The green eyed monster 2

Tae flinched as Jungkook applied the ointment on his back. The bruise wasn't severe, but it left a mark. Tae was quietly sobbing at the ministrations, his back felt as though he went for a full back tatoo. He was exhausted, the pain mixed with his tears left him tired. The one thing to cure him was good old rest.

"My love, I'm so sorry, I wasn't there to protect you, I let this happen to you, can you ever forgive me?" said Jungkook as he turned to look at Tae's red face, his eyes puffy from his tears, his lips shaking.

"No K..Kookie please don't blame yourself. You had nothing to do with this. I just don't understand how the milk fell down, I was sure that I put it in stable place, so even if Jimin had to knock it, it still wouldn't be able to fall, so strange. Ahh my back!!" replied Tae.

Jungkook could see that he was trying to act strong, but even a mature adult would scream at such pain.

Jungkook was very suspicious about the milk inccident, how can a milk from a highly stable surface that was flat for that matter just fall all of the sudden, by someone knocking it down? It's either that the surface was bumpy, which is highly impossible or Jimin knocked it down on purpose. But why? This Jungkook had to find out.

Namjoon walked in to find out how Tae was. He saw a big red mark on Tae's back and felt pity upon the lad. Why would someone do this to him.

"Hi Namjoon hyung, thank you for coming to check on me, but I'm fine now as long as I have my Kookie by my side. I can withstand anything". Tae said forcing a bright smile through the pain.

"That's the spirit Tae, you are indeed a fighter.....Jungkook I would like to talk to you outside."

"Is everything okay, hyung?" asked Jungkook while looking looking at Namjoon confused.

"Yeah, we just need to talk".


As they stepped outside. Namjoon's expression changed to a serious look.

"I know for a fact that you and I both know that, that inccident was no accident. I have a hunch that Jimin pushed the milk onto Tae, on purpose. Look I didn't want to tell you this in front of Tae, but last week, while Tae was recovering form his episode, Jimin came to my office asking me questions related to the both of you, first he asked why it was you looking after Tae and not Hoseok. His face changed completely after that, as much as he tried to hide it, I saw right through him. Jungkook you know for a fact that Hoseok is very protective of Tae, if he had to find out that someone even tried to touch Tae or harm him for that matter, because of you, not only will he pull Tae out of the company, but he will also take him far from Seoul and you and I plus Jimin will end up in shreds...Although I will try and investigate why Jimin would result to such measures, but until then keep your eyes on the look out".

"But do you think it's Jimin, who did this on purpose?"

"Jungkook for crying out loud, do you want me to spell it out for you, your boyfriend is wrenching in pain in there, and you are still doubting the culprit."

"Yes hyung you are right, I will be on alert."

The two then both went inside the room.

By the corner of the wall stood Jimin, eavesdropping on their conversation. He heard everything that Namjoon said. That was the first mistake he made, he underestimated Namjoon. He forgot that he was a living genius.

"So you think that, they can protect you for ever, Tae. Don't worry soon the next spill will be on your face, then we shall see how Jungkook will continue loving you". He said before returning to his office.

After minor treatment measures Tae was sent home, by one of Jungkook's drivers. Jungkook had to stay at work, due to some minor things he had to finish. This resulted in some eyes being thrown around. This was now 4 days Tae had to stay home for some reason or what, and to make matters worse, he went home in Jungkook's luxury car with an exclusive driver at his service. Many staff members were confused and suspicious as to why Tae was receiving such special treatment. Jungkook had never dropped anyone with his car, talk more of asking a driver to come pick someone up.

Jimin enjoyed seeing everyone's discomfort. This was what he needed, to make everyone see Tae as a problem.

Jungkook walked with Namjoon back to his office. He was happy that Tae went home to rest, this day was just too much for him.

"You know Jungkook, I never told you how strong your boyfriend is, Tae is really an amazing person". said Namjoon as he rested his body on his armchair.

"I know hyung, he deserves nothing but complete happiness. I can't wait to give him so much joy this weekend, he surely will enjoy it".

"What do you mean, are you taking him on a date or something?"

"No hyung. Tae asked him to make love to him, he asked me yesterday, but that would be too sudden. I want him to feel it, so I booked it for this weekend. I'm gonna pick his up from home, then we are heading straight to my parents place".

"No Jungkook don't do that. I suggest that you take him to your place. Your own house."

"What hyung, how could you, you now that I vowed never to return to that place, there are to much bad memories".

"Is that so, then why haven't you sold the house yet? Listen you were telling me about how Tae fought and decided to move on with his life. What about you? Rose left you 4 months ago for crying out loud, Jungkook. How many times are you going to kick yourself about it. If you want to prove to Tae and to yourself, that you have really forgotten her, then make love to Tae in your house, let his soul into that place, so that he can turn it from the dark and depressed place to a place full of light. Let his soul take possession of that place. Let him wash away all past memories of Rose. I believe that only then will you never go down that path of despire again".

Jungkook enjoyed telling all his worries to Namjoon, he had such wisdom that Jungkook couldn't understand. Jungkook had knowledge in the books, but Namjoon had knowledge of the mind, body and soul. He was indeed a living genius.

"Okay, you're right hyung I'll do it and did I also mention how smart you are?"

"You don't have to tell me Jungkook, I already know".

The two chuckled at each other, before Jungkook left the office. Namjoon let out a sigh of relief as he thought of Jungkook and Tae's lives. He smiled as he knew that Tae was in for a night of his life. The two of them surely deserved each other.