
LaLisa Manoban, a 23 year old lady, whom once lived a life of joy and dance. She was born in Tailand in the Buriram province on the 27 March 1997. She birth name was actually Pranpriya, but her parents later changed it to LaLisa after visiting a fortune teller. Her family wasn't lacking in finance as her father was working while her mom owned a restuarant.

As time went on, due her fathers job they moved from Buiriram to Bangkok, which resulted in her mom having to close down her restuarant, the move also resulted in Lisa closing her passion for dance. Back in her home town she was a part of the dance group We Zaa Cool, which consisted of 11 members, where she found her best friend Kunpimook Bhuwakhul or just BamBam for short. She had so much fun dancing, it help her express herself and relief the stress of daily life, but after they moved to Bangkok she had to leave the group.

Her life changed, she was not the same after that, her parents understood that she wanted to dance, but there was no way that there were going to leave her there. Her parents forced her to not only leave her friends but also her passion Her mom thought of staying so that she could continue to operate her restuarant, but her father strongly disagreed, saying that he didn't want to be seperated from them. As if things couldn't get any worse, her father got retreanched from his job when the company went bankrupt. To avoid his family having to struggled and enter poverty, Mr. Manoban used the remainder of his savings and his last salary to migrate with his family to South Korea, hoping to find something to do there, since they were immigrants.

Luckly for him he manage to meet Mr. Jeon in a coffee shop, he didn't know how his life was going to change after that. He had just submitted his CV to a nearby company and he was feeling disappointed thinking that he might not get in, he had lost all his confidence after going to 8 companies. Mr. Jeon being the friendly person saw the helpless man sitting by the corner of the shop with his head down, he did't know why, but he felt the urge to help this lonely man.

"Good day, is everything all right?" Mr. Jeon said while taking his seat in front of Mr. Manoban.

Mr. Manoban was shocked that someone was actually talking to him, he then grew angry that the man didn't leave in peace, so he could reflect on his life.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking, but can you please give some space I'm not feeling well." replied Mr. Manoban

"Don't worry, I think I can help see I have been watching you for a while, and I find that you are a very analytic person, how about I help you and give you a job in one of my braches?" said Mr. Jeon.

"H....How did you know I was looking for a job? Did someone send you?" Mr. Manoban was shocked. Was this man psychic? Or had he been stalking him? He couldn't put him finger on the things that just transpired.

"You see, I now when a man looks defeated, I saw it right on your face, you look like a very intelligent man and you are definitely not from this country. I don't usually come here to get coffee, but my assistant is on maternity leave and to top it of its after hours. The kitchen is locked, so I decided to come here not only for the coffee, but also for some fresh air until I saw the look on your face and I knew that something wasn't right and I was hoping if you would want to be my new assistant, after her maternity leave she is going to be promoted, so the spot is open".

"A....Assistant but isn't that job for ladies?" asked Mr. Manoban.

"Can't males also be nurses too? I see that you have a bet of gender inequality in you. anyone can be anything they wish to be as long as they work hard for it. If you keep on thinking in that way you are bound not to move. It will be as if you are slowly walking into a sea of quick sand, slowly swallowing you in, until you are gone. Do you really want to this to yourself? You have too much doubt, do something about it or it will come back and bit you."

Mr. Manoban felt those word run up and down his head. He indeed had a lot of doubt in him. It was that very moment that his life changed for ever.

Arriving home he told his family how it all transpired and how he would be working for the great Master of the Jeon empire. Lisa was over joyed maybe if they saved enough they could moved back to Thailand and open a company there, finally getting her life back, but yet that was a dream.

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and months turned to years. the Manoban family stayed in Seoul, living life like they never left Thailand. Lisa grew forgetting her life long dream, being pressured by her dad to follow in his footsteps, attending school became a priority, taking pride in her education, aceing in all her subjects, she now discovered all brand new passion to be the best, the only best. She was practically living in the theory of the "rat race", a never ending struggle.

She was like a mindless puppet, the old sunshine and happiness Lisa was gone and all the remained was an impenetrable place of high tech business ordeal. Her mother constantly feeding her with deception about the Jeon family, how their lives were so perfect because Mrs. Jeon married a rich man, and how the the only way to ensure that she gets the best life to offer was by marrying Jungkook. Although Jungkook was handsome in his own right, he was basically an eye-candy for many girls, but as for Lisa he was just another male on the planet.

It was not until that summer, when Jungkook had travelled abroad to sturdy, did Lisa only realize how much she adored him, she never felt that way before, because he was always there, they played together, hung out together, ate together they were basically siblings for that matter. Now he was leaving, and she didn't know how long he would take before his return, that is if he was even returning.

After spending 3 whole years abroad, news came that he was returning. Lisa got up readying herself, with the intentions of confessing her love to her long lost best friend, how she felt about him, and how they would be spending their life together. Waiting in anticipation for just a glimpse of him. What she saw she did not like. There was her love dressed in black, walking majestically like a prince, but what she saw beside him was a young girl, in a Chanel peach dress, with stunning baby pink clear slippers by House of Harry Wilson, jewelry coating her neck,ears and wrists and to top it up there were all Gucci. Her hair neatly done, she looked like a Hollywood actress.

Lisa felt enraged as she saw this girl, who had her hand linked into the arm of her man, her Jungkook. When Jungkook introduced her to the family as Rose, everyone was overjoyed. Lisa and her mom were not, their displeasure clearly showing on their face.

When they got home Lisa destroying everything that she had originally planned to confess her love. Although Jungkook never introduced Rose as his girlfreind or that they were in any relationship, it still taunt her that someone else was lurking at her treasure.