I'm Sorry

Within a short span of time, Tae was already home. The ride wasn't bad at all, it wa actually very educative, who would have thought that Tae would learn so much from a man who was a driver, he helped him open up to many things, his life, his relationship, his future. He even felt as though he was talking to a driver, but maybe a philantropist or a psychologist. He had motivation in his words. The way he spoke made it impossible for anyone not to pay attention. He made Tae understand the importance of life and why it will always remain a constant struggle. You may see people with so much money, but you never know how they are feeling. They may look like they are living a lavish life, but you may never know the struggles they go through just to keep the kind of income flowing. A straight-A child may look like a genius, but one may not know how they live to keep that straight-A life. It was like the saying 'Practice makes Perfect'.

As Tae stepped out of the car, he smiled and waved at the driver for making his day a whole lot better.

Tae stepped in and saw hyung about to leave. He was fixing himself in the mirror opposite the door.

I must say that Hoseok wasn't the extravagant type, but he still showed how respective he was of his class. All who saw him would definitely guess that he was a doctor. He didn't drive a big car, because he believed that cars were only made to transport people from one place to the next, not to be advertised like magazines. He didn't like big or even huge houses, or mansions. He believed that a house was meant to protect you from disasters and to give you shelter, not for you to have just to show off to your friends and not look after it. The bigger the house the bigger the bond will be to pay it of. It was safe to say that Hoseok was a very simple man, simple and straight forward. That was why Tae loved him so much, he would use money for the greater good. He would often spend his money on improving infrastructure at an ophnage, back in Daegu or even helping the local community. He was well known in their town and that was why most people loved him so much.

Hoseok saw the reflection of Tae on the mirror, with a big smile on his face he turned and went to Tae giving him a big hug. Hoseok always cared for him, he knew that he was the only thing important in his hyungs life. Hoseok even swore on the grave of his mom to always protect and love him, after all Tae was his favourite out of all his nieces and nephews. He loved, how as a child, Tae would always smile and laugh when he sees Hoseok coming in. The joy on the boys face was so beautiful. Hoseok needed that joy to return back.

"Tae....what are you doing here? I thought you were going to go straight to work from Jungkook's place, what happened?"

"Well...hyung, actually I'm not feeling fine so I don't think I will be going to work today".

Hoseok's face changed immediately. He was concerned. He placed the back of his hand on Tae's forehead trying feeling his temperature.

"Tae your temperature isn't high. Did you eat anythng that you are allegic to? Were you stressed? Did anything happen while you were there?...Ugh I knew I shouldn't have allowed you to go, its all my fault".

"No hyung its not your fault at all....actually Jungkook and I had a little argument that didn't end well after he tried to..... so I just left after thanking his family, did you know that his mom is the famous model, Queen Jihyo aka Lee Jihyo, now Jeon, can you believe it?"

"What did that sleez ball do?"

Tae saw the anger in Hoseok's eyes and he knew that anything he told him would either result in him calming down or him driving all the way to Jungkook's house with a whole GPS and giving Jungkook a body re-arrangement surgery. As much as him and Jungkook needeing to sort out their differences, he didn't want him dead or even more re-arranged.

"Listen hyung it was nothing, we were just on different sides of the situation". replied Tae with a soft smile on his face.

"Kim Taehyung, I asked you what did that boy try to do to you?"

When he heard his full name, he knew that things were about to go down. Hoseok was serious, but they didn't do anything that he didn't give concent to. He was practically the one who asked for it. He really needed to calm his hyung down, or he was gonna leave the house, find Jungkook and get his own answers.

"Hyung listen to me, he didn't do anything that I didn't allow, we just kissed, had a make-out, I freaked out when he started to suck my d*ck, I pushed him and had a big argument because I refused to tell him why I pushed him and curled up into a ball with tears in my eyes. Yeah...that's all that happened".

"Did you just say that he sucked your d*ck? And you were crying? What the he'll happened Taehyung? "

"Nothing hyung, I gave him concent, it wasn't by force or anything. I thought I was ready but then I guess I wasn't. Now I'm not in the mood of seeing his face, so I don't want to go to work today".

Hoseok was glad it wasn't anything serious, as long as Tae was safe.

"Taehyung you scared the chickens out of me, I'm glad it wasn't anything bad or serious. Its fine you can stay here for the day. Just make sure to eat and if you need anything don't hesitate to call me, okay? Now let me go, before I'm late for work."

"Thanks hyung, I love you. I hope this means that you won't track down Jungkook and physically slice him".

" Ha ha ha Tae you are so funny, don't worry I won't for now. Love you too, bye".

As soon as Tae closed the door he gave a sigh of relief. He was glad that he was able to avoid a whole World War 3. What he would do to protect that man called Jungkook. 'Why does I love him so much even though he acts like a total ass at times'. Tae thought before smiling and going to his room to change into something much comfortable.