The green eyed monster 1

Unbeknownst to the trio, there was someone outside Namjoon's office, his eyes wide from what he had heard. Jimin was nothing short of shocked, his heart beating fast. He was right, all his suspisions were correct. Jungkook + Taehyung were an actual item. He had a great smile on his face for knowing that his suspisions were correct, but soon that smile faded away. He was now upset, this face contouring every piece of anger in him.

He too was also on an intership programme. He was the one that noticed the difficulties that Jungkook went through. The long working hours due to the fact that there were things that he needed to submit. The way he would drown on a 2 or 3 cups of coffee, just to keep himself awake long enough to finish. There were even days where he would work endlessly and fall asleep in the office. Jimin would be the one to wake him up and tell him to go home and freshen up, because he always arrived early. At times he would be the first one in the office.

He hoped that his suggestion would get him the position of being Jungkook's assistant, but he wouldn't have expected Namjoon to go out and find a new person, Taehyung for that matter. All the women and most of the men in the company were practically drooling for him. His good nature, innocence, and to top it up, he was damm handsome.

He had to admit that when he saw Tae walk through the enterance on that faithful day, he thought he was just like him, working as an intern in some low ranking position, never did he expect Tae to be pushed all the way to HR and Marketing Assistant. He felt highly used. He brought up the suggestion, yet nothing came for him. To make matters worse, not only did Tae steal his dream job, but he also stole his crush.

Jungkook was everyones man candy. He had the perfect body, perfect personality, and he was wealthy. Everyone would practically throw themselves at his feet. Jungkook would notice the things happening around him, but he wouldn't bat an eye, but Tae completely took his world upside down.

Jimin was brought back to reality, when he heard the sound of the door clicking. He quickly hid behind the wall next to him. As he saw Jungkook and Tae walking all full of smiles and laughter. It made him enraged.

"Kim, F*cking Taehyung, just you wait, I vow to make your life here a living nightmare, or my name isn't Park Jimin. I will take back everything you took from me. That I vow." he said this with every last ounce of fire in him. This was war between the two of them that he had just began. A silent war that Tae knew nothing of.

When the two returned to their office, Tae felt an uneasy feeling in him. His ears were itchy. He was scratching them vigorously. Jungkook looked at him wondering if he had itching power over him.

" are you alright?" he asked

"No... I think someone is cussing at me. I can feel thier hateful words, that's why my ears are itchy." Tae replied, finally calming down.

"You are telling me that you can feel when some is saying something hateful about you. Really Tae?" he said sacastically.

Well some people believe that when your eyes go itching, it means that someone is saying something hurtful about you or they are cussing at you behind your back. It is the same belief as saying that when you sneeze, it means that someone called your name. All this things are all beliefs, there has not been any scientifical evidence to prove this theories.

"Yess Kookie, I'm telling you. My hyung even said so." Tae replied.

"Fine.. I believe, you don't have to worry, I won't allow anyone do or say anything bad about you. I will protect you, that you can be sure of". said Jungkook cupping Tae's face.

"Yes my Kookie, I know".Tae said blushing.

They gave each other a sweet and passionate kiss.

"You know Tae I can't wait for this weekend. I can feel the juices". said Jungkook.

"Ugh, Kookie you are so dirty". Tae said playfully hitting his chest, before kissing him again.

Three quaters of the day had gone by. Everything was going smoothly. Tae helped Jungkook a lot that day. He caught up with his deadline and even over lapped it. This made Kookie so proud of him.

Tae went to the office kitchen to make Jungkook and him a cup of coffee. Jimin was there too. He was making his cup of Ramen. he was Tae turn on the kettle heating the water, and warming a cup of milk, that he just took out of the microwave. Jimin saw this as an opportunity to put things into motion.

As Tae bent over to pick a spoon that fell form his hands. Jimin shifted the cup of hot milk suspiciously and watched as the cup fell on Tae's back.

Tae was heard to yell. His scream was so loud, it shook waves in the building. Jungkook heard it and rushed to the kitchen. He saw Tae on the floor with a poddle of milk around him and a broken mug. Jimin was bent down trying to calm him down.

"It's okay Tae, I'm so sorry. I didn't see the cup of milk there...I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I really didn't mean it!!" Jimin kept on repeating his words.

Jungkook just went down to Tae's level practically pushing Jimin away to attend to his hurt baby. Tae's back was wet and one could see the red mark of the heat through his white shirt. He was in immerse pain as tears kept on flowing out his eyes.

"K....Kookie pl...please take me out of here. It hurts so bad. Pl....please take me away". Tae said, as the cold air of the air conditioner blew on his back, adding to the pain he was already feeling.

Jungkook glared at Jimin who had a concerned look on his face, with his hands together pleading for mercy. Jungkook just ignored him and carried his love, bridal style out of the kitchen. Everyone standing by the doorway, all made way for Jungkook to pass as they looked at Jimin who was now crying.

"I didn't mean it.....I honestly didn't see the cup there *sob* I trully am so sorry." he said as he kneelt on the floor crying his heart out.

The overlookers felt sorry for him, the saw the sincerity in his eyes, they all went to comfort him. All telling him that everything was going to be alright. Cleaning up for him while softly rubbing their hands behind him.

Jimin was pulled into a group hug by his colleagues. As he hugged them, there was a huge smirk on his face as he tought of what he just did.

'That was strike one Tae, this war just started' he thought in his mind.

Namjoon was standing nearby, he came when he heard the scream. He knew that something wasn't right about the situation.