrong cause she loves him".

"Yeah Yeah rub it in my face that I was wrong, but to be honest I'm glad that you told her about Jungkook, at least she knows now that you are now a grown ass man, who can make his own choices".

"Truth to that, hyung".

Indeed Tea was happy at what happened today, he felt relieved that he didn't upset her. He exhaled and leaned into the car seat looking at the window, looking at the various scenery, while listening to the calming song playing inside the car. It was indeed calming and made him feel at peace, all his problems washing away, he felt as though he was sleeping on a cloud and all his worries washed away with the rain. In his thoughts he almost slept off, the song playing a sweet beat in his heart.

He awoke to the sound of Hobi opening his door to step out.

"So you were not going to wake me up".

"Yep I saw you sleeping peacefully, I didn't have the guts to wake you up, you don't know how long I've longed to see you sleep like that, when I come to wake you up in the mornings you look as if you had a nightmare, it really scares me".

Tae looked down knowing that Hobi was right it had been a while since he had a peaceful sleep, most of the time he would be crying in his sleep thinking about his parents, or he would be having nightmares about his uncle Chen almost raping him.

The sleep he just had in the car was a must to have. He needed his soul to be at peace, he needed to stop living in the shadows of his sadness and wake up to see the light of his future.

"Thanks hyung I really needed that".

"No problem my child".

"Really 'my child'".

"Yess your mom was my elder sister, so that makes you my child".

"Yeah I'm definitely your child".

They laughed as they drew closer to each other, Tae fitting perfectly in Hobi's arms feeling love and a sense of safety. It reminds him of when he was a child. He would always want to be in Hobi's arms every time he would come and visit. He was extremely sad when he learnt that he would be going away to sturdy. Now that he was 20 years he still had that longing to be in Hobi's arms.

They were brought to a shock when they heard a sound of a car running. They looked to see a 2019 black Mercedes Maybach GLS which costs $ 42 500 to date. Shocked and amused as the car drove into their driveway. The rims of the car was sharp enough to slice a whole watermelon in half. The car's texture was a dangerously tempting black, so tempting it would shock hell. This truly was a masterpiece.

"Who the heck is that?" asked a shocked Hobi.

"My man, Jeon Jungkook". replied Tae

At that moment Jungkook stepped out of the car wearing a full set of Yves Saint Lauren clothes, matching with Gucci printed diamond earrings, Air Jordan silver shoes worth $60 000, Spandex gold watch and a pair of Cartier panthere sunglasses, steeping out of the car while taking off his sunglasses, just in the movies of a VIP entrance.

Damn the guy really looked like a million bucks. Tae expression changed suddenly. His smile faded seeing Jungkook like that, He knew that he had all the money in the world, he works for a company while having his own with 5 braches worldwide, at times he asks himself why the heck was he even working at all. He should put his full focus on his company and give back to the community.

As Jungkook stepped closer to them, he smiled as he saw Hobi who was giving him a blank face, seems like he and Tae was thinking the same.

"Good evening, my name is Jeon Jungkook, it's a pleasure to meet you".

"Nice to meet you Jungkook, I'm glad that you finally came to see me, now that you are dating my nephew, just a quick question, is all this things yours?"

"Uhmmm yes they are".


"What do you.....".

"Hyung lets go in first then we can talk about it". said Tae interrupting Hobi.

"Okay that fine lets go in then".

Jungkook nodded before turning to Tae as he linked his arms around his waist, smiling at him, while Tae gave him a nervous smile instead.

They sat in silence as Tae was bringing Tae a glass of warm water.

"So Jungkook what do you do for a living"? asked Hobi

"I have my own company, but I currently work as a HR and Marketing manager at X-Cord enterprises. My company specializes in events and entertainment."

"Events and entertainment is a big field on its own, so then why are you working for another company?"

"Yes I know, actually my childhood friend stated the company, since I majored in Human Resource at the University of Seoul i have that knowledge, as for the terms of events, I also took course while in university, where I discovered the love for it."

"Wow I'm impressed Jungkook, seems like you set your life out pretty good, but now I want to know why Tae".

"I didn't know Tae until he came and worked for the company. I fell straight in love with him at the very first sight...

Tae was staring at Jungkook hearing him say all the wonderful things he loved about him from the way he smiled, to the way he did things, his innocence, his cuteness, his perfect body, his lips, his structure. It all made Tae feel warm inside and he hid his face blushing.

"Okay Jungkook that's enough, you see Tae is already red as a tomato, I'm glad that you love him, but I beg you please don't hurt him he is really all that I have, I don't want to get crushed, his heart is too fragile for pain".

"Don't worry about it sir, I vow to love and protect him always".

He is my everything, my light, my soul, my life, such things you never crush.